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Your search for "*" yielded 525058 hits

Logic Multiplicity in Hybrid Organisations - A comparative case study on how social enterprises manage different logics in their organisational life

In response to complex societal and environmental issues, a growing number of entrepreneurs decide to use the means of markets for transformative change, balancing characteristics of business with a social mission at their core and are therefore commonly termed hybrid organisations. The potential tensions arising from this balancing act can result in the organisation prioritising the market logic

Utvärdering av potentialen för blå-grön infrastruktur

I dagsläget är det svenska dagvattensystemet dimensionerat för att hantera ett 10-års regn men enligt klimatmodeller utvecklade av SMHI kan nederbörden i Sverige öka med 25 % till år 2100. Blå-gröna lösningar är ett sätt att möta dagens och framtidens nederbörd och skyfalls händelser, vilket skapar en mer hållbardagvattenhantering. Syftet med detta arbete är att utveckla en metod för att bedöma va

”Damp- och bokstavstanter” - En narrativ analys av vuxna kvinnors upplevelser av att diagnostiseras med ADHD som vuxen

The purpose of this study was to analyse how women describe their experiences of receiving an ADHD diagnosis as an adult. The study refers to adult women who are and received the diagnosis at an age over 18 years. The ambition is to discover if the women´s descriptions of themselves and their interactions with the surroundings differ before and after the diagnosis. The chosen method is a narrative

Medborgardialog och medborgares inflytande i samhällsplanering - en fallstudie av projektet Fokus Skärholmen

Samråd är ett obligatoriskt moment i den svenska samhällsplaneringen i dag. Samtidigt visar forskning att det lagstadgade samrådet inte är tillräckligt för att skapa ett medborgardeltagande som har inflytande och är representativt. Uppsatsen har studerat metoder för medborgardialog i Stockholms stads projekt Fokus Skärholmen. Eftersom Fokus Skärholmen är ett pilotprojekt för socialt hållbar stadsuConsultation is a mandatory element in Swedish community planning today. At the same time, research shows that the statutory consultation is not sufficient to create a civic participation that is influential and representative. The thesis has studied methods for citizen dialogue in the City of Stockholm's project Fokus Skärholmen. Since Fokus Skärholmen is a pilot project for socially sustaina

“What kind of generation is this?” - A social anthropological study about youth climate activism in Sweden

The climate crisis is upon us and our planet is crying out for help. This thesis is a story about the young people that have chosen to answer the call and take action. The purpose has been to explore how youth perform and internalize climate activism, by emphasizing emotions, activist performances, how they perceive their own movement or organization, other expressions of climate activism, the pot

Kunskapsskapande i samband med utrullning av informationssystem

Organisationer lever i en värld som präglas av hög konkurrens där digitaliseringen är en drivande faktor. För att organisationer ska kunna dra nytta av digitaliseringen och behålla sin konkurrenskraft behöver de värna om det kunskapskapital som finns inom verksamheten. Denna studie har undersökt hur organisationer arbetar med kunskapsskapande i samband med en systemimplementation för att öka först

Individual Consumer Identity Formation in a Politicised World

Thesis Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to gain an understanding of how consumers build their individual identities through everyday political acts of consumption. Methodology & Empirical Data: This study is conducted based on a social constructionist worldview with a qualitative research design, adopting an inductive approach. The literature review and 19 semi-structured interviews joi

Combating feminicidal violence in Mexico: A qualitative study of women’s active subjectivity vis a vis institutional violence.

