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Kom med på en flygtur : En reflektion över djursbetydelse för retoriken

I denna korta essä påminner om djurets särskilda ställning i retorikteori, från fabeldjur till en metafor för retorisk kraft. Jag började mitt sökande i klassiska texter som fabler. Här används djur i metaforisk mening för att synliggöra mänskliga dilemman. I vår tid, med ett posthumanistiskt krav på att omvärdera vår relation till det andra räcker dock inte detta antropocentriska perspektiv på dj

Masking the Past, Legitimizing the Present : State-Making and Precariatization in the Agro-Industrial Landscape, Colombia

History is written by the powerful. Representations of the past are framed within the structures of the dominant institutions today, and other pasts – those of the enslaved, the marginalised, the disenfranchised – are often suppressed. Drawing of Eric Wolf’s Europe and the People Without History, this chapter explores how the fertile lands of the Cauca Valley, Colombia, have been transformed into

Drawing the Line: Evaluation, Boundary Work, and Boundary Objects in a New Discipline

Artistic research—research carried out by artists, through artistic practice—displays the markers of a burgeoning academic discipline. Dominant perspectives on research cultures would therefore predict that practitioners’ boundary work would play a decisive role in the development of this field. But when binary understandings come up against multiplex meanings, when and how do binaries matter? Foc

Path tracing in the study of agency and structures : Methodological considerations

Despite the rapidly expanding literature on agency in regional development, the methodological approaches available to study it have not followed theoretical development and empirical studies. This article aims to shed light on methodological issues related to the study of path dependence, path creation and agency. The article’s main purpose is to construct a methodology - path tracing - that woul

Impact of Methane and Hydrogen-Enriched Methane Pilot Injection on the Surface Temperature of a Scaled-Down Burner Nozzle Measured Using Phosphor Thermometry

The surface temperature of a burner nozzle using three different pilot hardware configurations was measured using lifetime phosphor thermometry with the ZnS:Ag phosphor in a gas turbine model combustor designed to mimic the Siemens DLE (Dry Low Emission) burner. The three pilot hardware configurations included a non-premixed pilot injection setup and two partially premixed pilot injections where o

Steel decarbonization in China–a top-down optimization model for exploring the first steps

The steel industry is a major contributor to emissions of CO2 and key air pollutants. Reducing air pollution has since long been a policy priority in China. Reducing CO2 emissions has more recently also become a key priority partially manifested through the signing of the Paris Agreement in 2015. Although there are often synergies between reducing CO2 emissions and air pollution, it may have impli

PFAS in the Drinking Water Source: Analysis of the Contamination Levels, Origin and Emission Rates

Groundwater contamination caused by the use of the aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) containing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) was investigated in southern Sweden. ΣPFAS concentrations in groundwater ranged between 20 and 20,000 ng L−1; PFAS composition was primarily represented by PFOS and PFHxS. The PFAS chain length was suggested to have an impact on the contaminant distribution and

Ghost Installation: Kafferepet

Ghost Installation Kafferepet is one of several "Ghost Installation" compositions in the project. Using small, consumer grade speakers and looping sound collage files, these sound installation compositions are placed in multichannel arrays into the sites they address.Ghost Installation: Kafferepet was installed outside the former site of the Kafferepet konditori (traditional Swedish coffee house),

Reaktorhallen: Violin Solo

In 2021, I had a residency in "Reaktorhallen" (The Reactor Hall, or "R1"), a former nuclear reactor hall on the campus of Kunliga Tekniska Högskolan (the Royal Institute of Technology, or "KTH"). I was there to make a work for the Skandia organ, a former cinema organ that is housed in R1. I also worked with the violin in the space, and played an improvisation from this material on the concert I di

Endogenous incretin levels and risk of first incident cancer: a prospective cohort study

Concerns have been raised regarding a potentially increased risk of cancer associated with treatment with glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists. Here, we explored whether fasting and oral glucose tolerance test post-challenge glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (GIP) and GLP-1 levels were associated with incident first cancer. Within the cardiovascular re-examination arm of the po

Sustainable greenhouse systems - The potential of microorganisms

Due to the high input of means of production and productivity, environmental issues have been highlighted in horticulture for some years. They concern the impact of horticultural production systems on the environment in a narrow (i.e., occupational, crop) and broader (CO2 emission, nutrient leakage, chemical pollution) sense. In all production systems, multiple plant-microbial interactions occur.

A Rapid, Simple, and Standardized Homogenization Method to Prepare Antigen/Adjuvant Emulsions for Inducing Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis

Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) shares similar immunological and clinical features with multiple sclerosis (MS), and is therefore widely used as a model to identify new drug targets for better patient treatment. MS is characterized by several different disease courses: relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS), primary progressive MS (PPMS), secondary progressive MS (SPMS), and a rare progress