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The 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein inhibitor, GSK2190915, attenuates the early and late responses to inhaled allergen in mild asthma

Background GSK2190915, a potent 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein inhibitor, prevents the synthesis of leukotrienes and 5-oxo-6,8,11,14-eicosatetraenoic acid (5-oxo-ETE). Objective To assess the effect of GSK2190915 on the allergen-induced asthmatic responses. Methods Nineteen eligible male subjects with mild asthma were enrolled in and completed this four-centre, double-blind, two-way crossover s

Soft Tissue Knee Injury With Concomitant Osteochondral Fracture Is Associated With Higher Degree of Acute Joint Inflammation.

BACKGROUND:Osteochondral fractures are often seen on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of acutely injured knees, but their existence has gained little interest because of a lack of knowledge of their relation to treatment options and outcome. It is not clear whether acute phase synovial fluid (SF) concentrations of cartilage and bone markers and proinflammatory cytokines are different between traum

Increased potassium conductance of brain mitochondria induces resistance to permeability transition by enhancing matrix volume.

Modulation of K+ conductance of the inner mitochondrial membrane has been proposed to mediate preconditioning in ischemia-reperfusion injury. The mechanism is not entirely understood but it has been linked to a decreased activation of mitochondrial permeability transition (mPT). In the present study, K+ channel activity was mimicked by picomolar concentrations of valinomycin. Isolated brain mitoch

Degenerate p-doping of InP nanowires for large area tunnel diodes

We have investigated p-doping of InP nanowires using diethyl zinc. Two-terminal devices showed non-linear source-drain characteristics and p-type gate dependence. Electron beam induced current measurements were employed to determine minority carrier diffusion lengths. We used large-area tunnel diodes to demonstrate degenerate doping, showing peak current densities of up to 0.11 A/cm(2) and room te

Managing context data for diverse operating spaces

Context-aware computing is an exciting paradigm in which applications perceive and react to changing environments in an unattended manner. To enable behavioral adaptation, a context-aware application must dynamically acquire context data from different operating spaces in the real world, such as homes, shops and persons. Motivated by the sheer number and diversity of operating spaces, we propose a

Phase Segregation in Individually Dried Particles Composed of Biopolymers.

Mixing of two biopolymers can results in phase separation due to their thermodynamically incompatibility under certain conditions. This phenomenon was first reported when the solution was allowed to equilibrate, but it has later been observed also as a consequence of drying. The challenges of this study were to observe phase segregation by confocal Raman microscopy and LV-SEM on dried film, indivi

Dopant Engineering of Inter-Subband Linewidth and Lineshape in Multiwell Heterostructures

We show by numerical diagonalization of the electronic Hamiltonian including screened coulombic impurities that the inter-subband absorption lineshape and linewidth in heterostructures can be controlled by a suitable location of the dopants. We also point out that the usual optical conductivity calculations that employ the self-consistent Born approximation often lead to incorrect lineshapes, alth

Genetic manipulation of adult-born hippocampal neurons rescues memory in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.

In adult mammals, neural progenitors located in the dentate gyrus retain their ability to generate neurons and glia throughout lifetime. In rodents, increased production of new granule neurons is associated with improved memory capacities, while decreased hippocampal neurogenesis results in impaired memory performance in several memory tasks. In mouse models of Alzheimer's disease, neurogenesis is

Contrasting tree-ring data with fire record in a pine-dominated landscape in the Komi republic (Eastern European Russia): Recovering a common climate signal

For the period 1420-1960 we contrasted fire events reconstructed at 14 sites distributed over a 50 km x 50 km area in the central part of the Komi Republic (European Russia) with a set of tree-ring width chronologies of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), developed for the same area. Our aim was to infer common climatic information contained in treering variables and independently dated fire events

Arbetslöshet ekonomi och skam : Om att vara arbetslös i dagens Sverige

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen syftar till att undersöka arbetslöshetens sociala konsekvenser och försöka ge en rimlig tolkning av variationer i arbetslöshetserfarenheter med hjälp av en teoretisk modell - ekonomi-skam modellen. Fokus ligger på att söka lyfta fram och visa på betydelsen av ekonomiska påfrestningar i kombination med skamupplevelser som en faktor för att förstå skillnader The purpose of this study has been to investigate the social consequences of unemployment and to give a possible interpretation of unemployment experiences through the application of the economy-shame model. It intends to put forward and show the significance of economic stress in combination with the feeling of shame as a factor important for the understanding of differences in unemploy-ment expe

Barrier properties of heat treated starch Pickering emulsions.

There is a recognized technological need for delivery systems encapsulating lipophilic substances in food and pharmaceutical products. Pickering emulsions can provide well-defined and highly stable systems, but may not provide good enough barrier properties. Starch granules, recently being used for Pickering stabilization, have the advantage of the ability to swell during gelatinization. Hence, th

Palaeoglaciology of Bayan Har Shan, NE Tibetan Plateau: exposure ages reveal a missing LGM expansion

The Bayan Har Shan, a prominent upland area in the northeastern sector of the Tibetan Plateau, hosts an extensive glacial geological record. To reconstruct its palaeoglaciology we have determined Be-10 exposure ages based on 67 samples from boulders, surface pebbles, and sediment sections in conjunction with studies of the glacial geology (remote sensing and field studies) and numerical glacier mo

Sub-till glaciofluvial sediments at Hultsfred, South Swedish Upland

In a gravel pit near Hultsfred, at the eastern margin of the South Swedish Upland, gravelly, sandy and silty-sandy beds covered by a thick, stratified gravelly diamicton are exposed. Large folds and shear-planes indicate post-depositional deformation of the sorted sediments, which according to OSL dating have a maximum Middle Weichselian (60ka) age. The sand and gravel are interpreted as glacioflu

Different Procoagulant Activity of Therapeutic Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Derived from Bone Marrow and Placental Decidua.

While therapeutic mesenchymal stromal/stem cells (MSCs) have usually been obtained from bone marrow, perinatal tissues have emerged as promising new sources of cells for stromal cell therapy. Here we present a first safety follow-up on our clinical experience with placenta-derived decidual stromal cells (DSCs), used as supportive immunomodulatory and regenerative therapy for patients with severe c

Small chromosomes among Danish Candida glabrata isolates originated through different mechanisms.

We analyzed 192 strains of the pathogenic yeast Candida glabrata from patients, mainly suffering from systemic infection, at Danish hospitals during 1985-1999. Our analysis showed that these strains were closely related but exhibited large karyotype polymorphism. Nine strains contained small chromosomes, which were smaller than 0.5 Mb. Regarding the year, patient and hospital, these C. glabrata st

Manipulating the Dynamics of Self-Propelled Gallium Droplets by Gold Nanoparticles and Nanoscale Surface Morphology

Using in situ surface-sensitive electron microscopy performed in real time, we show that the dynamics of micron-sized Ga droplets on Ga P(111) can be manipulated locally using Au nanoparticles. Detailed measurements of structure and dynamics of the surface from microns to atomic scale are done using both surface electron and scanning probe microscopies. Imaging is done simultaneously on areas with

Performance and robustness trade-offs in PID control

Control design is a rich problem which requires consideration of many issues such as load disturbance attenuation, set-point tracking, robustness with respect to process variations and model uncertainty, and effects of measurement noise. The purpose of this paper is to provide insight into the trade-offs between performance and robustness explicitly. This is accomplished by introducing plots that