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Common pitfalls in the interpretation of electrocardiograms from patients with acute coronary syndromes with narrow QRS: a consensus report

Acute coronary syndromes (ACS) with narrow QRS are divided into 2 groups: ST-elevation ACS that requires emergency percutaneous coronary intervention, and non-ST elevation ACS. The classification of ACS into these 2 groups is not always straightforward. In this document, we discuss several electrocardiogram patterns of acute ischemia that are often misinterpreted. We suggest that any new recommend

Recommendation to increase the test concentration of methylchloroisothiazolinone/methylisothiazolinone in the European baseline patch test series - on behalf of the European Society of Contact Dermatitis and the European Environmental and Contact Dermatitis Research Group.

Methylchloroisothiazolinone (MCI)/methylisothiazolinone (MI) in aqua is present in the European baseline patch test series at 100 ppm, whereas 200 ppm has been used in Sweden since 1986, in Spain in the late 1980s, and, in recent years, also in the United Kingdom and Ireland.

3D-GIS as a Platform for Visual Analysis : Investigating a Pompeian House

The aim of the present work is to introduce an innovative framework for employing 3D-GIS as an exploratory platform to perform visual analysis. Such a methodology is aimed at detecting patterns of visibility to simulate the past human perception of specific categories of artifacts placed inside a virtually reconstructed three-dimensional space. As a case study, the house of Caecilius Iucundus in P

Replication of an experiment on linguistic tool support for consolidation of requirements from multiple sources

Large market-driven software companies continuously receive large numbers of requirements and change requests from multiple sources. The task of analyzing those requests against each other and against already analyzed or implemented functionality then recording similarities between them, also called the requirements consolidation task, may be challenging and time consuming. This paper presents a r

Essentials of Nursing Care in Randomized Controlled Trials of Nurse-Led Interventions in Somatic Care: A Systematic Review

Background: Nursing practice has to contribute to evidence pointing out why there is a need for more nurse-designed randomized control trials (RCTs) focusing on evidence-based practice (EBP).How far this EBP has progressed in different health aspects is usually established by systematic reviews of RCTs. Nurse-led RCTs exist but no study has addressed the essentials of nursing care. Aim: The aim wa

European Society of Contact Dermatitis guideline for diagnostic patch testing - recommendations on best practice.

The present guideline summarizes all aspects of patch testing for the diagnosis of contact allergy in patients suspected of suffering, or having been suffering, from allergic contact dermatitis or other delayed-type hypersensitivity skin and mucosal conditions. Sections with brief descriptions and discussions of different pertinent topics are followed by a highlighted short practical recommendatio

A conceptual framework for SPI evaluation

Software Process Improvement (SPI) encompasses the analysis and modification of the processes within software development, aimed at improving key areas that contribute to the organizations' goals. The task of evaluating whether the selected improvement path meets these goals is challenging. On the basis of the results of a systematic literature review on SPI measurement and evaluation practices, w

The clinicopathological and gene expression patterns associated with ulceration of primary melanoma

Ulceration of primary melanomas is associated with poor prognosis yet is reported to predict benefit from adjuvant interferon. To better understand the biological processes involved, clinicopathological factors associated with ulceration were determined in 1804 patients. From this cohort, 348 primary tumor blocks were sampled to generate gene expression data using a 502-gene cancer panel and 195 b

Trends in the first decade of 21st century healthcare utilisation in a rheumatoid arthritis cohort compared with the general population.

PURPOSE: To study 21st century trends in healthcare utilisation by patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) compared with the general population. METHODS: Observational cohort study. Using Swedish healthcare register data, we identified 3977 Region Skåne residents (mean age in 2001, 62.7 years; 73% women) presenting with RA (International Classification of Diseases-10 codes M05 or M06) in 1998-2001

Subsequent brain tumors in patients with autoimmune disease.

BackgroundPrevious studies have reported increased risk of brain tumors after allergic conditions, but no systematic analyses of these tumors in patients with autoimmune disease (AId) have been performed. No data are available on survival among patients with AId from brain tumors. We analyzed systematically risks and survival in histological types of brain tumors among patients who received a diag

Analysis of Porosity and Tortuosity in a 2D Selected Region of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Cathode Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method

The solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) is one of the most promising devices for getting electrical energy. There are a lot of advantages in the use of SOFCs such as their efficiency, higher electrical and thermal power production and reduction of the emission of polluting gases. Modeling the SOFC at downscale is one of the most important challenges in fuel cell (FC) research. Knowing the behavior of mat

Evaluating the performance of commonly used gas analysers for methane eddy covariance flux measurements: the InGOS inter-comparison field experiment

The performance of eight fast-response methane (CH4) gas analysers suitable for eddy covariance flux measurements were tested at a grassland site near the Cabauw tall tower (Netherlands) during June 2012. The instruments were positioned close to each other in order to minimise the effect of varying turbulent conditions. The moderate CH4 fluxes observed at the location, of the order of 25 nmol m(-2

Ionic bonding in free nanoscale NaCl clusters as seen by photoelectron spectroscopy

The free neutral nanoscale NaCl clusters have been produced in a beam and studied with x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. High resolution spectra simultaneously containing cluster and molecular-monomer, featuring in both the valence and core-level Na 2p and Cl 2p regions, have been obtained. Cluster-level energy shifts of around 3 eV toward lower binding energy for Na 2p and approximate to 1 eV tow

C6 peptide ELISA test in the serodiagnosis of Lyme borreliosis in Sweden

The aim of this study was to evaluate the synthetic C6 peptide test as a first-line test in a two-tiered scheme for Borrelia serology in a clinically well-characterized population of patients with Lyme borreliosis in Kalmar County, Sweden. The study population consisted of a prospective group (n=200), a control group (n=255), and a retrospective group (n=29). The test panel consisted of the Immune

Policyspridning som översättning : Den politiska översättningen av metadonbehandling och husläkare i Sverige

Popular Abstract in Swedish Idag använder många offentliga beslutsfattare en stor andel av sin tid åt att söka introducera nya policies, program och tekniker. Medborgerligt missnöje med offentlig service och offentliga sparbeting gör att många beslutsfattare verkar i en turbulent omvärld, där förändringstrycket är stort. Impulser till policyförändring kan komma från många olika håll. I min studie This thesis discusses an alternative to the conventional policy diffusion approach, i.e. the social constructivist translation perspective. Within the translation perspective, policy diffusion is defined as a process where meaning is constructed by temporally and spatially disembedding policy ideas from their previous context and using them as models for policy change in a new context. This brings

Electrical properties of GaSb/InAsSb core/shell nanowires

Temperature dependent electronic properties of GaSb/InAsSb core/shell and GaSb nanowires have been studied. Results from two-probe and four-probe measurements are compared to distinguish between extrinsic (contact-related) and intrinsic (nanowire) properties. It is found that a thin (2-3 nm) InAsSb shell allows low barrier charge carrier injection to the GaSb core, and that the presence of the she