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Enhanced Protocatechuic Acid Production From Glucose Using Pseudomonas putida 3-Dehydroshikimate Dehydratase Expressed in a Phenylalanine-Overproducing Mutant of Escherichia coli
Protocatechuic acid (PCA) is a strong antioxidant and is also a potential platform for polymer building blocks like vanillic acid, vanillin, muconic acid, and adipic acid. This report presents a study on PCA production from glucose via the shikimate pathway precursor 3-dehydroshikimate by heterologous expression of a gene encoding 3-dehydroshikimate dehydratase in Escherichia coli. The phenylalani
Photodissociation dynamics of the diamondoid adamantane induced by attosecond XUV pulses
Adamantane is the simplest of the diamondoid molecules, which due to their high stability are of high interest both in astrophysics and nanotechnology. This work investigates the molecular photodissociation after ionization by attosecond XUV pulses. The fragmentation dynamics is inferred by means of velocity map imaging spectrometry, covariance analysis techniques and quantum chemistry calculation
Tracing the evolution of aneuploid cancers by multiregional sequencing with CRUST
Clonal deconvolution of mutational landscapes is crucial to understand the evolutionary dynamics of cancer. Two limiting factors for clonal deconvolution that have remained unresolved are variation in purity and chromosomal copy number across different samples of the same tumor. We developed a semi-supervised algorithm that tracks variant calls through multi-sample spatiotemporal tumor data. While
Advancing the implementation of nature-based solutions in cities: A review of frameworks
Nature-based solutions (NBS) can help tackle climate change and advance urban sustainability by using nature to deliver social, ecological and economic benefits. However, their success largely depend on implementation for which several barriers exist. For NBS to be meaningful in terms of delivering positive impacts in cities, we need better understanding of how implementation is embedded in NBS fr
Historiska nationalräkenskaper för Sverige: Privata tjänster och bostadsutnyttjande 1800–1980.
Historiska nationalräkenskaper för Sverige: Deflatorer för industriproduktionen 1888–1955
Computing Garsia entropy for Bernoulli convolutions with algebraic parameters
We introduce a parameter space containing all algebraic integers β ∈ (1, 2] that are not Pisot or Salem numbers, and a sequence of increasing piecewise continuous function on this parameter space which gives a lower bound for the Garsia entropy of the Bernoulli convolution ν β . This allows us to show that dimH(ν β ) = 1 for all β with representations in certain open regions of the parameter space
Patient and health system delay among TB patients in Ethiopia : Nationwide mixed method cross-sectional study
BACKGROUND: Effective tuberculosis (TB) control is the end result of improved health seeking by the community and timely provision of quality TB services by the health system. Rapid expansion of health services to the peripheries has improved access to the community. However, high cost of seeking care, stigma related TB, low index of suspicion by health care workers and lack of patient centered ca
Association between bacterial finding, antibiotic treatment and clinical course in patients with pharyngotonsillitis : a registry-based study in primary healthcare in Sweden
Background: The role of non-group A streptococci and Fusobacterium necrophorum in pharyngotonsillitis has been disputed and few prospective studies have evaluated the effect of antibiotic treatment. This study uses registry data to investigate the relation between antibiotic prescription for pharyngotonsillitis in primary healthcare and return visits for pharyngotonsillitis, complications, and ton
The Evolution of Popular Politics in Nineteenth Century Sweden and the Road from Oligarchy to Democracy
In the mid-twentieth century, Sweden distinguished itself as one of the most organized and participatory democracies in the world, with high levels of voting turnout and party membership. But in the late nineteenth century the situation was much the opposite – Sweden had for Western Europe a low degree of suffrage, and low political participation. To explain the turnaround, this paper explores ext
The History of Women's Participation at the World Kendo Championships (Part 2)
Synergistic effects of warming and eutrophication alert zooplankton predator–prey interactions along the benthic–pelagic interface
Contemporary evidence suggests that climate change and other co-occurring large-scale environmental changes, such as eutrophication, will have a considerable impact on aquatic communities. However, the interactions of these environmental changes on trophic interactions among zooplankton remain largely unknown. Here we present results of a mesocosm experiment examining how a couple of zooplankton p
Seventeenth Century French Jesuit Longitude Determinations in Asia: : The art of Rectifying Clocks
Two methods of setting clocks to show correct time during the 17th century by French Jesuits in China are investigated and their computations and accuracy are analysed. These methods were used to rectify the clocks used for timings of eclipses of the Galilean moons or for lunar eclipses that in turn were used to determine geographical longitudes by Jesuit missionaries in Siam and China. It is foun
Knee pain in young adult women- associations with muscle strength, body composition and physical activity
Background: Knee pain is studied mostly in older age groups, although in young adults it may be an indicator of future impaired musculoskeletal health. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the longitudinal association between knee pain and thigh muscle strength in young adult women and to explore the associations between muscle strength, body composition, physical activity and knee pain
Heterogeneity in independent non-executive directors' attributes and risk-taking in large banks
The extant literature suggests that complex firms can benefit from independent non-executive director (INED) quality. To address the issue of INED quality, we look at heterogeneity in the independent non-executive directors' (INEDs') attributes and explore whether this is related to risk-taking behaviour in large banks. We gather novel, hand-collected, director-level data for approximately 2400 in
A droplet acoustofluidic platform for time-controlled microbead-based reactions
Droplet microfluidics is a powerful method used to characterize chemical reactions at high throughput. Often detection is performed via in-line optical readout, which puts high demands on the detection system or makes detection of low concentration substrates challenging. Here, we have developed a droplet acoustofluidic chip for time-controlled reactions that can be combined with off-line optical
MTT and Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption within Asymptomatic Vascular WM Lesions
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: White matter lesions of presumed ischemic origin are associated with progressive cognitive impairment and impaired BBB function. Studying the longitudinal effects of white matter lesion biomarkers that measure changes in perfusion and BBB patency within white matter lesions is required for long-term studies of lesion progression. We studied perfusion and BBB disruption with
Swedish and American Lutherans Negotiate Joining the World Council
This article investigates how Nordic and American Lutherans reached an understanding over the formation of a future World Council of Churches. During the inter-war period different attitudes towards a nascent ecumenical movement developed on each side of the Atlantic. With an increasing recognition of the need to develop inter-Christian co-operative bodies, leading Nordic Lutherans tended not to f
Statin therapy is associated with epigenetic modifications in individuals with Type 2 diabetes
Aim: Statins lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. However, the exact mechanisms of statins remain unknown. We investigated whether statin therapy associates with epigenetics in Type 2 diabetes (T2D) patients. Materials & methods: DNA methylation was analyzed in blood from newly diagnosed T2D patients in All New Diabetics in Scania (ANDIS) and a replication cohort Al