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Your search for "*" yielded 531864 hits

Simultaneously recorded single-exhalation profiles of ethanol, water vapour and CO2 in humans: impact of pharmacokinetic phases on ethanol airway exchange

The breath alcohol concentration (BrAC) standardized to the alveolar water vapour concentration has been shown to closely predict the arterial blood alcohol (ethanol) concentration (ABAC). However, a transient increase in the ABAC/BrAC ratio has been noted, when alcohol is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract (absorption phase) and the ABAC rapidly rises. We analysed the plot of simultaneously

Genetic diversity within and genetic differentiation between blooms of a microalgal species.

The field of genetic diversity in protists, particularly phytoplankton, is under expansion. However, little is known regarding variation in genetic diversity within populations over time. The aim of our study was to investigate intrapopulation genetic diversity and genetic differentiation in the freshwater bloom-forming microalga Gonyostomum semen (Raphidophyceae). The study covered a 2-year perio

Prevalence of Doctor-Diagnosed Thumb Carpometacarpal Joint Osteoarthritis: An Analysis of Swedish Health Care

Objective. While the prevalence of radiographic thumb carpometacarpal (CMC1) osteoarthritis (OA) is well-described, little is known about clinically symptomatic disease presenting to physicians for care. We sought to determine the prevalence of doctor-diagnosed CMC1 OA. Methods. Using health care data from Skane in southern Sweden (population 1.24 million), we identified all adults ages >= 20 year

A Measurement Based Shadow Fading Model for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Network Simulations

The vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) propagation channel has significant implications on the design and performance of novel communication protocols for vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). Extensive research efforts have been made to develop V2V channel models to be implemented in advanced VANET system simulators for performance evaluation. The impact of shadowing caused by other vehicles has, however, la

Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronically colonized with Haemophilus influenzae during stable disease phase have increased airway inflammation.

Some patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) show increased airway inflammation and bacterial colonization during stable phase. The aim of this study was to follow COPD patients and investigate chronic colonization with pathogenic bacteria during stable disease phase, and relate these findings to clinical parameters, inflammatory pattern, lung function, and exacerbations.

Structural Evolution of Environmentally Responsive Cationic Liposome-DNA Complexes with a Reducible Lipid Linker

Environmentally responsive materials (i.e., materials that respond to changes in their environment with a change in their properties or structure) are attracting increasing amounts of interest. We recently designed and synthesized a series of cleavable multivalent lipids (CMVLn, with n = 2-5 being the number of positive headgroup charges at full protonation) with a disulfide bond in the linker bet

Rapid evolution of prezygotic barriers in non-territorial damselflies

A central question in evolutionary biology concerns the accumulation of reproductive barriers during speciation. However, separating the reproductive barriers that have led to speciation from those that have secondarily accumulated (i.e. after initial divergence) is a widely recognized problem. Ideal candidate species for overcoming this problem are young species, where time for additional barrier

Lupus anticoagulants in two children-bleeding due to nonphospholipid-dependent antiprothrombin antibodies.

We describe two children with significant bleeding: one with multiple ecchymoses and the other with scrotal bleeding. In both patients, the activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) was prolonged, with positivity for lupus anticoagulants (LA). However, the Owren prothrombin time (PT), usually insensitive for LA, was also prolonged. The presence of LA is associated with diverse clinical manifest

Simulation of the isotropic EXAFS spectra for the S2 and S3 structures of the oxygen evolving complex in photosystem II.

Most of the main features of water oxidation in photosystem II are now well understood, including the mechanism for O-O bond formation. For the intermediate S2 and S3 structures there is also nearly complete agreement between quantum chemical modeling and experiments. Given the present high degree of consensus for these structures, it is of high interest to go back to previous suggestions concerni

Double-helicity dependence of jet properties from dihadrons in longitudinally polarized p plus p collisions at root s=200 GeV

It has been postulated that partonic orbital angular momentum can lead to a significant double-helicity dependence in the net transverse momentum of Drell-Yan dileptons produced in longitudinally polarized p + p collisions. Analogous effects are also expected for dijet production. If confirmed by experiment, this hypothesis, which is based on semiclassical arguments, could lead to a new approach f

Red cell distribution width, haemoglobin A1c and incidence of diabetes mellitus.

Hyperglycaemia has multiple effects on the red blood cell (RBC), including glycation of haemoglobin, reduced deformability and reduced lifespan. Red cell distribution width (RDW) is a measure of the heterogeneity of erythrocyte volumes. The aim of this study was to explore the relationships between RDW and glucose, haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) and incidence of diabetes mellitus (DM).

On the modelling of electro-viscoelastic response of electrostrictive polyurethane elastomers

Electroactive polymers (EAP) deform under electric fields. This effect in fact generates various new fields of engineering applications of high technological interest. As an advantage, EAP may undergo deformations much larger than those capable by electroactive ceramics-however, to the price of acting at comparatively low forces. As common for polymers, EAP exhibit time-dependent material behaviou

Geochemical variations within the mid-Silurian Grotlingbo Bentonite (Gotland, Sweden): discriminating between magmatic composition, ash transport fractionation and diagenetic effects

This paper reports on the geochemistry of the mid-Silurian Grotlingbo Bentonite, a ca. 0.10.4-m-thick and regionally important bentonite bed in Sweden and the East Baltic area. A series of eight samples, spaced by 5cm, were taken from the Hunninge-1 drillcore in Gotland, Sweden, and were analysed in order to establish the vertical element composition and variation in the bentonite. The results sho

Innovation in peripheral regions: Do collaborations compensate for a lack of local knowledge spillovers?

It is widely accepted that firms in peripheral regions benefit to a lesser extent from local knowledge spillovers than firms located in agglomerations or industrial clusters. This paper investigates the extent to which innovative firms in peripheral regions compensate for the lack of access to local knowledge spillovers by collaborating at other geographical scales. So far the literature predomina

Exploring Coping Effectiveness and Optimism among Municipal Employees

The aim of the study was to examine the relationship between coping, optimism, psychological and physical well-being. The effectiveness of the different coping strategies and the role of optimism were investigated by analyzing how they predicted psychological and physical well-being. Altogether 136 municipal employees participated in a questionnaire study. The results showed that the most adaptive

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Abstract in Italian I trends contemporanei nell’adozione corrente di tecnologie educative, insieme alla crescente accettazione e adozione di “apertura” nel senso di accesso aperto e condivisione di risorse, costringono la formazione universitaria a ripensare in modo radicale le proprie strutture e strategie educative. Questo articolo analizza il cambiamento che si sta verificando: dalla focalizzaz

Relative Quantification of Membrane Proteins in Wild-Type and Prion Protein (PrP)-Knockout Cerebellar Granule Neurons

Approximately 25% of eukaryotic proteins possessing homology to at least two trans membrane domains are predicted to be embedded in biological membranes. Nevertheless, this group of proteins is not usually well represented in proteome-wide experiments due to their refractory nature. Here we present a quantitative mass spectrometry-based comparison of membrane protein expression in cerebellar granu