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Assessing the Importance of Letter Pairs in Reading—Parafoveal Processing Is Not the Only View: Reply to Inhoff, Radach, Eiter, and Skelly (2003)

D. Briihl and A. W. Inhoff (1995) found that exterior letter pairs showed no privileged status in reading when letter pairs were presented as parafoveal primes. However, T. R. Jordan, S. M. Thomas, G. R. Patching, and K. C. Scott-Brown (2003) used a paradigm that (a) allowed letter pairs to exert influence at any point in the reading process, (b) overcame problems with the stimulus manipulations u

Altered expression of TGFB receptors and mitogenic effects of TGFB in pancreatic carcinomas

Alteration of the transforming growth factor beta (TGFB) signalling pathway is important in pancreatic carcinogenesis, as shown by the frequent inactivation of the downstream target SMAD4. We recently analysed a series of pancreatic carcinoma cell lines with respect to alterations of five SMAD genes involved in TGFB signalling, and showed that SMAD4 was structurally rearranged in 42% of these. Thi

Acute liver failure in Sweden: etiology and outcome

Wei G, Bergquist A, Broome U, Lindgren S, Wallerstedt S, Almer S, Sangfelt P, Danielsson A, Sandber-Gertzen H, Loof L, Prytz H, Bjomsson E (Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg; Karolinska University Hospital, Huddinge, Stockholm; University Hospital MAS, Malmo; University Hospital, Linkoping; University Hospital, Uppsala; University Hospital, Umea; University Hospital, Orebro; Central Hosp

Quantitative relationship between SOI and observed precipitation in southern Korea and Japan by nonparametric approaches

Several studies have tried to link southern oscillation index (Sol) and observed precipitation in Korea and Japan. However, so far no clear relationship between the Sol and the precipitation in the area has been found. In the present study, categorized Sol are used to reveal quantitative and statistically significant influence on monthly precipitation at Busan in Korea and at Fukuoka in Japan. Mon

Growth and interactions of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in soils from limestone and acid rock habitats

Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) development in different soil types, and the influence of AM fungal hyphae on their original soil were investigated. Plantago lanceolata, which can grow in soils of a very wide pH range, was grown in two closely related limestone soils and an acid soil from rock habitats. Plants were colonised by the indigenous AM fungal community. The use of compartmented systems allow

SCADA data and the quantification of hazardous events for QMRA

The objective of this study was to assess the use of on-line monitoring to support the QMRA at water treatment plants studied in the EU MicroRisk project. SCADA data were obtained from diary records, grab three Catchment-to-Tap Systems (CTS) along with system descriptions, sample data and deviation reports. Particular attention was paid to estimating hazardous event frequency, duration and magnitu

Miscarriages and stillbirths in women with a high intake of fish contaminated with persistent organochlorine compounds

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of the present study was to assess the effect, on miscarriages and stillbirths, of persistent organochlorine compounds (POC) through dietary intake of fatty fish from the Baltic Sea. METHODS: Information on miscarriages and stillbirths was collected retrospectively by a self-administered questionnaire in a cohort of fishermen's wives from the Swedish east coast (by the Balt

Essays on Social Capital, Health and Socioeconomic Inequalities in Health A Health Economic Study

The thesis comprises four independent research papers and a summary that focus on two related dimensions. The first dimension focuses on the understanding of the production of health. Particularly, the question is asked whether community's stock of social capital influence individual's health. The second dimension focuses on an attempt to understand the causes of socioeconomic health inequality (S

GPR40 is expressed in glucagon producing cells and affects glucagon secretion.

The free fatty acid receptor, GPR40, has been coupled with insulin secretion via its expression in pancreatic beta-cells. However, the role of GPR40 in the release of glucagon has not been studied and previous attempts to identify the receptor in alpha-cells have been unfruitful. Using double-staining for glucagon and GPR40 expression, we demonstrate that the two are expressed in the same cells in

Unified model of fractal conductance fluctuations for diffusive and ballistic semiconductor devices

We present an experimental comparison of magnetoconductance fluctuations measured in the ballistic, quasiballistic, and diffusive scattering regimes of semiconductor devices. In contradiction to expectations, we show that the spectral content of the magnetoconductance fluctuations exhibits an identical fractal behavior for these scattering regimes and that this behavior is remarkably insensitive t

Lipoic acid increases glutathione production and enhances the effect of mercury in human cell lines.

Thiols are known to influence the metabolism of glutathione. In a previous study (Toxicology 156 (2001) 93) dithiothreitol (DTT) did not show any effect on intra- or extracellular glutathione concentrations in HeLa cell cultures but increased the effects of mercury ions on glutathione concentrations, whereas monothiols such as N-acetylcysteine (NAC) or glutathione did not. In the present study, we