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Konstruktioner av moderskap och faderskap: En kvalitativ studie om hur föreställningar om moderskap och faderskap interagerar med andra bedömningskriterier på Familjerätten

The aim of our study was to examine how concepts of motherhood and fatherhood interact with other determining factors in child custody investigations. Emanating from our own work experience in social work, we began to consider the prevalent values surrounding parenting, in particular, those terms related to motherhood and fatherhood. Thus our central issues of examination are which assessment crit

"Man känner sig behövd liksom" En undersökning om kuratorer inom gymnasiesärskolan

Author: Ebba Hedström Title: ”You feel useful” – A studie about counsellers work in the school for children with intellectual disabilities [translated title] This study concerns the councellors work with children in special programs for pupils with intellectual disabilities. The purpose was to se how counceller work with the children in special programs for pupils with intellectual disibilities.

Det ömsesidiga utbytet - en studie om motiv och drivkrafter bakom frivilligt socialt arbete

More than half of the swedish population is engaged in voluntary work and about 600 million hours are spent each year in various kinds of non-profit work. The purpose of this study is to qualitatively investigate the motives and incitements for commitment to voluntary work. The main question in this essay regards why people are involved in voluntary work. What are the motives and incitements for t

Dans som behandlingsmetod

Fulltext är ej tillgänglig i elektronisk form. För lån/kopia av tryckt uppsats kontakta Medicinska fakultetens bibliotek, Lunds universitet