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Your search for "*" yielded 531940 hits

Community adaptation to temperature explains abrupt soil bacterial community shift along a geothermal gradient on Iceland

Understanding how and why soil microbial communities respond to temperature changes is important for understanding the drivers of microbial distribution and abundance. Studying soil microbe responses to warming is often made difficult by concurrent warming effects on soil and vegetation and by a limited number of warming levels preventing the detection of non-linear effects. A unique area in Icela

Molecular dynamics simulations of nanometric cutting of single crystal copper sheets using a diamond tool

Nanometric cutting of a single crystal copper workpiece of different crystallographic orientations by a stiff cylindrical cubic diamond tool has been investigated by MD simulations using the freeware LAMMPS. The chip evolves during the cutting process and forms depending on crystal orientation, cutting velocity and tool geometry. It was found that no significant difference in the cutting force mag

Error propagation in nuclear models

In this thesis we perform error analysis of a nuclear model based on density-functional theory developed in Lund. The Lund model allows us to perform calculations of nuclear spectra more efficiently by constructing a simple effective Hamiltonian reproducing the quadrupole deformation and pairing interaction strength parameters of a spherical Hartree-Fock reference functional. This constraining of

A systems approach to accident investigation: Does it evoke systems thinking in organizations?

As systems become increasingly more complex, it is doubtful that conventional models of accident investigation can provide insight into accidents which occur in these complex systems. In safety science this problem has been recognized, and accident models using a systems approach have been developed to illuminate these complex systems. However, they have not been widely applied in the railway sect

The complexity of linguistic complexity: a corpus-based study on development of phrasal complexity in written L2-Swedish

The aim of this study was to establish whether or not a development of the complexity of the noun phrase, i.e. an increase in noun phrase elaboration could be observed in written L2 Swedish over time. To provide an insight to said development, three on L2 English previously tested and strongly correlating phrasal complexity measures, MLNP, MNPDep and WNPCx (Bulté 2013), were employed. A fourth mea

Prospects of GPU Tensor Core Correlation for the SMA and the ngEHT

Building on the base of the existing telescopes of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) and ALMA, the next-generation EHT (ngEHT) aspires to deploy ∼10 more stations. The ngEHT targets an angular resolution of ∼15 microarcseconds. This resolution is achieved using Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) at the shortest radio wavelengths ∼1 mm. The Submillimeter Array (SMA) is both a standalone radio

Kriteriet hederligt levnadssätt i 11 § femte punkten MedbL i ett rättshistoriskt perspektiv

Medborgarskap är en viktig status för individen. Medborgarskap innebär både rättigheter och skyldigheter för staten och för individen. Att byta och förvärva ett nytt medborgarskap är en stor ockasion i en persons liv. Denna uppsats kommer att granska kriteriet hederligt levnadssätt som återfinns i 11 § femte punkten MedbL. Intressant nog har detta kriterium utvecklats främst genom praxis. Denna uCitizenship is an essential status for an individual. It entails both rights and obligations for both the state and the individual. To change and gain new citi-zenship is a monumental occasion in an individual’s life. This essay will ex-plore the criterium of honorable living within the 11 § fifth point in the Swe-dish citizenship law. Interestingly enough, this one has chiefly developed through

Akut effekt på dynamisk styrka, upplevd ansträngning och allmänt välmående efter kallvattenexponering

Bakgrund: Det finns teorier för att exponering av kyla har påverkan på både välmående och prestation i muskelarbete i positiv bemärkning. Det finns dock begränsad forskning som kan stärka detta. Syfte: Syftet med studien blev härmed att undersöka om dynamisk styrka påverkas av att akut ha exponerats för kallvatten innan prestation. Syftet är också att mäta den subjektiva ansträngningen av prestati

Evidens för Fysisk aktivitet på Recept för barn och ungdomar med cerebral pares, autism eller intellektuell funktionsnedsättning i ett internationellt perspektiv: en kartläggande litteraturöversikt

