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Your search for "*" yielded 531663 hits

Single-step purification of human C4b-binding protein (C4BP) by affinity chromatography on a peptide derived from a streptococcal surface protein.

Many Gram-positive bacteria express surface proteins that bind human plasma proteins. These bacterial proteins, and derivatives of them, are of interest for analysis of bacterial pathogenesis and as immunochemical tools. Well-characterized examples include the IgG-binding reagents staphylococcal protein A and streptococcal protein G, and the recently described streptococcal IgA-binding peptide Sap

The abundances of Pt, Au, and HG in the chemically peculiar HgMn-type stars kappa CANCRI and chi LUPI

Echelle mode spectra obtained with the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph onboard the Hubble Space Telescope have been used to determine the abundances of the heavy elements Pt, Au, and Hg in the chemically peculiar HgMn-type stars kappa Cancri and chi Lupi. The abundances were determined by fitting observed line profiles with synthetically generated spectra and are found to be enhanced relative

A general formalism for metabolic control analysis

A general formalism for Metabolic Control Analysis is derived using general sensitivity analysis and structural information of the metabolic pathway inherent in the stoichiometry matrix. The equations derived provide a general procedure for calculating the control coefficients from the elasticity coefficients using matrix algebra, and is valid for any pathway stoichiometry. The procedure diminishe

On radial solutions of certain semi-linear elliptic equations

We consider the semi-linear elliptic equation Delta u + f (x, u) + g (vertical bar x vertical bar)x center dot del u = 0, in some exterior region of R-n, n >= 3. It is shown that if f depends radially on its first argument and is nonincreasing in its second, boundary conditions force the unique solution to be radial. Under different conditions, we prove the existence of a positive radial asymptoti

The effect of bacteriorhodopsin, detergent and hydration on the cubic-to-lamellar phase transition in the monoolein-distearoyl phosphatidyl glycerol-water system

The cubic phase of monoolein (MO) has successfully been used for crystallization of membrane proteins. It is likely that the transition to a lamellar phase upon dehydration is important for the crystallization process, and that the internal dimensions of the lipid phases (i.e., water pore diameter) are crucial for the inclusion and the diffusion of membrane proteins. In the present study, we inves

Isolation and characterization of a white rot fungus Bjerkandera sp strain capable of oxidizing phenanthrene

Strain BOL13 was selected from 18 fungal strains isolated from an oil-spill contaminated site in Oruro, Bolivia. It was identified as a basidiomycete with high homology to Bjerkandera. The fungus degraded 100 mg phenanthrene l(-1) at 0.17 mg l(-1) d(-1) at 30 degrees C at pH 7. During phenanthrene degradation, a maximum manganese peroxidase activity of 100-120 U l(-1) was measured after 10 days of

Autochthonous versus allochthonous carbon sources of bacteria: Results from whole-lake C-13 addition experiments

Organic substrates for pelagic bacteria are derived from dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the water column. DOC is a heterogeneous mixture of molecules, some of which are imported from the watershed (allochthonous DOC) and others that are produced by autotrophs within the system (autochthonous DOC). We examined the importance of autochthonous versus allochthonous DOC in supporting the growth of p

Anaerobic biodegradation of spent sulphite liquor in a UASB reactor

Anaerobic biodegradation of fermented spent sulphite liquor, SSL, which is produced during the manufacture of sulphite pulp, was investigated. SSL contains a high concentration of lignin products in addition to hemicellulose and has a very high COD load (173 g COD 1(-1)). Batch experiments with diluted SSL and pretreated SSL indicated a potential of 12-22 1 methane per hire SSL, which corresponds

Samlingsrecension Kyrka, nationalsocialism och antisemitism

A review article discussing five books on Church, National Socialism and Anti-Semitism: Lars I. Andersson, Mellan Katyn och Auschwitz; Henrik karlsson, Det fruktade märket; Hans Mikosch, Trotz Hakenkreuz und Ährenkranz; Johan Perwe, Bombprästen; Elias Rubinstein, Svenska kyrkan och "den slutliga lösningen" på judefrågan i Norge.

Phosphorylation sites of Arabidopsis MAP kinase substrate 1 (MKS 1)

The Arabidopsis MAP kinase 4 (MPK4) substrate MKS1 was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified, full-length, 6x histidine (His)-tagged MKS1 was phosphorylated in vitro by hemagglutinin (HA)-tagged MPK4 immuno-precipitated from plants. MKS1 phosphorylation was initially verified by electrophoresis and gel-staining with ProQ Diamond and the protein was digested by either trypsin or chymotrypsin f

Cyclic syllabification in Mongolian

Mongolian is a language with a rich suffix-based morphology. Underlying forms can contain long consonant strings into which schwa vowels must be epenthesized in order to create well-formed syllables. Syllabification (including epenthesis) is governed by universal principles (the sonority law, maximality, and directionality) and a few language specific rules. Syllabification is cyclic in relation t