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Sverigedemokraterna och Moderaterna

Denna uppsats undersöker vilka likheter och skillnader som finns i Moderaternas och Sverigedemokraternas partiprogram under åren 2010 och 2018 med avseende på frågor som rör migration och integration, uppsatsen fortsätter sedan att förklara likheter och skillnader med hjälp av teorier kring hur partier väljer att positionera sig utifrån varandra. Under år 2010 finner vi att partierna skiljer sig g

Att erkänna ett förtryck eller begränsa ett fritt val?

This essay is a descriptive discourse analysis about Amnesty International's policy of the trade with sexual services. The aim is to problematize Amnesty International's policy on ‘state obligations to respect, protect, and fulfill the human rights of sex workers. The analysis is based on two theoretical perspectives, liberal feminist and radical feminism, to examine the policy from differ

Fifty Shades of Green: Ideological divides in the environmental movement

The environmental movement is a fixture of the political landscape, but our empirical understanding of its ideology is still lacking. In this thesis I examine ideological divides in the environmental movement. This is done through categorising ten areas where earlier discussions on green theory have argued that the movement is divided. To test these ten divides a survey has been created and spread

Brexit och Nordirland - hur ser hotbilder ut?

The present study explored how news media in Northern Ireland and Great Britain portrays threat constructions in the Northern Ireland area through the lens of the Copenhagen School of Securitisation. In fact, the Irish island has been affected by a history of identity conflict. The study gives an overview on how the conflict came to part throughout history to understand how the threats are picture

Supporting Intrinsic Motivation in a VR Reaction Training Application

Studies have validated that supporting basic psychological needs of the self-determination theory (SDT) in video games can affect intrinsic motivation. But it is difficult to find evidence that the same applies to virtual reality (VR) applications, especially by isolating groups of game features that support each of the basic psychological needs. The current thesis apply a user centered design pro

Välmående, ensamhet och självförmåga hos 70 - plus- befolkningen i Sverige under covid - 19 - pandemin

Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur befolkningen som är födda 1950 och äldre i Sverige upplevde sitt välmående, sin sociala situation (ensamhet), och sin självförmåga under rådande förutsättningar i Sverige under Covid-19-pandemin (Maj, 2020). Vidare undersöktes om dessa faktorer påverkades av upplevd oro fysisk hälsa, samt om det fanns skillnader mellan män och kvinnor. Undersökningen utföThis study investigates how the population born in 1950 and older in Sweden experienced their well-being, self-efficacy and loneliness during the covid-19 pandemic (May 2020), and to what degree those experiences are related to physical health, “pandemic anxiety” and gender. A quantitative cross-sectional study was conducted through a web-based survey that was distributed via convenience sampling

Film formation of mixed-halide perovskites for PSCs

Perovskitsolceller har blivit ett populärt forskningsområde eftersom de har haft en exceptionellt snabb utveckling i verkningsgrad under de senaste åren. Trots att perovskitbaserade solceller nu har nått verkningsgrader jämförbara med kiselsolceller, så återstår flera utmaningar för att möta solcellsmarknadens förväntningar för de applikationer där man hoppas att perovskiterna ska komplettera kiseOver the last few years there has been a steady increase in interest in the exploration of perovskite materials within photovoltaic research. This can to a large extent be attributed to the incredible pace at which solar cells based on perovskites have improved in efficiency during the same time period. Perovskite solar cells (SCs) are not only an alternative to today’s market leading silicon base

How is Education Policy Shaped through Opinion- and Coalition Building? The Interplay between Political Parties and Teachers’ Unions

The interplay between political parties and teachers’ unions has transformed. At the same time, education policy has been prioritized on the reform agenda in Sweden. Parties and unions are key actors in the development of education policy, but their interplay is a neglected area within earlier research. Therefore, the following paper seeks to examine how the interplay between parties and unions ha

Subsidiaritetsprövningen i EU - En empirisk kartläggning av subsidiaritetsprövningens praktiska användning i EU: En kvantitativ studie

This study’s objective is to, with an empirical approach, decode the practical use of the reasoned opinions regarding the principle of subsidiarity in the EU. By charting the submitted reasoned opinions between 2015 – 2019, the study intends to declare how active each parliament has been during this time period along with identifying what kind of policy area that has been the most co-occurrent. As

Protests - a threat to the security of the state or an expression of civil rights? A qualitative content analysis of the Russian media – state-dependent and independent – covering the events of the “protests-2021”

Protests are a common way for citizens to express their grievances and can occur in almost every regime. Each state reacts to protests in different ways – some listen to citizens' demands and adjust their policies, others resort to forceful methods, but in one and the other case, the media occupy an important place among the tools of response. This becomes especially evident in non-democratic

“You have to choose between habaar or duco” A case study of Swedish Muslim Gay Men of Somali Origin

This study aims to explore the lived experiences of Swedish Muslim gay men of Somali origin in Stockholm Sweden. A group that has not been specifically researched in the previous study within the Swedish context. The study demonstrates how various identities such as ethnicity, sexuality, religion and citizenship intersect with each other. The thesis highlights how these identities are negotiated a