This study focuses on both the institutional violence against women and women’s (facing direct forms of extreme violence) resistance by highlighting their voices and experiences, from a decolonial feminist approach. It examines the tension between oppression and active subjectivity, concluding that women experiencing extreme forms of feminicidal violence, through the resignifications of themselves

"Young -Old" Community

The term “Young-Old” was introduced in 1974 by Bernice Neugarten, who further subdivided the elderly population. This term also corresponds to the third stage of the life cycle of childhood, adulthood, “Young-Old” and “Old-Old”. According to this quadripartite division, “Young-Old” can be called the “Third Age.” This group is the new and rapidly expanding elderly population of healthy and independ

Destruction in Paradise: Using the capabilities approach to assess the causes of marine debris in the Bahamas -The case of Hurricane Dorian and informal settlements in the Abaco Islands

Marine debris is a major threat to wildlife and human health. This study examines the socioeconomic vulnerability of informal housing as arguably one of the main drivers of the abundance of marine debris in the aftermath of a tropical cyclone. Using the Abaco Islands, Bahamas, as a case, the study applies the capabilities approach to assess the societal impact of Hurricane Dorian. Findings indicat

PROTECTING MUSIC BY COPYRIGHT IN THE EU - What is music and to what extent can it be protected by EU copyright law?

Before the Internet era began, the method that most consumers used to exploit copyrighted musical works such as CDs was based on the physical location of the entity that distributed them. Nowadays, they can be found on different online platforms. The aim of this thesis is to find out what music is, why it should be protected and to what extent it can be protected according to the EU copyright law.

When Reality Outweighs Ethics in Cancel Culture: A Theorisation, Modelling, and Empirical Exploration of Brand Cancellation

The phenomenon of cancel culture is one we all witness and sometimes partake in, and it has recently become a hot topic in research. However, the literature on this phenomenon is still in its infancy. Scholars have attempted to understand cancel culture by looking at cases where public figures and celebrities are targeted, but not enough attention has been paid to the ins and outs of cancel cultur

Urban frihet - Om Skateboardkulturen i Malmö stad utifrån ett platsperspektiv

Denna studie analyserar skateboardåkares förhållande till platser och stadsmiljön i Malmö stad. Hur använder skateboardåkarna sig utav platsen och hur påverkar det i sin tur deras identitetsskapande process inom kulturen. De personer som intervjuats och aktivt följts under ett fältarbete några vårmånader i Malmö stad. Alla som deltagit i studien har en stark relation med skateboardkulturen på olik

Sweden as a tax haven - A research regarding if a tax haven can conduct high taxes and what other characteristics may be

This thesis is a research regarding if Sweden should be classified as a tax haven. To be able to classfie Sweden, four organisations have been researched, this is because there is no clear definition of the term tax haven. This research has gone through four organisations' views on tax havens and what they see as indicators in a country that could be classified as a tax haven. Have the four or

Corporate board tenure and firm performance: Evidence from non-financial UK firms.

This study focuses on empirical estimation of the relationship between corporate board tenure and firm performance. Firm performance is measured by return on assets (ROA) and Tobin’s Q. The sample consists of 177 non-financial UK firms observed over 9 years (unbalanced panel). The relevant literature implies agency costs inherent in the modern corporation’s organisational structure as well as the

The Nigerian Alternative Online Media and Political Misinformation: News producers’ perspective on the defining characteristics, tensions and mitigation strategies

This thesis investigates the characteristics of the Nigerian alternative online media as an effective tool for political discourse with the intent to influence governance despite claims that the form of media is awash with political misinformation - which is mostly termed “fake news” in the local parlance. This thesis takes an Afrikology stance in defining the role of the Nigerian alternative onli

Speaking is Silver, Silence is Gold - A decolonial study examining Swedish exceptionalism and colonialism and the struggle of the Sámi people in Swedish elementary school textbooks from 1930-2013.

The narrative regarding Sweden and the self-understanding often excludes its colonial past and instead presents a “moral superpower”, deeply connected to the welfare state. While the nation has described itself as exceptional, the Sámi people have struggled for rights, acknowledgement and visibility over a long period of time. Previous research on the subject has repeatedly been studied with a pos

Skönare, grönare, inkluderande stadsliv

The purpose of the report is to examine the content of a sustainability certification instrument, developed by an organization in constructing industry called Citylab. And to explore how it is interpreted by those who use the instrument. The investigation is conducted to answer the research question: Requirements are set when planning sustainability certified districts. Is it likely that these req