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Between Two Ills : Homonationalism, Gender Ideology and the Case of Denmark

This article draws on Mouffe’s theory of agonistic democracy and critique of hegemonic consensuses to examine whether and how homonationalism can come to fuel antagonisms levelled against the gender+ movements. Using discourse analysis, the article analyses the case study of Denmark, where in 2018 the anti-gender campaign openly challenged the government’s homonationalist discourse. The analysis c

Laser-driven proton acceleration from ultrathin foils with nanoholes

Structured solid targets are widely investigated to increase the energy absorption of high-power laser pulses so as to achieve efficient ion acceleration. Here we report the first experimental study of the maximum energy of proton beams accelerated from sub-micrometric foils perforated with holes of nanometric size. By showing the lack of energy enhancement in comparison to standard flat foils, ou

Minor alterations in the intestinal microbiota composition upon Rotavirus infection do not affect susceptibility to DSS colitis

Viral triggers at the intestinal mucosa can have multiple global effects on intestinal integrity, causing elevated intestinal barrier strength and relative protection from subsequent inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) induction in various models. As viruses can interfere with the intestinal immune system both directly and indirectly through commensal bacteria, cause-effect relationships are difficul

Children with Plasmodium vivax infection previously observed in Namibia, were Duffy negative and carried a c.136G > A mutation

Background: In a previous study, using a molecular approach, we reported the presence of P. vivax in Namibia. Here, we have extended our investigation to the Duffy antigen genetic profile of individuals of the same cohort with and without Plasmodium infections. Methods: Participants with P. vivax (n = 3), P. falciparum (n = 23) mono-infections and co-infections of P. vivax/P. falciparum (n = 4), a

Ultrafast Spectroelectrochemistry Reveals Photoinduced Carrier Dynamics in Positively Charged CdSe Nanocrystals

Extra charges in semiconductor nanocrystals are of paramount importance for their electrically driven optoelectronic and photovoltaic applications. Optical excitations of such charged nanocrystals lead to rapid recombinationviaan Auger process, which can deteriorate the performance of the corresponding devices. While numerous articles report trion Auger processes in negatively charged nanocrystals

“Association of mammographic features with molecular breast tumor profiles”

Purpose: Mammographic density and tumor appearance are breast cancer prognostic factors. Conceivably, mammographic features are macroscopic reflections of tumor´s molecular composition, but to an unknown extent. Our aim was to study associations of mammographic features with molecular tumor profiles. Methods: Invasive breast cancers (2007-2016) in Malmö Diet and Cancer Study (MDCS) for which there

A directed acyclic graph for interactions

BACKGROUND: Directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) are of great help when researchers try to understand the nature of causal relationships and the consequences of conditioning on different variables. One fundamental feature of causal relations that has not been incorporated into the standard DAG framework is interaction, i.e. when the effect of one variable (on a chosen scale) depends on the value that an

The Brittle-Ductile Transition in Porous Limestone : Failure Mode, Constitutive Modeling of Inelastic Deformation and Strain Localization

Understanding of the mechanics of the brittle-ductile transition (BDT) in porous limestone is significantly more challenging than for sandstone because of the lack of consistent acoustic emission activity in limestone, meaning that one must rely on alternative techniques. In this paper, we investigate systematically the failure modes in Indiana limestone using X-ray microComputed Tomography imagin

Microvesicles in plasma reflect coronary flow reserve in patients with cardiovascular disease

High levels of microvesicles (MVs), a type of extracellular vesicles, are detected in several pathological conditions. We investigated the connection between coronary flow reserve (CFR), a prognostic clinical parameter that reflects blood flow in the heart, with levels of MVs and their cargo, from plasma of patients with cardiovascular disease. The PROFLOW study consists of 220 patients with prior

Multiple integrated metabolic strategies allow foraminiferan protists to thrive in anoxic marine sediments

Oceanic deoxygenation is increasingly affecting marine ecosystems; many taxa will be severely challenged, yet certain nominally aerobic foraminifera (rhizarian protists) thrive in oxygen-depleted to anoxic, sometimes sulfidic, sediments uninhabitable to most eukaryotes. Gene expression analyses of foraminifera common to severely hypoxic or anoxic sediments identified metabolic strategies used by t

Long-term trends in income inequality: Winners and losers of economic change in Ghana, 1891–1960

This paper contributes to a growing literature on long-term trends and drivers of pre-industrial inequality by providing new stylized facts on the evolution of income inequality in Ghana from 1891 to 1960. Using newly constructed social tables, we estimate the Gini coefficient for seven consecutive decades at a time in which the adoption and expansion of cocoa cultivation transformed the Ghanaian