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Odorant receptor orthologues in conifer-feeding beetles display conserved responses to ecologically relevant odours

Insects are able to detect a plethora of olfactory cues using a divergent family of odorant receptors (ORs). Despite the divergent nature of this family, related species frequently express several evolutionarily conserved OR orthologues. In the largest order of insects, Coleoptera, it remains unknown whether OR orthologues have conserved or divergent functions in different species. Using HEK293 ce

Kort om kvinnor och narkotika

I tidigare forskning om narkotika har kvinnor oftast setts som offer och medhjälpare till män, men det finns relativt lite kunskap om hur kvinnor som begår narkotikabrott agerar och resonerar kring sina upplevelser. Syftet med denna rapport är att fånga hur kvinnorna själva förklarar hur och varför de började, fortsatte och i vissa fall slutade eller fortsatt att hantera narkotika.

Graduates of venture creation programs - where do they apply their entrepreneurial competencies?

The assessment of entrepreneurship education outcomes should move beyond a focus on firm creation and associated economic impact to consider a more nuanced view that pays attention to graduates and their entrepreneurial competencies. There is currently limited understanding to what extent entrepreneurial competencies developed through entrepreneurship education are applied in graduates’ subsequent

Wiggler radiation at a low-emittance storage ring and its usage for X-ray absorption spectroscopy

Awiggler is a high-power insertion device that was used in the past to produce a smooth wide-band X-ray spectrum. It is widely believed that on low-emittance synchrotrons this X-ray source loses its spatial and spectral homogeneity and therefore becomes less ideal than a scanning undulator. In this paper, we report on experimental and computational studies of an in-vacuum wiggler installed on the

COSC-2 - Drilling the basal décollement and underlying margin of palaeocontinent Baltica in the Paleozoic Caledonide Orogen of Scandinavia

The Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides (COSC) scientific drilling project aims to characterise the structure and orogenic processes involved in a major collisional mountain belt by multidisciplinary geoscientific research. Located in western central Sweden, the project has drilled two fully cored deep boreholes into the bedrock of the deeply eroded Early Paleozoic Caledonide Oroge

Improved 223Ra Therapy with Combination Epithelial Sodium Channel Blockade

[223Ra]RaCl2 is the first approved a-particle-emitting therapy and is indicated for treatment of bonemetastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer. Approximately half the dose is absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract within minutes of administration, limiting disease-site uptake and contributing to toxicity. Here,we investigated the role of enteric ion channels and their modulation for improv

Tång + Keramik + Textil

Projektet undersöker och problematiserar tångens roll genom dess uttryck och materialitet. Projektet utforskar mötet mellan uttryck och upplevelser av tången utifrån ingångar som lera, akvarell och textila sublimerings- och transfertekniker, samt genom inkomna svar på frågelistan LUF 260 ”Tång och alger på marina marknader” (Lunds universitets folklivsarkiv). Formundersökningarna tar in sågtång oc

Periphilin self-association underpins epigenetic silencing by the HUSH complex

Transcription of integrated DNA from viruses or transposable elements is tightly regulated to prevent pathogenesis. The Human Silencing Hub (HUSH), composed of Periphilin, TASOR and MPP8, silences transcriptionally active viral and endogenous transgenes. HUSH recruits effectors that alter the epigenetic landscape and chromatin structure, but how HUSH recognizes target loci and represses their expr

Waiting in the welfare lines. Exploring everyday racism as waiting in the migration and unemployment complexes in England and Sweden : Väntan i välfärdens köer: Vardagsrasism som väntan i Englands och Sveriges migrations- och arbetsmarknadskomplex

This article explores how different layers of waiting shape the everyday lives of women asylum seekers in the UK and unemployed women in Sweden. We examine the continuity of waiting between and within the migration, labour and welfare complexes. The analysis identifies three layers of everyday waiting: everyday waiting as repetition, everyday waiting as forced and denied work and everyday waiting

Polisrätten – samhällsskydd och rättssäkerhet

Det tredje kapitlet, ”Polisrätten – samhällsskydd och rättssäkerhet” av Tor-Geir Myhrer och Andreas Anderberg, går närmare in på de rättsliga ramarna för polisens arbete och diskuterar de rättsliga krav och principer som ligger till grund för polisens verksamhet. Polisrättens två huvuduppgifter är att dels ge polisen rättslig grund för att utföra sin samhällsskyddande uppgift, dels reglera utföran

Kinetic energy of left ventricular blood flow across heart failure phenotypes and in subclinical diastolic dysfunction

BACKGROUND: Kinetic energy (KE) of intracardiac blood flow reflects myocardial work spent on accelerating blood and provides a mechanistic window into diastolic filling dynamics. Diastolic dysfunction may represent an early stage in the development of heart failure (HF). Here we evaluated the hemodynamic effects of impaired diastolic function in subjects with and without HF, testing the hypothesis