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Den kosmopolitiska blicken: reflektioner och kritik

This essay is a study conducted within the global political theory branch of political science. The essay’s main concern is that of cosmopolitan imaginations, in this case illustrated by Ulrich Beck’s concept the cosmopolitan outlook. The purpose of this essay is firstly to interpret the idea of the cosmopolitan outlook and show the significance that a cosmopolitan outlook may have for the emergen

The Disciplinary Power of the European Court of Justice

Abstract To consider judicial institutions free from any form of political capability is to ignore theories such as judicialization which have described the process and/or ability to secure political needs through judicial procedures. Judicial institutions can thus be regarded as having both judicial and political power. This power can be described through the concept of discipline, which entail

På spaning efter den tid som förestår

The biopolitical agenda hosts some of the most heated debates in the current political situation. Despite the fact that it is a field of growing relevance for society, few have heard of the ideologies and idéas that constitute biopolitics. This might be explained by the insight that biopolitics is still breaking relatively new political ground. As we slowly progress towards the future, the import

Bränder och stenkastning i Herrgården

The purpose of this thesis is to demonstrate how the theory of collective efficacy can be used to increase our understanding of why boys and young men attack the police and construct fires in arson attacks under riot like circumstances in the subarea Herrgården of Rosengård in the city of Malmö, Sweden. The theory is applied through a comparative case study where a total of 62 interviews were perf

Barn i Sveriges väntrum - en studie om mottagandesituationen för ensamkommande barn

The purpose of this paper is to scrutinize the situation of the reception of unaccompanied children in Sweden and whether they get their rights satisfied during the asylum process. To see the phenomenon through different aspects the paper consists of legal, political and psychological perspective. In the search of an answer to my questions a description about how Swedish authorities working with u

NATO -En studie av förhållandet mellan NATO:s policy och teorin om rättfärdigat krig

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka hur NATO:s policydokument förhåller sig till jus ad bellum som det formuleras i teorin om rättfärdigat krig. Då den moderna folkrätten inte verkar ta upp alla krigsföring som förs idag har de teologisk- etiska argumenten kommit tillbaka. Detta har lett till att den här uppsatsen är utformad som den är. Utifrån kartläggningen av det empiriska materialet

Kroppar i nationens tjänst: en studie av statens kontroll av patologiserade kroppars reproduktion

This is a study of the Swedish governments control over pathologicalized bodies. I have carried out a genealogical analysis of Swedish government official reports concerning forced sterilizations. The purpose of the study was to find out in which ways the Swedish government controls and restricts “certain kinds” of bodies when it comes to reproduction. With theoretical influences from Judith Butle

Smitten and Bitten: en diskursanalys av bokserien Twilight ur ett genusperspektiv

I denna studie har jag undersökt genuskonstruktionerna i Stephanie Meyers fyra böcker; Twilight (2005), New Moon (2006) Eclipse (2007) och Breaking Dawn (2008). Det teoretiska ramverket består av Judith Butlers teorier om den heterosexuella matrisen och perfomativitet, Gayle S Rubin och Michel Foucaults teorier om sexualitet som något historiskt konstruerat samt Laura Mulveys teori om ”The Male GaIn this essay I have studied gender constructions in Stephanie Meyers four books; Twilight (2005), New Moon (2006) Eclipse (2007) and Breaking Dawn (2008). My theory frame consists of Judith Butlers theory about the heterosexual matrix and performance, Gayle S Rubin and Michel Foucaults theory about sexuality as something historically constructed and Laura Mulvey´s theory about the “male gaze”. My

"Living While Latino"- Begreppet rasprofilering, Arizonas nya immigrationslag och Mänskliga rättigheter

Racial Profiling is a phenomenon which does not have an accepted definition but most researchers use the term as the inappropriate use of race as an indicator of potential criminal behavior in the work of the police. In April this year the state of Arizona enacted a new immigration law that allows the local police to arrest a person without a warrant if the officer has a probable cause to believe

Freedom of Religion in Sudan : Conditions for Freedom of Religion after the Comprehensive Peace Agreement

The purpose with this essay is to investigate if there are conditions for freedom of religion in Sudan after the Comprehensive Peace Agreement of 2005. My methodology is to investigate the question of religions liberty in Sudan on the basis of three social levels: state level, religious actors and individual- level. I will use Cole Durham’s comparative Model for analyzing religions liberty and app

Ser du mig - Alltså finns jag: i offentlighetens ljus till varje pris?

