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The Geographies of Enlightenment Edinburgh

Edinburgh was an Enlightenment city of regional, national and global influence. But how did the people of Enlightenment Edinburgh understand and order their world? How did they encounter, compare and produce different kinds of spaces, from the urban to the world scale? And how did this city set the universal standards by which other places should be judged and transformed?The Geographies of Enligh

Political Bioethics

If bioethical questions cannot be resolved in a widely acceptable manner by rational argument, and if they can be regulated only on the basis of political decision-making, then bioethics belongs to the political sphere. The particular kind of politics practiced in any given society matters greatly: it will determine the kind of bioethical regulation, legislation, and public policy generated there.

Three Learning Organizations in Cataract Surgery : The Example of Intracameral Antibiotic Injection

BACKGROUND: The recent systematic adoption of intracameral antibiotic injection during cataract surgery in Sweden, India, and the US serves as a model for the successful transitioning of local quality improvement initiatives to organization-wide implementation. Although the delivery of eye care in the 3 countries is distinctly organized with differing governances and technological infrastructure,

Innovation och samverkan för förbättrad välfärd

Inledningskapitel till forskningsantologin "De (ut)forskande staden - En FoU-innovation i offentlig sektor" med fokus på hur innovation i offentlig sektor förhåller sig till begreppet livskvalitet och hur medborgarinvolvering och sektorsövergripande arbete kan påverka kvaliteten i offentlig sektor.

Från överkonsumtion till anti-konsumtion : Nya trender i klimatfrågan

Konsumtionen är en stor samtidsfråga, men trots att fler handlar allt mer medvetet är svenskarna fortfarande bland världens sämsta när det gäller överkonsumtion. Två forskare vid Lunds Universitet ser hur anti-konsumtionen växer sig allt starkare. Men kommer också näringslivet att förändras?

Peritoneal restoration by repurposing vitamin D inhibits ovarian cancer dissemination via blockade of the TGF-β1/thrombospondin-1 axis

Ovarian cancer (OvCa), a lethal gynecological malignancy, disseminates to the peritoneum. Mesothelial cells (MCs) act as barriers in the abdominal cavity, preventing the adhesion of cancer cells. However, in patients with OvCa, they are transformed into cancer-associated mesothelial cells (CAMs) via mesenchymal transition and form a favorable microenvironment for tumors to promote metastasis. Howe

Human impacts on insect chemical communication in the Anthropocene

The planet is presently undergoing dramatic changes caused by human activities. We are living in the era of the Anthropocene, where our activities directly affect all living organisms on Earth. Insects constitute a major part of the world’s biodiversity and currently, we see dwindling insect biomass but also outbreaks of certain populations. Most insects rely on chemical communication to locate fo

Aedes aegypti mosquitoes detect acidic volatiles found in human odor using the IR8a pathway

Mosquitoes use olfaction as a primary means of detecting their hosts. Previously, the functional ablation of a family of Aedes aegypti olfactory receptors, the odorant receptors (ORs), was not sufficient to reduce host seeking in the presence of carbon dioxide (CO2). This suggests the olfactory receptors that remain, such as the ionotropic receptors (IRs), could play a significant role in host det

The multitaper reassigned spectrogram for oscillating transients with Gaussian envelopes

Joint time-frequency representations are important tools when estimating the instantaneous frequency. The widely used spectrogram is known to have poor energy localisation, which the reassignment method improves. However, the reassignment method is sensitive to noise. In this paper we present a multitaper reassigned spectrogram (MTRS) that is robust to noise and tailored to short duration transien

High-speed planar imaging of OH radicals in turbulent flames assisted by deep learning

High-speed planar imaging of key combustion species, like hydroxyl radicals (OH), is crucial for understanding the complex chemistry–turbulence interactions in turbulent flames. However, conducting high-speed (kHz) diagnostics is challenging due to the requirements on advanced optical system, including both fast lasers and cameras. In this paper, we report a computational imaging method to artific

Interactions between conducting surfaces in salt solutions

In this work, we simulate interactions between two perfectly conducting surfaces, immersed in a salt solution. We demonstrate that these forces are quantitatively different from those between (equally charged) non-conducting surfaces. There is, for instance, a significant repulsion between net neutral surfaces. On the other hand, there are also qualitative similarities, with behaviours found with

Radial Distortion Invariant Factorization for Structure from Motion

Factorization methods are frequently used for structure from motion problems (SfM). In the presence of noise they are able to jointly estimate camera matrices and scene points in overdetermined settings, without the need for accurate initial solutions. While the early formulations were restricted to affine models, recent approaches have been show to work with pinhole cameras by minimizing object s

Generating hardware and software for RISC-V cores generated with Rocket Chip generator

This paper presents the hardware/software generation backend of a code generation framework. The backend aims at synthesizing complete systems based on RISC-V cores with accelerators from a single-language description. The framework takes the dataflow description of an algorithm as input and generates a combination of hardware (in Chisel) and software (in C) that interacts with the hardware. The h

Short- and long-distance avian migrants differ in exercise endurance but not aerobic capacity

Background: Migratory birds differ markedly in their migration strategies, particularly those performing short- versus long-distance migrations. In preparation for migration, all birds undergo physiological and morphological modifications including enlargement of fat stores and pectoral muscles to fuel and power their flights, as well as cardiovascular and biochemical adjustments that improve lipi