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Monitoring of Flying Horticulture Pest Insects Using a Bi-Static Lidar System
A CW 980 nm bi-static lidar system based on the Scheimpflug principle and capable of resolving wing-beats was used to monitor flying Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley pest insects in a Lychee fruit orchard in South China.
Bovine C4b binding protein. Molecular cloning of the alpha- and beta-chains provides structural background for lack of complex formation with protein S
C4b binding protein (C4BP) regulates the complement system. It also interacts with anticoagulant protein S and with serum amyloid P component. Human C4BP is composed of seven identical 70-kDa alpha-chains and one 45-kDa beta-chain. The binding site for C4b is located on the alpha-chain, whereas the beta-chain binds protein S. Nothing is known about the structure and function of bovine C4BP. No com
Cultivating inner capacities for regenerative food systems : Rationale for action
A Model of Social Duties
We develop a formal model of social duties. Duties to respect entitlements (duties of justice) differ from duties to promote well-being (duties of charity). A situation- specific version of our model takes entitlements as primitives. A fully portable ver- sion derives entitlements from situational characteristics. Utility functions obtain kinks where duties of justice and charity are exactly satis
Ingrid Gärde Widemar
Incomes and Income Inequality in Stockholm, 1870–1970: Evidence from Micro Data
This paper builds on a new dataset from the population register, comprising 38,022 randomly sampled Stockholm residents. The register was also the income tax list, with information about people’s incomes of various types, age, and household composition, in the years 1870, 1880, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1940 and 1950. We use this dataset, along with the census of 1930, which uniquely included income infor
An Experimental Study of Forced Vibration Influence on Disc Brake Drag Torque in Heavy Commercial Road Vehicles
Drag torque in a disc brake is the residual torque when the brake is not activated. This torque can adversely influence the total energy consumption, life of the brake components, and level of airborne wear particles from vehicles. Drag torque is of special interest for long haul trucking since it could have an effect of the total energy consumption. Drag torque performance of a disc brake is usua
Almost Alive : Robots and Androids
Life-likeness is a property that can be used both to deceive people that a robot is more intelligent than it is or to facilitate the natural communication with humans. Over the years, different criteria have guided the design of intelligent systems, ranging from attempts to produce human-like language to trying to make a robot look like an actual human. We outline some relevant historical developm
Discovered more than 40 years ago, microplastics have become a major environmental issue. With increasing global plastic production, microplastics are of growing concern. Landfills have been pinpointed as primary sources of microplastics to surface waters and they have, in fact, been identified and quantified as such. Due to their small size, different polymers and interfering non-plastic material
Sustainable Environmental Clean-up : Dynamic assessment for sustainable remediation of contaminated sites
Soil and groundwater contamination is an increasingly recognised threat to public health and the environment around the globe. New types of contaminants continue to emerge, and awareness of their threat, continues to develop. Many countries have national clean-up programs with priority lists of the most hazardous contaminated sites. Investigation and remediation of these sites, however, take a lon
Den (ut)forskande staden : En FoU-innovation i offentlig sektor
Den här boken riktar sig till ”utvecklande praktiker” samt till alla som är intresserade av innovation i offentlig sektor och förändringsarbete i samverkan mellan forskning och praktik. Den riktar sig även till dem som har intresse av sakfrågor som berörts av de fem hypoteslabb som ingått i projektet Den (ut)forskande staden:• Gestaltad livsmiljö – om hur vi kan samverka mellan olika värden, exemp
Kort kommentar till Parris och den kontextualiserade individen som äldrerättens subjekt
Sexuella trakasserier - hederskränkning eller diskriminering? : En kommentar i #metoo uppropets kölvatten
Sexual Harassment at Work – Discrimination versus Dignity Harm : A Comment in the Wake of the #metoo Movement
Bara de inte upptäcker att du är pervers : Att förhandla stigmatiserad identitet och professionalism inom akademin
In this article I use autoethnographic method to assess two situations in which my kink identity and my non-monogamous identity clash with my role as a university teacher. Both identities are norm-breaking and stigmatized. They are coded as private in contrast to the professional ideal of the teacher. I ask how it affects me to keep part of my lived reality hidden and discuss what conflicts are obIn this article I use autoethnographic method to assess two situations in which my kink identity and my non-monogamous identity clash with my role as a university teacher. Both identities are norm-breaking and stigmatized. They are coded as private in contrast to the professional ideal of the teacher. I ask how it affects me to keep part of my lived reality hidden and discuss what conflicts are ob
Är du bosatt lille vän? Om bosättningsbegreppet i skatte-, socialförsäkrings- och folkbokföringsrätten
Det finns en långvarig idé om att skyldigheten att betala skatt och rätten till sociala förmåner bör kongruera med varandra. Vid en första anblick ser det också ut som att så är fallet, båda rättsområdena avgränsar sin personkrets med hänvisning till bosättning. I artikeln ”Är du bosatt lilla vän?” går jag igenom bosättningsbegreppen i folkbokföringslagen, inkomstskattelagen samt socialförsäkrings
Den (ut)forskande staden - Lärdomar
Azerbajdzjan bör omedelbart upphöra med sin hatkampanj mot allt armeniskt
Selection into experiments : New evidence on the role of preferences, cognition, and recruitment protocols
We study selection into lab experiments based on data from two cohorts of first-year university students. We combine two experiments: a classroom experiment in which we elicit measures of time and risk preferences, overconfidence, trust, reciprocity, altruism, and cognitive reflection and a recruitment experiment with four treatment conditions that randomly vary the information provided in the e-m