En redogörelse av barns oro och rädsla i samband med röntgenundersökning

Upp till 64% av pojkar och 39% av flickor ådrar sig någon gång en skada som kräver en radiografisk undersökning innan de uppnått 15 års ålder Mötet med sjukvården kan för ett barn vara psykiskt påfrestande då det oftast är en ny och skrämmande värld. Det är på grund av flera orsaker som ett barn genomför en röntgenundersökning men de vanligaste orsakerna är akut skada, utredning eller någon form a

On Levi Decompositions in Finite and Infinite Dimensional Lie Algebras

In this bachelor thesis we introduce Lie algebras, and use Lie algebra cohomology to prove Levi's theorem about splitting of finite dimensional Lie algebras. We then construct the Virasoro algebra, compute its low dimensional cohomology spaces, and use this to demonstrate why Levi's theorem does not hold in the infinite dimensional case.

Strategies to Respond to a VUCA World

Purpose - The business world today becomes more VUCA than ever. Organizations around the world need to develop and establish strategies to respond to this disruptive environment. This paper aims to explore what strategic responses that organizations could adopt in order to survive and thrive in a VUCA world. The initial research indicates the emphasis on the critical role of organizational develop

Geologiska och hydrogeologiska tolkningar av SkyTEM-data från Vombsänkan, Sjöbo kommun, Skåne

SkyTEM-mätningar, även känt som helikopterburna TEM-mätningar (transient elektromagnetisk metod) har utförts vid grundvattenmagasinet Ilstorp i vombsänkan. Resultatet från mätningarna har analyserats i syfte att förbättra kunskapen kring geologiska och hydrogeologiska förhållanden i magasinet. Grundvattenmagasinet Ilstorp är en jordakvifer där de vattenförande avlagringarna består av isälvs- och iSkyTEM, an airborne TEM (transient electromagnetic method), has been used to measure the resistivity of ground in and around the groundwater reservoir Ilstorp in Sjöbo municipality, Skåne, Sweden. The results of the measurements have been analysed in an effort to increase the knowledge about the geological and hydrogeological conditions of the reservoir. Ilstorp is a an aquifer that consists of fl

Klimatsmart betongbyggande

Ett av Sveriges hållbarhetsmål är att senast 2045 inte generera några nettoutsläpp av växthusgaser. För att uppnå detta mål krävs kraftiga åtgärder inom alla sektorer. En av dessa är bygg- och fastighetssektorn som 2018 stod för ca 22 % av Sveriges territoriella utsläpp av växthusgaser. Enbart cementindustrin står för ca 5–7 %. Cirka hälften av klimatpåverkan från moderna flerbostadshus uppkommer One of the main sustainability goals in Sweden is to reduce the nations greenhouse gas emissions to a net-zero level by 2045. This is a national implementation of the Paris- Agreement. To achieve this goal measures need to be taken in all industrial sectors. The construction and real-estate sectors are responsible for about 22 % of Sweden’s yearly territorial greenhouse gas emissions. The cement i

Designing a Tool for Improved Decision Documentation in Collaborative Projects

When working in collaborative projects with team members with different expertises, often from different companies, communicative and collaborative challenges that obstructs decision-making can arise due to team members having different objectives. In order to avoid problems and conflicts, good documentation of decision related information is required. The project was performed at Yolean AB, a com

Covid-19-pandemins konsekvenser på svenskt näringsliv - en Space Syntax analys

I december 2019 upptäckte smittskyddsmyndigheten i Kina ett helt nytt virus som senare skulle visa sig spridas och bryta ut till en pandemi över hela världen. Viruset har sedan dess fått namnet SARS-CoV-2 och bidrar till sjukdomen Covid-19. Viruset upptäcktes och identifierades för första gången i staden Wuhan i Hubeiprovinsen, för att sedan spridas till ett stort antal länder över hela världen. DIn December 2019, authorities in China discovered a completely new virus that since then has spread worldwide leading to a pandemic. The virus has since been named SARS-CoV-2 and contributes to infection of Covid-19. The current situation (2021-01-01) of the covid-19-pandemic has affected us all with a rate of 60 million global cases, several unfortunate deaths and a great uncertainty regarding an

Property Tax Mapping and Assessment Using GIS: Case study of Rawalpindi City

PROPERTY TAX MAPPING, ASSESMENT & MONITORING USING GIS Property tax recovery is considered one of the most challenging tasks for governments around the globe in general and in third world countries including Pakistan, India, and Sri Lanka in particular. Today, the existing real property assessment and tax collection system are under pressure to increase its efficiency. Moreover, monitoring anProperty Tax Mapping and Assessment Using GIS Property tax recovery has remained one of the challenging tasks over the years for almost every government around the world, especially in third-world countries. Today, the existing property assessment and tax collection system in Pakistan is antique and defective in many ways and is under pressure to increase its efficiency and tax revenue. Tax asse

Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification for the Detection of Fusion Gene BCR-ABL1 Expression in Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia Patients

A translocation between chromosomes 9 and 22 produces the fusion gene BCR-ABL that leads to the constitutive activity of a tyrosine kinase. This initiates the uncontrolled proliferation of myeloid cells causing Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML). The disorder is treated by tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) that prevent the progression of CML into more advanced phases. The treatment must be sustained