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Your search for "*" yielded 531944 hits

Update of clothing database for existing and new Western clothing ensembles, including effects of posture, body and air movement : Report on manikin measurements for ASHRAE 1760-TRP.

ASHRAE Research Project RP-1760 aimed to update thedatabase of western clothing as used in ANSI/ASHRAE Stan-dard 55-2013, Thermal Environmental Conditions for HumanOccupancy (ASHRAE 2013a), ISO Standard 7730-2005,Ergonomics of the Thermal Environment—Analytical Deter-mination and Interpretation of Thermal Comfort Using Calcu-lation of the PMV and PPD Indices and Local ThermalComfort Criteria (ISO

The Nordic Paradox. Professionals’ Discussions about Gender Equality and Intimate Partner Violence against Women in Sweden

Intimate partner violence against women (IPVAW) is a global public health issue often assumed to be associated with gender inequality. The so-called Nordic Paradox, the apparently contradictory co-existence of high levels of IPVAW and of gender equality in Nordic countries, has not been adequately explained. This study explores discussions about how this apparent paradox can be understood among 30

The European baseline series : Criteria for allergen inclusion (with reference to formaldehyde releasers)

Existing criteria for inclusion in the European baseline series are summarized. Additional criteria are developed to aid decision making where the current criteria do not yield an unequivocal result. These include a consideration of whether an allergen (hapten) is better placed in a special series and the frequency with which an allergen cross-reacts with existing markers in the baseline series.

Quantification of the size, 3D location and velocity of burning iron particles in premixed methane flames using high-speed digital in-line holography

Due to its low emission and high energy density, iron powder has been proposed as a promising recyclable metal fuel for a future low-carbon society. The comprehensive understanding of combustion behavior of iron particles is crucial for studying fundamental mechanisms, developing suitable combustion technologies, and designing efficient iron powder combustor. In this work, iron particles are combu

AMP-activated protein kinase in adipose tissue

The AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a ubiquitously expressed kinase, which is activated in response to depletion of cellularenergy levels. Once active, it functions to alter cellular metabolism in a way that leads to restoration of energy levels. Therefore,AMPK is described as the key regulator of cellular energy homeostasis. Over the past years, AMPK activation has gained increasingattenti

In-kind Contributions: Taxation of International Consortium Workers

In 2009, consistent with its objective to support and develop a European research infrastructure, the European Union (EU) created a neworganizational form for research collaborations: the European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC). Since then, 21 different ERICs havebeen established in the EU Member States; the largest being the European Spallation Source (ESS).The financing of this ERIC i

Varieties and Mechanisms of Common Ownership: A Calibration Exercise for Competition Policy

Minority shareholdings have been on the regulatory agenda of competition authorities for some time. Recent empirical studies, however, draw attention to a new, thought-provoking theory of harm: common ownership by institutional investors holding small, parallel equity positions in several competing firms within concentrated industries. While critical voices abound, EU and U.S. antitrust agencies c

Prevention of vitamin k deficiency bleeding in breastfed infants : lessons from the dutch and danish biliary atresia registries

OBJECTIVE. Newborns routinely receive vitamin K to prevent vitamin K deficiency bleeding. The efficacy of oral vitamin K administration may be compromised in infants with unrecognized cholestasis. We aimed to compare the risk of vitamin K deficiency bleeding under different propylactic regimens in infants with biliary atresia. PATIENTS AND METHODS. From Dutch and Danish national biliary atresia re

The Clinical Outcome of Hurler Syndrome after Stem Cell Transplantation

Hurler syndrome (HS) is a severe inborn error of metabolism causing progressive multi-system morbidity and death in early childhood. At present, stem cell transplantation (SCT) is the only available treatment that can prevent central nervous system disease progression in HS patients. Although SCT has been shown to be effective for several important clinical outcome parameters, the reported clinica

The ANO-R Basis Set

In this work, the new ANO-R basis set for all elements of the first six periods is introduced. The ANO-R basis set is an all-electron basis set that was constructed including scalar-relativistic effects of the exact-two component (X2C) Hamiltonian and modeling the atomic nucleus by a Gaussian charge distribution, which makes the basis set suitable for calculations of both light and heavy elements.

The subcellular Sox11 distribution pattern identifies subsets of mantle cell lymphoma : correlation to overall survival

Gene expression analysis demonstrated high expression of the neuronal transcription factor SOX11 in mantle cell lymphoma (MCL). In contrast to follicular lymphoma, small lymphocytic lymphoma and reactive lymphoid tissue, most MCLs tested (48/53 patients) expressed sox11 protein in the nucleus. Therefore nuclear sox11 expression represents a new tumour marker for a subset of MCL. However, 5/53 MCL

Material Decomposition in Low-Energy Micro-CT Using a Dual-Threshold Photon Counting X-Ray Detector

Material decomposition in computed tomography is a method for differentiation and quantification of materials in a sample and it utilizes the energy dependence of the linear attenuation coefficient. In this study, a post-image reconstruction material decomposition method is constructed for a low-energy micro-CT setup using a photon counting x-ray detector. The low photon energy range (4–11 keV) al

Musculoskeletal manifestations of lysosomal storage disorders

Lysosomal storage disorders (LSDs), a heterogeneous group of inborn metabolic disorders, are far more common than most doctors presume. Although patients with a severe LSD subtype are often readily diagnosed, the more attenuated subtypes are frequently missed or diagnosis is significantly delayed. The presenting manifestations often involve the bones and/or joints and therefore these patients are

Phenylalanine tolerance can already reliably be assessed at the age of 2 years in patients with PKU

Background: The clinical severity of phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency is usually defined by either pre-treatment phenylalanine (Phe) concentration or Phe tolerance at 5 years of age. So far, little is known about the course of Phe tolerance or the ability of both pre-treatment Phe and Phe tolerance at early age to predict Phe tolerance at later age. Aim: This study was conducted to investigate

Concussion incidence and recovery in Swedish elite soccer - prolonged recovery in female players

OBJECTIVES: Sport-related concussions are an increasingly recognized health problem. Soccer is the most popular sport in the world although recent studies on concussion incidence are scarce. Here, a nation-wide prospective study on concussion incidence, symptom severity, risk factors, gender differences and return-to-play after concussion was performed in 51 Swedish elite soccer teams during the 2