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Your search for "*" yielded 531675 hits

Improved sensibility of the foot after temporary cutaneous anesthesia of the lower leg.

Cutaneous anesthesia (EMLA_cream) of the forearm results in rapid improvement of hand sensibility, and here we applied this concept in the lower extremity. This double-blind study with 40 volunteers randomized to cutaneous application of anesthetic cream to the lower leg showed a significant improvement 2 h after treatment in touch thresholds in the EMLA group as compared with the placebo group. I

Source apportionment and seasonal variation of PM2.5 in a Sub-Saharan African city: Nairobi, Kenya

Sources of airborne particulate matter and their seasonal variation in urban areas in Sub-Saharan Africa are poorly understood due to lack of long-term measurement data. In view of this, filter samples of airborne particulate matter (particle diameter ?2.5 ?m, PM2.5) were collected between May 2008 and April 2010 at two sites (urban background site and suburban site) within the Nairobi metropolita

Abnormally decreased NO and augmented CO production in islets of the leptin-deficient ob/ob mouse might contribute to explain hyperinsulinemia and islet survival in leptin-resistant type 2 obese diabetes.

The role of the gaseous messengers NO and CO for β-cell function and survival is controversial. We examined this issue in the hyperglycemic-hyperinsulinemic ob/ob mouse, an animal model of type 2 obese diabetes, by studying islets from obese vs lean mice regarding glucose-stimulated insulin release in relation to islet NO and CO production and the influence of modulating peptide hormones. Glucose-

Hip fracture in men-survival and subsequent fractures: a cohort study with 22-year follow-up.

Abstract OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the influence of age on survival and risk of subsequent fracture in men with hip fracture, applying a residual lifetime perspective. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study with 22-year follow-up. SETTING: Skåne University Hospital, Malmö, Sweden. PARTICIPANTS: Men aged 60 and older (N=226) with an index hip fracture during 1984/85. MEASUREMENTS: Twenty-two-year sur

Epidemiology and Prognostic Factors in Acute Superior Mesenteric Artery Occlusion.

BACKGROUND: Reports on trends in incidence and mortality of acute superior mesenteric artery (SMA) occlusion and evaluation of prognostic factors in recent years are lacking. METHODS: Patients with acute SMA occlusion were identified through the in-patient and autopsy registry between 1970 and 1982 (n = 270), 1987 to 1996 (n = 135), and 2000 and 2006 (n = 100) in Malmö, Sweden. RESULTS: The overal

The anti-dyskinetic effect of dopamine receptor blockade is enhanced in parkinsonian rats following dopamine neuron transplantation.

Graft-induced dyskinesia (GID) is a serious complication induced by dopamine (DA) cell transplantation in parkinsonian patients. We have recently shown that DA D2 receptor blockade produces sticking blockade of dyskinesia induced by amphetamine in grafted 6-OHDA-lesioned rats, a model of GID. This study was designed to investigate whether blockade of DA D1 receptors could produce similar outcome,

The influence of calibration method and eye physiology on eyetracking data quality

Abstract in UndeterminedRecording eye movement data with high quality is often a prerequisite for producing valid and replicable results and for drawing well-founded conclusions about the oculomotor system. Today, many aspects of data quality are often informally discussed among researchers but are very seldom measured, quantified, and reported. Here we systematically investigated how the calibrat

Assessing and Rewarding Excellent Academic Teachers for the benefit of an Organisation.

In this article we describe and analyse a system for rewarding excellence in university teaching developed at the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University in Sweden. Individual teachers are rewarded for the effort they invest in the support of student learning. However, it is the organization that establishes a reward system and it does so for developmental purposes. These two purposes, individua

Generation of Spectral-Temporal Response Surfaces by Combining Multispectral Satellite and Hyperspectral UAV Imagery for Precision Agriculture Applications

Precision agriculture requires detailed crop status information at high spatial and temporal resolutions. Remote sensing can provide such information, but single sensor observations are often incapable of meeting all data requirements. Spectral-temporal response surfaces (STRSs) provide continuous reflectance spectra at high temporal intervals. This is the first study to combine multispectral sate

Why firms implement risk governance - Stepping beyond traditional risk management to enterprise risk management

Stakeholders of firms have pushed for enterprise risk management (ERM) as a response to flawed risk management and corporate governance systems (Kirkpatrick, 2009). Previous studies explaining why ERM is implemented have been informative but overly simplified. The basic argument presented in this study is that ERM should be seen as a composition of traditional risk management and risk governance,

Effects of the electron correlation and Breit and hyperfine interactions on the lifetime of the 2p(5)3s states in neutral neon

In the framework of the multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock method, we investigate the transition properties of four excited states in the 2p(5)3s configuration of neutral neon. The electron correlation effects are taken into account systematically by using the active space approach. The effect of higher-order correlation on fine structures is shown. We also study the influence of the Breit inte

PECC-Factor structure and findings in three longitudinal cohorts of patients with schizophrenia

Background: Symptom control by drug treatment is the most important task in routine clinical care of patients with schizophrenia. Structured assessment methods are needed in this task but not used much. The US-developed Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) is a standard tool for symptom assessment. The Psychosis Evaluation tool for Common use by Caregivers (PECC) was constructed in Europe

Malt in Combination with Lactobacillus rhamnosus Increases Concentrations of Butyric Acid in the Distal Colon and Serum in Rats Compared with Other Barley Products but Decreases Viable Counts of Cecal Bifidobacteria.

Several substances, including glutamine and propionic acid but in particular butyric acid, have been proposed to be important for colonic health. β-Glucans lead to the formation of comparatively high amounts of butyric acid, and germinated barley foodstuff obtained from brewer's spent grain (BSG), containing high amounts of β-glucans and glutamine, has been reported to reduce the inflammatory resp

Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and Mortality European Prospective Investigation Into Cancer and Nutrition

In this study, the relation between fruit and vegetable consumption and mortality was investigated within the European Prospective Investigation Into Cancer and Nutrition. Survival analyses were performed, including 451,151 participants from 10 European countries, recruited between 1992 and 2000 and followed until 2010. Hazard ratios, rate advancement periods, and preventable proportions to respec