Trends in Software and Control
New software technologies are important for the future of control (and vice versa) in an age of increasing complexity. This paper discusses what are the trends.
New software technologies are important for the future of control (and vice versa) in an age of increasing complexity. This paper discusses what are the trends.
A series of intramolecular condensation products were obtained by base-catalyzed treatment of the natural bioactive dimeric phthalide diligustilide (1) using different reaction conditions and the yields remarkably depend on these. The reaction conditions to obtain selectively the intramolecular condensation derivatives or the hydrolysis products of diligustilide (1) are described.
Heat conduction calorimetry is a convenient method to detect cement-admixture incompatibility. However, such instruments tend to be used mainly in chemical laboratories. This paper presents the design of a simple unthermostated heat conduction calorimeter that can simultaneously monitor the heat production rate in 14 samples of cement paste or mortar. As it is not thermostated, its performance is
Biomolecular recognition is often characterised by low affinity where many weak interactions work either alone or in concert, resulting in an inherent dynamic situation. For example the well-studied weak binding of cell-cell interactions is predominantly based on a range of carbohydrates that interact with numerous (protein) ligands. Finding appropriate binders to these carbohydrate structures may
The helicity structure of the diffractive electroproduction of rho mesons, e + p --> e + rho + Y, is studied in a previously unexplored region of large four-momentum transfer squared at the proton vertex, t: 0 < t' < 3 GeV2, where t' = - min. The data used are collected with the HI detector at HERA in the kinematic domain 2.5 < Q(2) < 60 GeV2, 40 < W < 120 GeV No t dependence of the r(00)(04) spin
Sweden does not have a legal definition of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). There are, however, special tax rules which apply to unquoted companies and close companies. A "close company" is defined in the statutes as a company or an economic association in which a small number of people, directly or indirectly, own shares representing more than 50% of the voting rights. Close companies a
We propose a new third-order multidimensional upwind algorithm for the solution of the flow equations on tetrahedral cells unstructured grids. This algorithm has a compact stencil (cell-based computations) and uses a finite element idea when computing the residual over the cell to achieve its third-order (spatial) accuracy. The construction of the new scheme is presented. The asymptotic accuracy f
Denna rapport presenterar två nya metoder att beräkna fukttransportkoefficienten och Kirchhoffs flödespotential vid höga fuktnivåer.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Tre-dimensionell ultraljudsundersökning av livmodertappen (cervix) Syftet med avhandlingen var att utvärdera förändringar i livmodertappen (cervix) med tre-dimensionellt ultraljud och utreda om tre-dimensionellt power Doppler ultraljud kan förutsäga tiden till spontan eller inducerad förlossning hos överburna, gravida kvinnor. Avhandlingen baseras på fem studier: reprThe aim of this thesis was to evaluate cervical physiological changes by three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound during pregnancy and to investigate the ability of 3D power Doppler to predict time to spontaneous and induced delivery in prolonged pregnancy. The thesis is based on five studies: reproducibility of cervical measurements by 3D power Doppler ultrasound (study I), reference data representativ
Andrena humilis is an endangered oligolectic solitary bee and has declined in recent decades throughout western Europe. The aim of this study was to explore the pollen harvesting pattern and to determine the reproductive rate in specialized andrenid bees. We measured the amount of pollen required to produce one brood-cell, the pollen harvesting rate and compared our results with data for other spe
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling består av 5 fristående uppsatser i makroekonomi. Den första uppsatsen behandlar agregerad privat konsumtion. Det har nyligen föreslagits att hushållens konsumtion av icke-varaktiga varor reagerar asymmetriskt på positiva och negativa inkomstförväntningar. I denna uppsats undersöker vi huruvida detta är beroende på hur hushållens förväntningar modelleraThe first essay reexamines the proposed presence of so-called loss aversion in aggregate consumption. Recent empirical and theoretical studies have suggested, that consumption growth reacts asymmetrically to positive and negative expected income growth. After investigating the case for Swedish consumption using survey data, and a panel of annual observations on 15 OECD countries, we conclude that
Popular Abstract in Swedish Demens är ingen enhetlig sjukdom utan ett syndrom dvs en beteckning på en grupp symtom, som beskriver en långvarig försämring av hjärnans psykiska funktioner. Demens kan ha olika klinik profil och orsakas av olika skador och sjukdomar. Den vanligaste demenssjukdomen är Alzheimers sjukdom. Kring denna sjukdom finns mycket forskning gjord. Vaskulär demens är den näst vanlDuring the period (1976-1995) a total of 175 consecutive patients (m 88/f 87) with neuropathologically verified vascular dementia (VaD) were examined. 22 patients with pure Alzheimer's Disease (AD) were also studied. All patients were diagnosed and followed at the Department of Psychogeriatrics (Lund University Hospital). The neuropathological examination revealed VaD, sometimes with additional co
Translocations involving an immunoglobulin (IG) locus are a recurring theme in B cell neoplasia. The rearrangements lead to the joining of an IG gene with a (proto)oncogene, whereby the latter comes under the influence of transcription-stimulating sequences in the constitutively active IG locus resulting in deregulation of the oncogene and neoplastic growth. We present here three cases of B cell n