Fysisk aktivitet på recept (FaR) har visat sig ha flera goda effekter för personer som är otillräckligt fysiskt aktiva, där ökad fysisk aktivitetsnivå, förbättrad hälsorelaterad livskvalité och positiva livsstilsförändringar är exempel på sådana effekter. Barn och ungdomar med cerebral pares, autism och intellektuella funktionsnedsättningar är generellt mindre fysisk aktiva och löper större risk ä

Konsumtionsmönster och sociala normer

Titel: Konsumtionsmönster och sociala normer: En kvalitativ undersökning av hur sociala faktorer påverkar personers val och attityder till snus. Seminariedatum: 2023-01-11 Kurs: FEKH29, Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå Författare: Emelie Ånäs, Marcus Kusiak, Märta Leander-Pehrson Handledare: Clara Gustafsson Nyckelord: Consumer culture theory, Identity projects, IdenTitle: Consumption patterns and social norms: A qualitative investigation of how social factors influence people's choices and attitudes towards snus Seminar date: 2023-01-11 Course: FEKH29, Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå Authors: Emelie Ånäs, Marcus Kusiak, Märta Leander-Pehrson Advisor: Clara Gustafsson Keywords: Consumer culture theory, Identity projects, Id

Filler size effect in an attractive fibrillated network : A structural and rheological perspective

The effect of the filler size on the structural and mechanical properties of an attractive fibrillated network composed of oxidised cellulose nanofibrils (OCNF) in water was investigated. Silica nanoparticles with a diameter of ca. 5 nm (SiNp5) and and ca. 158 nm (SiNp158) were chosen as non-interacting fillers of the OCNF network. These filler sizes were chosen, respectively, to have a particle s

En jämförande studie av två olika instrument för mätning av isometrisk styrka i nedre extremitet

Bakgrund Handhållen dynamometer (HHD) är ett instrument som inom fysioterapi används för att mäta muskelstyrka. Mätinstrumentets reliabilitet och validitet har undersökts och fastställts under de senaste decennierna, men få studier har jämfört olika typer och modeller med varandra. Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med denna studie är att jämföra en tryck-HHD (Echo Wireless Muscle Tester) med en d

Bacteriophage M13 Aggregation on a Microhole Poly(ethylene terephthalate) Substrate Produces an Anionic Current Rectifier : Sensitivity toward Anionic versus Cationic Guests

Bacteriophage material (M13, wild-type) deposited as a film onto a poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) substrate (6 μm thick with a 20 μm diameter laser-drilled microhole) has been investigated for ion conductivity and ionic current rectification effects for potential applications in membranes. The M13 aggregate membrane forms under acidic conditions (in aqueous 10 mM acids) and behaves like a micr

Influence of Aromatic Structure on the Thermal Behaviour of Lignin

Lignin, a natural biopolymer and abundant by-product, is a particularly promising feedstock for carbon-based materials and a potentially sustainable alternative to phenolic resins, which are typically derived from crude oil. The source and method used to isolate lignin have a large impact on the thermal properties of the polymer, and can affect resultant materials prepared from lignin. Previous in

Energi, klimat och kultur -en idéanalys av den politiska energi- och klimatdebatten i Sverige

This study aims to examine the energy discourse and how it has changed in the Swedish climate debate through analyzing the closing debates prior the election of the Swedish government from Sveriges Television (SVT). The study also aspires to illuminate how sociocultural ideas of energy, climate and ways of living effects the discourse in the climate debate. The analytical framework is descriptive

Suveräna pengar + Nerväxt = Sant?

A fundamental restructuring of the economic system is a necessary step toward a truly sustainable society. To make this possible, new policy proposals within the economic sector need to be developed and existing ones analysed, with potential for improvement brought up. This thesis investigates how well the proposal of Sovereign Money in Sweden correlates with the aims of degrowth. Using four princ

Influence of levofloxacin and clarithromycin on the structure of DPPC monolayers

Research on lipid/drug interactions at the nanoscale underpins the emergence of synergistic mechanisms for topical drug administration. The structural understanding of bio-mimetic systems employing 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) as a lung surfactant model mixed with antibiotics, as well as their biophysical properties, is of critical importance to modulate the effectiveness of