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Your search for "*" yielded 533538 hits

Mapping of noise risk zones derived from religious activities and perceptions in residential neighbourhoods in the Cape Coast metropolis, Ghana

Ambient noise levels emanating from religious activities in residential neighbourhoods are an emerging environmental problem that educes little attention from enforcement agencies and policy makers in Ghana. This paper set out to quantify religious noise exposure in urban residential neighbourhoods in the Cape Coast metropolis of Ghana. Subjective annoyance levels of residents in selected communit

Macroion solutions in the cell model studied by field theory and Monte Carlo simulations.

Aqueous solutions of charged spherical macroions with variable dielectric permittivity and their associated counterions are examined within the cell model using a field theory and Monte Carlo simulations. The field theory is based on separation of fields into short- and long-wavelength terms, which are subjected to different statistical-mechanical treatments. The simulations were performed by usin

Measurement of the low-mass Drell-Yan differential cross section at root s=7 TeV using the ATLAS detector

The differential cross section for the process Z/gamma* -> ll (l = e, mu) as a function of dilepton invariant mass is measured in pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV at the LHC using the ATLAS detector. The measurement is performed in the e and mu channels for invariant masses between 26 GeV and 66 GeV using an integrated luminosity of 1.6 fb(-1) collected in 2011 and these measurements are combined.

Experimental measurements of electron-bunch trains in a laser-plasma accelerator.

Spectral measurements of visible coherent transition radiation produced by a laser-plasma-accelerated electron beam are reported. The significant periodic modulations that are observed in the spectrum result from the interference of transition radiation produced by multiple bunches of electrons. A Fourier analysis of the spectral interference fringes reveals that electrons are injected and acceler

Characterization of mutations in barley fch2 encoding chlorophyllide a oxygenase

The barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) mutants fch2 and clo-f2 comprise an allelic group of 14 Chl b-deficient lines. The genetic map position of fch2 corresponds to the physical map position of the gene encoding chlorophyllide a oxygenase. This enzyme converts chlorophyllide a to chlorophyllide b and it is essential for Chl b biosynthesis. The fch2 and clo-f2 barley lines were shown to be mutated in the

Post-depositional remanent magnetization lock-in depth in precisely dated varved sediments assessed by archaeomagnetic field models

Accurate and precise chronologies are needed to evaluate the existence and effect of a post-depositional remanent magnetization lock-in process on sedimentary palaeomagnetic records. Here we present lock-in modelling results of two palaeomagnetic records from varved lake sediments (lakes Kalksjon and Gyltigesjon) in Sweden by using model predictions based on archaeomagnetic data. We used the C-14

Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis Have a Phenotype With Higher Bone Mass, Higher Fat Mass, and Lower Lean Body Mass.

Although knee osteoarthritis (OA) is common, its etiology is poorly understood. Specifically, it is not known whether knee OA is associated with abnormal anthropometric and musculoskeletal characteristics known to be associated with OA in general. We recently studied this topic for patients with hip arthritis; however, it is important to evaluate it for knee OA separately, because there are report

Determination of the Ratio of b-Quark Fragmentation Fractions f_{s}/f_{d} in pp Collisions at sqrt[s]=7 TeV with the ATLAS Detector.

With an integrated luminosity of 2.47 fb^{-1} recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC, the exclusive decays B_{s}^{0}→J/ψϕ and B_{d}^{0}→J/ψK^{*0} of B mesons produced in pp collisions at sqrt[s]=7 TeV are used to determine the ratio of fragmentation fractions f_{s}/f_{d}. From the observed B_{s}^{0}→J/ψϕ and B_{d}^{0}→J/ψK^{*0} yields, the quantity (f_{s}/f_{d})[B(B_{s}^{0}→J/ψϕ)/B(B_{d}^{0}→

The Reproducibility of Berg Balance Scale and the Single-Leg Stance in Chronic Stroke and the Relationship Between the Two Tests.

OBJECTIVE: To assess the reproducibility of the Berg Balance Scale (BBS) and the Single-leg Stance (SLS), and the validity of the SLS as an independent test of upright postural control in patients with chronic stroke. DESIGN: An intra-rater test-retest reproducibility study. The BBS and the SLS were assessed twice, 7 days apart. SETTING: A university hospital. PARTICIPANTS: Fifty individuals

Review on the Properties of Nano-/Microstructures in the Catalyst Layer of PEMFC

The catalyst layer (CL) of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell involves various particles and pores that span a wide range of length scales, from several nanometers to a few microns. The success of the CL design depends decisively on understanding the detailed structure in microscale or even in nanoscale. In this paper, the properties of nano-/microstructures are outlined, and the physical and ch

The effect of intra- and inter-regional labour mobility on plant performance in Denmark: the significance of related labour inflows

This article investigates the impact of labour mobility on plant performance in Denmark. Our study shows that the effect of labour mobility can only be assessed when one accounts for the type of skills that flow into the plant and the degree to which these match the existing skills at the plant level. As expected, we found that the inflow of skills that are related to skills in the plant impacts p

Assessment of parental overt and covert control of child's food intake: A population-based validation study with mothers of preschoolers.

Overt and covert control are novel constructs representing two different parental feeding practices with regard to the child's ability to detect them. Preliminary research indicates that covert control is linked to a healthier diet and lower child weight status. In this study, we report the first psychometric validation of the original measures of overt and covert control outside the UK in a large

Early Detection of Preterm Intraventricular Hemorrhage From Clinical Electroencephalography.

Intraventricular hemorrhage is a common neurologic complication of extremely preterm birth and leads to lifelong neurodevelopmental disabilities. Early bedside detection of intraventricular hemorrhage is crucial to enabling timely interventions. We sought to detect early markers of brain activity that preempt the occurrence of intraventricular hemorrhage in extremely preterm infants during the fir

Homozygosity for a null allele of SMIM1 defines the Vel-negative blood group phenotype.

The Vel antigen is present on red blood cells (RBCs) from all humans except rare Vel-negative individuals who can form antibodies to Vel in response to transfusion or pregnancy. These antibodies may cause severe hemolytic reactions in blood recipients. We combined SNP profiling and transcriptional network modeling to link the Vel-negative phenotype to SMIM1, located in a 97-kb haplotype block on c

Modelling the response of yields and tissue C:N to changes in atmospheric CO2 and N management in the main wheat regions of western Europe

Nitrogen (N) is a key element in terrestrial ecosystems as it influences both plant growth and plant interactions with the atmosphere. Accounting for carbon–nitrogen interactions has been found to alter future projections of the terrestrial carbon (C) cycle substantially. Dynamic vegetation models (DVMs) aim to accurately represent both natural vegetation and managed land, not only from a carbon c