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Parameters influencing volume and activity quantitation in SPECT

Several factors influence the accuracy to which information on the in vivo activity concentration can be obtained from SPECT images. The accuracy in image contrast and the quantitation of volume and activity has here been examined for a SPECT system aimed for absorbed dose determinations in systemic radiation therapy. The influence of source dimensions, object contrast, noise level, energy window

SYT-SSX is critical for cyclin D1 expression in synovial sarcoma cells: A gain of function of the t(X;18)(p11.2;q11.2) translocation

The SYT-SSX fusion gene has been implicated in the malignant tumor cell growth of synovial sarcoma, but the underlying molecular mechanisms are still poorly understood. Here we demonstrate that SYT-SSX is critical for the protein level of cyclin D1 in synovial sarcoma cells. Antisense oligonucleotides to SYT-SSX mRNA rapidly and drastically decreased cyclin D1 and subsequently inhibited cell growt

Immunological aspects on cystic fibrosis lung disease

In cystic fibrosis (CF) colonization of the airways with Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a major cause of deterioration and death. Host defence fails to clear the invading bacteria, which results in a chronic destructive inflammatory process. This thesis deals with factors in the interaction between bacteria and host defence that determine the extent of tissue damage caused by the bacteria. (I) Autoant

Lower proliferation rate in metastatic effusion mesothelial cells than in benign effusions.

OBJECTIVE: To determine the proliferation rates of mesothelial cells in metastatic and benign effusions. STUDY DESIGN: Immunohistochemistry was performed on formalin-fixed pellets from 16 malignant and 9 benign clinical effusions. Dual staining with antibodies against Ki-67 (MIB-1) and desmin was applied to all effusions to differentiate between benign mesothelial cells and malignant cells, and th

Making States Comply : The European Commission, the European Court of Justice, and the Enforcement of the Internal Market

One of the central bones of contention in the study of the European Union (EU) is the capacity of its supranational institutions to be a driving force in the process toward deeper integration. Whereas existing research predominantly addresses the institutions’ ability to shape European integration through pre-decisional agenda-setting, this study examines the scope for supranational influence in t

Photoproduction of dijets with high transverse momenta at HERA

Differential dijet cross sections are measured in photoproduction in the region of photon virtualities Q(2) < 1 GeV2 with the H1 detector at the HERA ep collider using an integrated luminosity of 66.6 pb(-1). Jets are defined with the inclusive k perpendicular to algorithm and a minimum transverse momentum of the leading jet of 25 GeV is required. Dijet cross sections are measured indirect and res

Test Scheduling and Scan-Chain Division Under Power Constraint

An integrated technique for test scheduling and scan-chain division under power constraints is proposed in this paper. We demonstrate that optimal test time can be achieved for systems tested by an arbitrary number of tests per core using scan-chain division and we define an algorithm for it. The design of wrappers to allow different lengths of scan-chains per core is also outlined. We investigate

Projects in History of Automatic Control

This report summarizes the projects in the course History of Control given in the spring of 1996. There was a standard project whose purpose was to give some perspective on the recent developments of the field through study of the contents of the major conferences in Automatic Control. Some students also suggested their own projects, development of an interactive representation of the history of c

Norms, Culture and Cognitive Patterns in Foreign Aid Negotiations

Negotiations involving foreign aid are different from other types of bilateral negotiations. Normative and cultural aspects are distinctive attributes of aid negotiations, complicating any attempt to explain negotiation outcomes solely from a power perspective. Foreign aid negotiations between Sweden and Tanzania are permeated with norms: that rich states should give aid, that assistance should be

Formation of active phases in the Sb-V-, Al-Sb-V-, and Al-Sb-V-W-oxide systems for propane ammoxidation

The Sb-V-O, Al-Sb-V-O and Al-Sb-V-W-O systems were investigated for the ammoxidation of propane to acrylonitrile. Compared with pure approximate to SbVO4, the approximate to SbVO4 that was obtained by co-calcination of pure approximate to SbVO4 with alpha-Sb2O4 at 800 degrees C and subsequent sieving was found to be much more selective to acrylonitrile. XRD data showed no variation of the rutile u

Presence of a novel form of phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase in rat liver

Rat liver microsomes contain two distinct forms of PtdIns 4-kinase which were resolved by heparin-Sepharose chromatography. One enzyme was identified as the type II PtdIns kinase previously isolated from exocytotic vesicles. The other enzyme, however, was a novel PtdIns 4-kinase isoform with properties differing from any other PtdIns kinase so far characterized. Both kinases were recognized by a m

Lifetime measurements for doubly ionized uranium

The first lifetime measurements for doubly ionized uranium are reported in the present work. They relate to five levels belonging to the configurations 5f(2)6d(2), 5f(2)6d7s and 5f(3)7p and have been obtained with a time-resolved laser-induced-fluorescence technique, the ions being produced by laser ablation of a uranium oxide target.

Chemical and physical characterization of emissions from birch wood combustion in a wood stove

The purpose of this study was to characterize the emissions of a large number of chemical compounds emitted from birch wood combustion in a wood stove. Birch wood is widely used as fuel in Swedish household appliances. The fuel load was held constant during six experiments. Particles < 2.5 mum diameter were collected and the size distribution of the particles was measured. The results were compare

Corpus linguistics 25+years on

In the history of English language research on computerised corpora, the year 1977 marks an important event with the birth of ICAME - the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English - which set off international co-operation on a large scale. The use of computer corpora, from being a fringe activity, has become a mainstream methodology. Yet there was corpus life also before ICAME

Particle and trace gas emission factors under urban driving conditions in Copenhagen based on street and roof-level observations

Simultaneous measurements of particle size distribution (size/range 10-700 nm) inside an urban street canyon and a nearby urban background location in Copenhagen in May-November 2001 were used to separate the traffic source contribution in the street canyon from the background levels. The background concentrations are highly variable due to changing contributions from long-range transport and loca

Journalistikens anatomi : analyser av genrer och textmönster i fem strejkbevakningar i svensk dagspress 1879–1996.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vilka samband finns mellan de förändringar som skett sedan 1879 i samhälle, journalistik och tidningstexter? Det är den övergripande frågan för denna avhandling. Svaren utgår från undersökningar av fem strejkbevakningar i tre dagstidningar 1879–1996. Strejkbevakningarna gäller Sundsvallsstrejken 1879, storstrejken 1909, Metallstrejken 1945, gruvstrejken 1969-70 och sjukThis dissertation deals with journalistic texts in the Swedish daily press. The strike event has been chosen to make comparisons of the same event over time possible. The press coverage of five major Swedish strikes is investigated: the strike of the sawmill workers in the Sundsvall area in 1879, the general strike in 1909, the strike of the metal workers in 1945, the strike of the miners in 1969-