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Difficult Questions and Ambivalent Answers on Genetic Testing

A qualitative pilot study on the attitudes of some citizens in southern Sweden toward predictive genetic testing – and a quantitative nation wide opinion poll targeting the same issues, was initiated by the Cultural Scientific Research Team of BAGADILICO. The latter is an international biomedical research environment on neurological disease at Lund University. The data of the two studies crystalli

How to recondition ex vivo initially rejected donor lungs for clinical transplantation: clinical experience from lund university hospital.

A major problem in clinical lung transplantation is the shortage of donor lungs. Only about 20% of donor lungs are accepted for transplantation. We have recently reported the results of the first six double lung transplantations performed with donor lungs reconditioned ex vivo that had been deemed unsuitable for transplantation by the Scandiatransplant, Eurotransplant, and UK Transplant organizati

Etnifierade polispraktiker : Hur etnicitet görs i polisers vardag

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hur många betydelser har etnicitet i polisens arbete? Diskriminering och främlingsfientlighet är kanske det första många tänker på. Men kan etnicitet innebära mer än så i polisens arbete? Och är det alltid poliserna som för in den etniska dimensionen i mötet med medborgaren? Denna etnografiska studie beskriver dussintals betydelser av etnicitet i polisens vardag. Vi möThis thesis analyzes how ethnicity is accomplished in the work of Swedish police officers. It draws on ethnographic data from participant observations and field interviews in Malmö and its theoretical framework is primarily based on ethnomethodology. Police officers – and others in their environment – are found to employ ethnicity and invoke it into interactions in a variety of ways: 1) redefining

A Stochastic Optimal Power Flow Problem With Stability Constraints - Part I: Approximating the Stability Boundary

Stochastic optimal power flow can provide the system operator with adequate strategies for controlling the power flow to maintain secure operation under stochastic parameter variations. One limitation of stochastic optimal power flow has been that only line flows have been used as security constraints. In many systems voltage stability and small-signal stability also play an important role in constrai

Curiosity and Serendipity in Qualitative Research

This presentation argues that we seldom speak of our findings in qualitative research as serendipitous, although we have splendid possibilities to make surprising findings. In order to enhance the chances and sharpen our analyses we have to read broadly but also pay attention to details in our data. We should avoid societal or scholarly conventionality, even be disobedient to recommendations, if t

Progressive resistance training after stroke: Effects on muscle strength, muscle tone, gait performance and perceived participation.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of progressive resistance training on muscle strength, muscle tone, gait performance and perceived participation after stroke. DESIGN: A randomized controlled trial. SUBJECTS: Twenty-four subjects (mean age 61 years (standard deviation 5)) 6-48 months post-stroke. METHODS: The training group (n = 15) participated in supervised progressive resistance training of t

Mördarjakt i Ystad

The actual place for the murder cases is the small town Ystad in the south of Sweden. This is the scene for the films and books about the police inspector Kurt Wallander, created by the Swedish author and playwright Henning Mankell. Ystad is also the place where a new regional centre for film production is situated, and the Wallander movies play an important part in the economic conditions of this

The one-dimensional inverse scattering problem for an increasing potential

The one-dimensional inverse scattering problem is considered for potentials that grow without limit for large values of x. The Marchenko method is established for this class of potentials, and several properties of the solution to the Schrödinger equation are developed. In the derivation of the Marchenko equation an extension of the triangularity condition is used. Some brief remarks on the relati

Hormone-sensitive lipase is necessary for normal mobilization of lipids during sub-maximal exercise.

For the working muscle there are a number of fuels available for oxidative metabolism, including glycogen, glucose and non-esterified fatty acids. Non-esterified fatty acids originate from lipolysis in white adipose tissue, from hydrolysis of VLDL-triglycerides or from hydrolysis of intramyocellular triglyceride stores. A key enzyme in the mobilization of fatty acids from intracellular lipid store

Artrosskola i primärvården. Pilotstudie av 14 ars erfarenheter från Malmö.

Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the major diseases. Physical activity has shown to have positive effects on joint cartilage and on function as well as to reduce pain among patients with OA. Patient education is one way to increase knowledge about the disease and how to cope with it. Patient education, distributed to OA-patients by a multidisciplinary team in primary health care has been used success