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Newborn infants' cry after heel-prick: analysis with sound spectrogram

The aim of the study was to test the hypothesis that a newborn infant's cry can be used in conjunction with an instrument to measure pain. Crying due to pain was analysed after a heel-prick stimulus. In a prospective, descriptive study, 50 healthy newborn infants were subjected to a heel-prick for phenylketonuria screening. Their cries of pain were recorded and analysed. Duration of the crying sou

Skådespelaren i handling : Strategier för tanke och kropp

In the thesis, that has its basis in my educational work at Malmö Theatre Academy, I discuss how actors in training solve the problem of embodying the role ? how they, from their ideas, feelings, thoughts and knowledge create the physical actions of the role. My discussion has its basis in how the training in acrobatics can form a sort of model for the strategies needed by the actor to perform on

Characterization of anti-GBM antibodies involved in Goodpasture's syndrome

Characterization of anti-GBM antibodies involved in Goodpasture's syndrome. Goodpasture's syndrome is a life threatening autoimmune kidney disease. The patients have autoantibodies to the glomerular basement membrane, which are specific for the C-terminal domain of type IV collagen (NC1). The major antigen has been localized to the alpha3(IV)-chain. We have investigated sera from 44 patients with

Counting statistics and decoherence in coupled quantum dots

We theoretically consider charge transport through two quantum dots coupled in series. The corresponding full counting statistics for noninteracting electrons is investigated in the limits of sequential and coherent tunneling by means of a master equation approach and a density matrix formalism, respectively. We clearly demonstrate the effect of quantum coherence on the zero-frequency cumulants of

Ku protein and DNA strand breaks in lip glands of normal and primary Sjogren's syndrome subjects: Lack of correlation with apoptosis

The aim was to examine tissue expression of Ku protein in lower lip salivary gland (LSG) biopsies from cases of primary Sjogren's syndrome (SS) and from normal subjects. Methods: immunohistochemistry was used with antibodies to Ku70/86 and also Ki67, PCNA and p53. In addition, the Klenow method was applied in order to detect evidence of apoptosis. Sections of hyperplastic tonsil served as addition

Dopamine release from nigral transplants visualized in vivo in a Parkinson's patient

Synaptic dopamine release from embryonic nigral transplants has been monitored in the striatum of a patient with Parkinson's disease using [11C]-raclopride positron emission tomography to measure dopamine D2 receptor occupancy by the endogenous transmitter. In this patient, who had received a transplant in the right putamen 10 years earlier, grafts had restored both basal and drug-induced dopamine

Environmental Modelling of Hydrological Systems

Global problems such as atmospheric change, acid rain, and water pollution in surface and subsurface environments dominate discussions of world environmental problems. In this thesis the roles of hydrologic processes and hydrogeochemical processes are investigated through development, modification, and application of models for addressing point and non-point source contamination of water. The move

Potential selection for female choice in Viola tricolor

That sexual selection can be an active force in plant evolution is still under debate. When the number of pollen grains deposited onto a stigma exceeds the number of available ovules, competition among pollen grains for fertilizations will result in selection on traits that increase siring ability (e.g. pollen tube growth rate). The pistil can be regarded as an arena for pollen competition, where

Clinical classification of itch: a position paper of the international forum for the study of itch

Chronic itch is a common and distressing symptom that arises from a variety of skin conditions and systemic diseases. Despite this, there is no clinically based classification of pruritic diseases to assist in the diagnosis and cost-effective medical care of patients with pruritus. The proposed classification focuses on clinical signs and distinguishes between diseases with and without primary or

Samarbetskommittén för socionomutbildning 25 år. En kortfattad historik 1977-2002

In 1977 there was a radical reform of Swedish universities. According to the reform the six independent schools of social work were incorporated in universities or university colleges. At the same time a new discipline “social work” was established. The independent schools of social work had curricula decided by the government. With the reform this was decentralised. There was a clear risk of gett

Interobserver agreement in defecography--an international study

BACKGROUND: Defecography is considered to be an essential investigation in the evaluation of functional anorectal disorders, but the agreement between observers from different clinical centers has never been evaluated. METHODS: 14 defecographic studies were selected aimed to cover the most relevant defecographic findings responsible for disordered defecation. Eight studies were considered unequivo