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The Lund Nuclear Microprobe sub-micron set-up. Part III: Sample stage, optical imaging and detector configuration in the experimental chamber

A new sub-micron beamline for high-resolution nuclear microprobe applications has been constructed at the Lund nuclear microprobe facility. The design and construction of the main experimental chamber.. sample viewing system and computer controlled precision sample stage movement is presented in this paper. The chamber is especially designed for using a large area annular HPGe detector. The advant

Phase transitions in dynamical random graphs

We study a large-time limit of a Markov process whose states are finite graphs. The number of the vertices is described by a supercritical branching process, and the dynamics of edges is determined by the rates of appending and deleting. We find a phase transition in our model similar to the one in the random graph model G (n,p). We derive a formula for the line of critical parameters which separa

Laser-induced fluorescence of formaldehyde in combustion using third harmonic Nd : YAG laser excitation

Formaldehyde (CH2O) is an important intermediate species in combustion processes and it can through laser-induced fluorescence measurements be used for instantaneous flame front detection. The present study has focussed on the use of the third harmonic of a Nd:YAG laser at 355 nm as excitation wavelength for formaldehyde, and different dimethyl ether (C2H6O) flames were used as sources of formalde

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The aim of this study is to examine the two novels Le Rouge et le Noir and La Chartreuse de Parme in the light of the theory of 'triangular desire', elaborated by René Girard in Mensonge romantique et vérité romanesque (1961). According to this theory, desire in Stendhal's novels – that is desire in a very general sense – is not spontaneous, but derived from a third part, that Girard labels the 'm

Latent autoimmune diabetes in adults.

Latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA) is a special form of diabetes that is clinically similar to type 2 diabetes but with positivity for pancreatic autoantibodies. The frequency of LADA patients among all patients diagnosed as type 2 varies between 6-50% in various populations. The frequency is higher in younger age groups. It is clear, however, that the frequency of autoimmune diabetes amo

Growth or reproduction? Resource allocation by female frogs Rana temporaria

The decision how to allocate marginal resources to reproduction and growth can have important effects on associated life-history parameters as well as on population dynamics. In addition to showing variation among individuals in a population, such allocation rules may be either condition-dependent or fixed in different individuals. While many studies on anuran amphibians have focused on egg number

Ett ögonblick i förhistorien – reflektioner kring en koncentration av ben från Uppåkra.

Under grävningssäsongen 2003 anträffades en ansamling med ben (U60527)(Fig. 1) strax norr om det numera berömda kulthuset i Uppåkra (fig. 2). Fyndet gjordes inom området för en offertradition från järnåldern där man hittat större mängder rituellt förstörda lans- och spjutspetsar liksom andra vapendetaljer spridda över en omkring 70 m2 stor yta (Helgesson 2004:224ff). Benansamlingen som bestod av o

Leachability testing of metallic wastes

The performance of two tests, a batch test and a percolation test for the characterization of waste as suggested in the EU council decision 2003/33/EC was investigated. The tests were carried out on two solid waste streams from a metal recycling industry. The concentrations of heavy metals Such as Cu, Zn and Pb were more than one order of magnitude lower than the proposed limit values. Generally,

Core polarization effects on oscillator strengths in neutral zinc

The effect of core polarization on the oscillator strength for the resonance transition in neutral zinc is investigated using the multiconfiguration Hartree Fock approach. The use of model potentials and corrections to the dipole operator is compared to a method, where the core polarization is represented by including configuration state functions, with one hole in the 3d core subshell in the CI-e

Effects of clodronate on cortical and trabecular bone in ovariectomized rats on a low calcium diet

The aim of this study was to evaluate the contribution of a low calcium diet to the cortical and trabecular osteoporosis seen in ovariectomized rats after 7 weeks on a low calcium diet and to investigate the effects of the bisphosphonate clodronate on this development of osteoporosis. Thirty-six mature, female Wistar rats were randomized into four groups: Ovx-B (bisphosphonate) and Ovx-C (control)

Mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibition reveals differences in signalling pathways activated by neurotrophin-3 and other growth-stimulating conditions of adult mouse dorsal root ganglia neurons.

PD98059 blocks mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) by inhibiting its activator, MAP kinase kinase (MEK). We have previously found that PD98059 only transiently inhibits spontaneous axonal outgrowth from adult mouse dorsal root ganglia (DRG) explants, whereas it causes sustained inhibition of nerve growth factor (NGF)-stimulated growth. Surprisingly, the present results showed that outgrowth st

Measuring cancer prevalence in Europe: the EUROPREVAL project

Cancer prevalence is the proportion of individuals in a population who at some stage during their lifetime have been diagnosed with cancer, irrespective of the date of diagnosis. Cancer prevalence statistics have generally been provided by a limited number of well established cancer registries that have been in existence for several decades. The advent of systematic follow-up of life status of inc