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Your search for "*" yielded 532329 hits

PTENP1-AS contributes to BRAF inhibitor resistance and is associated with adverse clinical outcome in stage III melanoma

BRAF inhibitors (BRAFi) selectively target oncogenic BRAFV600E/K and are effective in 80% of advanced cutaneous malignant melanoma cases carrying the V600 mutation. However, the development of drug resistance limits their clinical efficacy. Better characterization of the underlying molecular processes is needed to further improve treatments. We previously demonstrated that transcription of PTEN is

Survival in endometrial cancer in relation to minimally invasive surgery or open surgery – a Swedish Gynecologic Cancer Group (SweGCG) study

Background: The aim of this study was to analyze overall survival in endometrial cancer patients’ FIGO stages I-III in relation to surgical approach; minimally invasive (MIS) or open surgery (laparotomy). Methods: A population-based retrospective study of 7275 endometrial cancer patients included in the Swedish Quality Registry for Gynecologic Cancer diagnosed from 2010 to 2018. Cox proportional h

Digitalisering av vårdprocesser och monitorering av patienter på distans – hur förändras vårdpersonalens arbete?

Bakgrund Teknikutvecklingen inom hälso- och sjukvårdsområdet möjliggör ständigt nya och mer avancerade sätt att distansmonitorera och vårda patienter digitalt. Digitaliseringen inom hälso- och sjukvårdsområdet i form av till exempel hälsoapplikationer gör det möjligt för patienter och personal att ha kontakt och kommunicera digitalt med varandra (WHO, 2011). itACiH är ett digitalt system där patie

Genesis, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future of Evil

This article explores the ways the dynamics of sin, good, andevil may be understood in a technological future characterized by the implementation of artificial intelligence in society. By re-reading the Eden story inGenesis 2–3 in light of current AI-discourse, Scheuer shows how sin, good, andevil are intrinsic to the enterprise of creating an entity that bears the essence ofthe Creator, while at

"My body shivered" : Emotions and empirical evidence of supernatural phenomena in Swedish popular culture

Contemporary ghost stories can be mediated through television series that familiarize viewers with the idea of supernatural/spiritual phenomena, and present a way of witnessing, experiencing and dealing with such phenomena. TheSwedish TV series Det Okända(The Unknown) is an example of such a production. A –presumably –spiritual phenomenon is tailored to fit a popular culture format and is served t

Diffusion of biogas for freight transport in Sweden : A user perspective

Current freight transport is highly dependent on fossil fuels and there is a need for a transition to alternative fuels and technologies. Biogas is a type of biofuel that has the potential to reduce climate emissions from freight transport, while providing additional benefits such as recycling of nutrients and increased energy security. This paper uses theories on the diffusion of green technologi

Traffic-Related Air Pollution as a Risk Factor for Dementia : No Clear Modifying Effects of APOE ϵ4 in the Betula Cohort

It is widely known that the apolipoprotein E (APOE) ϵ4 allele imposes a higher risk for Alzheimer's disease (AD). Recent evidence suggests that exposure to air pollution is also a risk factor for AD, and results from a few studies indicate that the effect of air pollution on cognitive function and dementia is stronger in APOE ϵ4 carriers than in non-carriers. Air pollution and interaction with APO

Health utility in preclinical and prodromal Alzheimer's disease for establishing the value of new disease-modifying treatments—EQ-5D data from the Swedish BioFINDER study

Quality of life and health utility are important outcomes for patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and central for demonstrating the value of new treatments. Estimates in biomarker-confirmed AD populations are missing, potentially delaying payer approval of treatment. We examined whether health utility, assessed with the EuroQoL-5 3-level version (EQ-5D-3L), differed between individuals with a p

Identification of flying insects in the spatial, spectral, and time domains with focus on mosquito imaging

Insects constitute a very important part of the global ecosystem and include pollinators, disease vectors, and agricultural pests, all with pivotal influence on society. Monitoring and control of such insects has high priority, and automatic systems are highly desirable. While capture and analysis by biologists constitute the gold standard in insect identification, optical and laser techniques hav

A fault handling process for faults in district heating customer installations

Faults in district heating (DH) customer installations cause high return temperatures, which have a negative impact on both current and future district heating systems. Thus, there is a need to detect and correct these faults soon after they occur to minimize their impact on the system. This paper, therefore, suggests a fault handling process for the detection and elimination of faults in DH custo

Load Reduction for Timely Applications in the Cloud

In many IoT applications, sensor data is sent remotely to be processed, but only the freshest result is of interest. In this paper we investigate a feedback mechanism that aborts the processing of stale data at the remote end to reduce the load and save costs. The process is approximated by an M/M/$\infty$ queueing system with a feedback loop. We find the exact expression of the average computatioIn many IoT applications, sensor data is sent remotely to be processed, but only the freshest result is of interest. In this paper we investigate a feedback mechanism that aborts the processing of stale data at the remote end to reduce the load and save costs. The process is approximated by an M/M/∞ queueing system with a feedback loop. We find the exact expression of the average computational tim

Trust in government in Sweden and Denmark during the COVID-19 epidemic

Did the different public-health policies that Sweden and Denmark pursued in the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic result in different levels of public trust in governments’ and health authorities’ ability to guide the two countries safely through the pandemic? How did the level of trust change as the pandemic unfolded? And were there any cross-country differences in the correlates of trust? Using

On the Uniqueness Problem for Quadrature Domains

We study questions of existence and uniqueness of quadrature domains using computational tools from real algebraic geometry. These problems are transformed into questions about the number of solutions to an associated real semi-algebraic system, which is analyzed using the method of real comprehensive triangular decomposition.

“True Religion” and Hume’s Practical Atheism

The argument and discussion in this paper begins from the premise that Hume was an atheist who denied the religious or theist hypothesis. However, even if it is agreed that that Hume was an atheist this does not tell us where he stood on the question concerning the value of religion. Some atheists, such as Spinoza, have argued that society needs to maintain and preserve a form of “true religion”,

Exploring physiological stability of infants in Kangaroo Mother Care position versus placed in transport incubator during neonatal ground ambulance transport in Sweden

Background: The positive effects of Kangaroo mother care in NICU’s are well documented but, to a lesser extent, explored during inter-hospital neonatal transport. Inter-hospital transport, with the infant placed in a transport incubator, increases the risk of separation while infants in Kangaroo mother care position implies that the parents accompany the transport. There exists limited knowledge i

Poly(styrene)- block-Maltoheptaose Films for Sub-10 nm Pattern Transfer : Implications for Transistor Fabrication

Sequential infiltration synthesis (SIS) into poly(styrene)-block-maltoheptaose (PS-b-MH) block copolymer using vapors of trimethyl aluminum and water was used to prepare nanostructured surface layers. Prior to the infiltration, the PS-b-MH had been self-assembled into 12 nm pattern periodicity. Scanning electron microscopy indicated that horizontal alumina-like cylinders of 4.9 nm diameter were fo