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Platelets promote bacterial dissemination in a mouse model of streptococcal sepsis.

Platelets have been reported to contribute to inflammation and inflammatory disorders. In the present study, we demonstrate that platelets contribute to the acute response to bacterial infection in a mouse model of invasive Streptococcus pyogenes infection. Thrombocytopenia occurred rapidly in infected animals and this was associated with platelet activation, formation of platelet-neutrophil compl

Kinetics and metabolic versatility of highly tolerant phenol degrading Alcaligenes strain TW1.

A bacterium that could completely metabolize phenol in batch culture supplied with up to 1200mg phenoll(-1) at room temperature (25 degrees C) was isolated from the activated sludge of the industrial wastewater treatment plant of a Coke company (Cairo, Egypt). Morphological and physiological characterization showed strain TW1 was a motile, strictly aerobic, gram negative and short-rod occurring si

Promiscuity resolves constraints imposed by population viscosity

Population viscosity can have major consequences for adaptive evolution, in particular for phenotypes involved in social interactions. For example, population viscosity increases the probability of mating with close kin, resulting in selection for mechanisms that circumvent the potential negative consequences of inbreeding. Female promiscuity is often suggested to be one such mechanism. However, w

Linear Metal Chains in Ca2M2X (M = Pd, Pt; X = Al, Ge): Origin of the Pairwise Distortion and Its Role in the Structure Stability

A series of four new analogue phases Ca2M2X (M = Pd, Pt and X = Al, Ge) were prepared by direct combination of the respective elements in stoichiometric mixtures at high temperature in order to analyze the impact of valence electron count (vec) and electronegativity differences (Delta chi) on the structure selection and stability. Their crystal structures, as determined from single-crystal X-ray d

Communication: Delayed asymmetric Coulomb fission of molecular clusters: Application of a dielectric liquid-drop model.

Delayed asymmetric Coulomb fission in size-selected molecular dication clusters has been recorded for the first time. Observations on (NH(3))(n) (2+) clusters show that fragmentation accompanied by charge separation can occur on a microsecond time scale, exhibits considerable asymmetry, and involves a kinetic energy release of ∼0.9 eV. The fission process has been modeled by representing the fragm

Blockade of CD27/CD70 pathway to reduce the generation of memory T cells and markedly prolong the survival of heart allografts in presensitized mice

Background: Alloreactive memory T cells are a major obstacle to transplantation acceptance due to their capacity for accelerated rejection. Methods: C57BL/6 mice that had rejected BALB/c skin grafts 4 weeks earlier were used as recipients. The recipient mice were treated with anti-CD154/LFA-1 with or without anti-CD70 during the primary skin transplantation and anti-CD154/LFA-1 or not during the s

Organisational frameworks for straw-based energy systems in Sweden and Denmark

This discussion highlights and defines key factors and organisational structures for the transformation of local agro-biomass based bioenery systems in Sweden and Denmark. Cross case study analysis is applied to 13 examples where straw is used for energy at various scales within a conceptual framework developed by the authors. This also delivers a cross-country comparison of systems and of the sta

Unilocular adnexal cysts with papillary projections but no other solid components: is there a diagnostic method that can reliably classify them as benign or malignant before surgery?

Aim: To develop a logistic regression model for discrimination between benign and malignant unilocular solid cysts with papillary projections but no other solid components, and to compare its diagnostic performance with that of subjective evaluation of ultrasound findings (subjective assessment), CA 125 and the risk of malignancy index (RMI). Methods: Among the 3511 adnexal masses in the Interna

An exploratory model for G x E interaction on hippocampal volume in schizophrenia; obstetric complications and hypoxia-related genes

Background Smaller hippocampal volume has repeatedly been reported in schizophrenia patients Obstetric complications (OCs) and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) variation in schizophrenia susceptibility genes have independently been related to hippocampal volume We investigated putative independent and interaction effects of severe hypoxia-related OCs and variation in four hypoxia-regulated sch

Hardware Support for CSP on a Java Chip-Multiprocessor

Due to memory bandwidth limitations, chip multiprocessors (CMP) adopting the convenient shared memory model for their main memory architecture scale poorly. On-chip core-to-core communication is a solution to this problem, that can lead to further performance increase for a number of multithreaded applications. Programmatically, the Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) paradigm provides a soun

Discontinuities handled with events in Assimulo

Often integrating ordinary differential equations or differential algebraic equations (DAE) do not constitute the problem alone. A common complement is finding the root of an algebraic function (an event function) that depends on the states of the problem. This formulation of a model enables the possibility of including discontinuities, an important part of the Functional Mock-up Interface standar

The neutrophil-recruiting chemokine GCP-2/CXCL6 is expressed in cystic fibrosis airways and retains its functional properties after binding to extracellular DNA.

Infections in cystic fibrosis (CF), often involving Pseudomonas aeruginosa, result from a dysregulated airway immunity where one hallmark is the accumulation of necrotic and apoptotic immune cells, in particular neutrophils. In addition, neutrophils actively release DNA, forming neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) that contain antimicrobial proteins. Altogether, free DNA in complex with actin ac

The formation of the solar system

The solar system started to form about 4.56 Gyr ago and despite the long intervening time span, there still exist several clues about its formation. The three major sources for this information are meteorites, the present solar system structure and the planet-forming systems around young stars. In this introduction we give an overview of the current understanding of the solar system formation from

Nrf2-encoding NFE2L2 haplotypes influence disease progression but not risk in Alzheimer's disease and age-related cataract

Alzheimer's disease (AD) and age-related cataract, disorders characterized by protein aggregation causing late-onset disease, both involve oxidative stress. We hypothesize that common variants of NFE2L2 and KEAP1, the genes encoding the main regulators of the Nrf2 system, an important defence system against oxidative stress, may influence risk of AD and/or age-related cataract. This case-control s

Hybrid deterministic stochastic systems with microscopic look-ahead dynamics

We study the impact of stochastic mechanisms on a coupled hybrid system consisting of a general advection-diffusion-reaction partial differential equation and a spatially distributed stochastic lattice noise model. The stochastic dynamics include both spin-flip and spin-exchange type interparticle interactions. Furthermore, we consider a new, asymmetric, single exclusion pro- cess, studied elsewhe

A dose-dependent role for EBF1 in repressing non-B-cell-specific genes

In the absence of early B-cell factor 1 (EBF1), B-cell development is arrested at an uncommitted progenitor stage that exhibits increased lineage potentials. Previously, we investigated the roles of EBF1 and its DNA-binding partner Runx1 by evaluating B lymphopoiesis in single (EBF1(het) and Runx1(het)) and compound haploinsufficent (Ebf1(+/-) Runx1(+/-), ERhet) mice. Here, we demonstrate that dec

China as Chimney of the World: The Fossil Capital Hypothesis

What has caused the early 21st-century emissions explosion in China? Driving a global explosion, it appears to stand in some relation to processes of globalization, but these links have mostly remained unexplored. This article revisits some established frameworks for understanding the connection between globalization and environmental degradation and argues that they are insufficient for explainin