Denna uppsats kommer undersöka vad Facebook har för inverkan på gränsen mellan privat och offentligt. Virtuell kommunikation gör att man kan välja att visa valda delar av sin personlighet och detta behöver inte betyda att man är ärlig i sitt framträdande. Därför valde vi att undersöka hur ens framträdande påverkas i denna offentliga miljö och vilka risker detta medför. Dessutom undrar vi varför ma

Grupprelaterade skillnader och risken för konflikt i Indien

India is the home of over 1 billion people and is a mixture of ethnicities, religions, languages, castes and tribes. In the 1980’s the country was one of the poorest countries in the world but during the last twenty years India has gone through a huge economic growth, bigger than the world had ever seen before. According to these measures, India has no similarity with any other country in the worl

Politiskt Inkorrekt

Syftet med denna uppsats är att närmare granska hemsidan Politiskt Inkorrekt, och hur de rapporterar nyheter. Till grund för detta ämnar vi att använda traditionella medier som jämförelseverktyg för att se om skillnader finns. Fokus ligger på olikheter hur de försöker sätta allmänhetens dagordning för kriminaljournalistik och huruvida de följer eller bryter mot pressetiska regler. De mest utmärkan

Konceptutveckling av en automat för hälsosamma drycker

The assignment, provided by Healthydrinks, was to develop a concept on an automat that delivered healthy drinks. According to a survey many believed the choice of beverage affected the health directly or indirectly and the majority would pay extra if the drink contained the recommended daily intake of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. This indicated that there was an interest in healthy drinks.

Den moderna samhällsordningens problem - Hobbes, Smith och Modern social imaginaries

In this thesis a problem in modern social order and the problem of the order are discussed. The aim of the thesis is to present a well-founded hypothesis regarding a problem in the modern society, by answering the question ”In which situation does the problem of the order remain unsolvable?” The problem of the order incorporates the difficulty in getting a large number of individuals to co-operate

Neo-fundamentalist radicalization in Europe - motivational factors and causal mechanisms

The overall purpose of this thesis is to examine the motivational factors and causal machanisms behind the Islamist radicalization taking place in Europe among European Muslims. The ontological position is influenced by causal realism, and I have a strategic-relational approach concerning structure and agency. The thesis is divided into three levels of analysis. On the first level of analysis I c

The United Nations, Intelligence and Peacekeeping

The end of the Cold War marked the ending of an era of a bipolar rivalry, but it also brought about a new set of challenges for policymakers and national intelligence agencies. One of these new challenges is sharing sensitive information with states and actors outside comfortable alliances, whilst countering a myriad of asymmetric, often low-level type of security threats. Implementation of intell

Skolans stöd till barn som förlorat en närstående - En kvalitativ undersökning ur skolkuratorns perpektiv

ABSTRACT Author: Daniel Palm Title: The support from school to children that lost an intimate – A qualitative survey from the perspective of school welfare officers. Supervisor: Anna Angelin Assessor: Maria Bangura Arvidsson The purpose of this essay is to investigate which support the school and school welfare officers can offer to children who have lost an intimate. The study is based on qual

Konstruktioner av moderskap och faderskap: En kvalitativ studie om hur föreställningar om moderskap och faderskap interagerar med andra bedömningskriterier på Familjerätten

The aim of our study was to examine how concepts of motherhood and fatherhood interact with other determining factors in child custody investigations. Emanating from our own work experience in social work, we began to consider the prevalent values surrounding parenting, in particular, those terms related to motherhood and fatherhood. Thus our central issues of examination are which assessment crit