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Prescription of antibiotic agents in Swedish intensive care units is empiric and precise.

Since the prescription of antibiotics in the hospital setting is often empiric, particularly in the critically ill, and therefore fraught with potential error, we analysed the use of antibiotic agents in Swedish intensive care units (ICUs). We examined indications for antibiotic treatment, agents and dosage prescribed among 393 patients admitted to 23 ICUs at 7 tertiary care centres, 11 secondary

Nonlinear homogenization for topology optimization

Non-linear homogenization of hyperelastic materials is reviewed and adapted to topology optimization. The homogenization is based on the method of multiscale virtual power in which the unit cell is subjected to either macroscopic deformation gradients or equivalently to Bloch type displacement boundary conditions. A detailed discussion regarding domain symmetry of the unit cell and its effect on u

Towards eye tracking as a support tool for pilot training and assessment

A key challenge in pilot training and performance assessment is the lack of insight into pilot visual behavior. Without this, it is difficult for an instructor to assess, e.g., whether pilots fail because they did not monitor the instruments or because they did not act on them, and whether pilots comply with monitoring aspects of the Standard Operating Procedures. Eye tracking provides the opportu

Antibiotic susceptibility patterns and clones of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Swedish ICUs

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is 1 of the bacteria most adaptive to anti-bacterial treatment. Previous studies have shown nosocomial spread and transmission of clonal strains of P. aeruginosa in European hospitals. In this study we investigated antibiotic susceptibility and clonality in 101 P. aeruginosa isolates from 88 patients admitted to 8 Swedish ICUs during 2002. We also compared phenotypes and gen

X-Ray Dark-Field Imaging of Lung Cancer in Mice

Lung cancer accounts for 1.6 million deaths per year worldwide. The majority of patients are diagnosed at advanced stages of the disease and often present with metastasis. Thus, the 5-year survival rate of lung cancer remains around 15%. Early diagnosis of lung cancer allows for better control of the disease with 5-year survival rates up to around 70%. Chest radiography is the most common techniqu

Risk of colorectal cancer following CT-verified acute diverticulitis -a nationwide population-based cohort study

AIM: Routine colonoscopy to exclude colorectal cancer (CRC) after CT-verified acute diverticulitis is controversial. This study aimed to compare the incidence of CRC in acute diverticulitis patients with that in the general population. METHOD: Patients with an emergency admission for diverticular disease, to any Norwegian hospital, between January 1st , 2008 and December 31st , 2010 were included

Innovation for What? Unpacking the Role of Innovation for Weak and Strong Sustainability

This perspective paper aims to contribute to current discussions aboutresponsible innovation and innovation systems for sustainability. Thepaper interrogates the purposes of innovation and its role in sustainabledevelopment. It reflects on the differences between adopting weak orstrong sustainability as the final goal in terms of innovation andinnovation systems. At a meta level, it aims to bring

Computer-aided optimization of complex processes in production systems and urban environments

Visst vore det fint om vi kunde producera nödvändiga kemikalier mer effektivt, förse alla människor med de läkemedel de behöver till en lägre kostnad än vad som är möjligt idag, och förhindra översvämningar i stadsmiljö? Men vad har dessa tre ting gemensamt, egentligen? Jo, att man kan optimera de olika processer som ligger bakom alla tre! Processer finns i princip överallt i världen, komplexa som eComplex processes can be seen as a series of actions, changes, and/or events that are related in different temporospatial manners, and thus are potentially difficult to understand. Optimizing such a process is therefore not necessarily a simple feat, and doing it experimentally may become both time-consuming and expensive. Computer-aided optimization therefore lends itself as a viable alternative,

Association of Genomic Domains in BRCA1 and BRCA2 with Prostate Cancer Risk and Aggressiveness

Pathogenic sequence variants (PSV) in BRCA1 or BRCA2 (BRCA1/2) are associated with increased risk and severity of prostate cancer. We evaluated whether PSVs in BRCA1/2 were associated with risk of overall prostate cancer or high grade (Gleason 8+) prostate cancer using an international sample of 65 BRCA1 and 171 BRCA2 male PSV carriers with prostate cancer, and 3,388 BRCA1 and 2,880 BRCA2 male PSV

Prompt hadroproduction of ηc(1S, 2S) in the kT-factorization approach

In this work, we present a thorough analysis of ηc(1S, 2S) quarkonia hadroproduction in k⊥-factorisation in the framework of the light-front potential approach for the quarkonium wave function. The off-shell matrix elements for the g*g*ηc(1S, 2S) vertices are derived. We discuss the importance of taking into account the gluon virtualities. We present the transverse momentum distributions of ηc for

The value of travel guidebooks in the digital age

Travel guidebooks are both travel information channels and objects of consumption. In contemporary tourism, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) make information abundant and mostly free of charge. Therefore, as tourists still buy them, there must be something that makes guidebooks a valuable object. This research aims at understanding the value of travel guidebooks in the digital age.

Determination of the Distance Between the Cytochrome and Dehydrogenase Domains of Immobilized Cellobiose Dehydrogenase by Using Surface Plasmon Resonance with a Center of Mass Based Model

Changes in the tertiary conformation of adsorbed biomolecules can induce detectable shifts (Δθr) in the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) angle. Here it is shown how to calculate the corresponding shifts in the adsorbate's center of mass (Δzavg) along the sensing surface normal from the measured Δθr. The novel developed model was used for determining the mean distance between the cytochrome (CYT) an

A Multidimensional Latent Class Analysis of Harmful Alcohol Use Among Older Adults : Subtypes Within the Swedish Addiction Severity Index Registry

Objectives: The present study aimed to identify multidimensional typologies of harmful alcohol use based on the Swedish Addiction Severity Index (ASI) assessment data on individuals aged 50 years and above.Methods: Latent class analysis examined 11 indicators from ASI data on 1747 individuals (men = 1255, women = 492) who reported they were troubled by alcohol problem at least one day in the past

Personnel response in intensive care units

Previous studies indicate that the sound environments normally present at hospitals in general and intensive care units in particular, may pose a risk for prolonged patient recovery and for the personnel, disruption of concentration, increased tiredness and possibly more errors. As part of a larger study of the effects of the sound environment in intensive care units (ICU), personnel response was