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Barnmorskans upplevelser i mötet med det icke svensktalande gravida paret

Abstrakt Bakgrund: Tidigare forskning påvisar att Sverige har hög frekvens av antalet icke svensktalande gravida par med kommunikation- samt språksvårigheter. Kulturella bakgrunder i kombination med språkförbristning bidrar till kulturkrockar där vården kan missa det specifika vårdbehovet hos den enskilde. Detta ställer höga krav på barnmorskan och kräver mer tid i vårdmöten på mödravården. Kultur

Cancer i Sverige - En deskriptiv analys av regionala skillnader

This paper sets out to investigate regional differences in cancer incidence and mortality in Sweden. By using descriptive analysis, the aim is to detect regional trends and patterns. Results show that cancer incidence is higher in the south of Sweden compared to the north, especially in Skin cancer (C44) and Malignant melanoma (C43). Morality rates do not show as clear of a geographical pattern. H

The Investigation and Modeling of the interaction between Paperboard Clippings in a Pipe Flow

In the manufacturing process of Tetra Pak packages, holes are cut out of the paperboard for straws and caps. The left-over paperboard clippings, called confetti, need to be evacu- ated from the machine. However, this evacuation process has proven to cause problems due to jams arising as the confetti get stuck in joints and along the pipe walls. This study investigates how the confetti behave, defo

Övervakning av friluftslivets effekter på Kullabergs naturreservat

Sedan COVID-19 etablerade sig i Sverige har antalet besökare i naturområden ökat drastiskt i många delar av landet. Detta fenomen har sannolikt både positiva och negativa effekter på naturvärdena i berörda områden. För Kullabergs naturreservat i nordvästra Skåne var ökningen av besökare under våren och sommaren år 2020 mycket påtaglig. Intensifieringen av besökare resulterade i ett behov hos Länss

Be better than nationalism: overcoming economic inequality for international solidarity. Using social movement theory to deconstruct the cultural ideology of the Alternative for Germany

This thesis advocates for the evaluation of current sociopolitical conflicts through the lens of social movement theory, as a decisive path to deconstruct the premises of the German right-wing party Alternative for Germany (Alternative für Deutschland, AfD). The party is conceptualized as an institutionalized social movement, which is insufficiently answering public material grievances caused by e

Optimizing Weighting Factors for Multiple Window Spectrum Estimates

Spectral estimation can be done using different techniques, where averaging the periodogram using multiple windows is one of the techniques. When using multiple windows, the spectral estimate is commonly obtained by having the windows for the subspectra equally weighted. The goal of this thesis is to find weights for the windows that give a better spectral estimate than the equally weighted spectr

Styrning inom primärvården; vad anser de sjukvårdsanställda?

This essay is a qualitative study of the Swedish primary care and covers the medical professions’ experiences and opinions about the organizational governance of health care. Eight semi structured interviews have been made with four doctors, two physiotherapists, one psychologist and one nurse. The interviews aimed for the respondents to talk about their experiences of governance and compensation

The empowerment of Frontex’s external dimension and CSDP The state of institutional overlap

The 2015 Migration Crisis forced the European Union to rethink its security. In order to deal with incoming pressure and security concern, several institutional changes were undertaked in the aftermath of the crisis. Frontex received the extended mandate and now conducts operations in third countries independently. Common Security and Defence Policy received tasks in relation to migration and bord

Effekten av patienters etnicitet och socioekonomiska status på psykiatriska bedömningar

Förekomsten av ojämlikhet i hälsa mellan olika etniska och socioekonomiska grupper i Sverige är väletablerad. Den aktuella studien undersökte effekten av patienters socioekonomiska status (SES) och etnicitet på psykiatriska bedömningar. Studien utfördes med ett vinjettbaserat experiment där 188 läkar- och psykologstudenter blev randomiserade till en av fyra betingelser och fick läsa två vinjetter Inequality in health between different ethnic and socioeconomic groups in Sweden has been well established. The present study sought to investigate the effect of patient ethnicity and socioeconomic status (SES) on psychiatric assessments. The study was carried out using a vignette-based experiment in which 188 medical and clinical psychology students were randomized into one of four conditions and

Applying Ecovillage Praxis to Foster Regeneration and Urban Socio-Ecological Transformation: An Exploratory Analysis of 5 Malmö Community Gardens

This research aims to fill the lacuna in the literature concerning the application of ecovillage praxis in spaces other than intentional communities by focusing on urban community gardens (UCGs) in Malmö, Sweden, as communities of practice where this could be integrated. It introduces both ecovillages and UCGs, as well as their associated praxis. Data was gathered about the first using semi-struct

Nyhetsrapporteringen om utsatta EU-medborgare i Sverige saknar ett människorättsperspektiv - En analys av skildringen av utsatta EU-medborgare i den redaktionella nyhetsrapporteringen i Sverige under 2019 och 2020

Utsatta EU-medborgare som befinner sig i Sverige får sina grundläggande mänskliga rättigheter kränkta. På grund av fattigdom, diskriminering och marginalisering har utsatta EU-medborgare, de flesta romer, kommit till Sverige för att söka försörjning. FN har uttryckt en stor oro över situationen och behandlingen av utsatta EU-medborgare i Sverige. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka hur Vulnerable EU-citizens’ basic human rights are being violated today in Sweden. Due to poverty, discrimination and marginalization vulnerable EU-citizens, most of whom identify as Roma, have come to Sweden to find self-provision. The UN have expressed great concern over the situation and treatment of vulnerable EU-citizens in Sweden. The purpose of this essay is to examine how vulnerable EU-citize

The Narrative of Women's Empowerment - A narrative analysis of the global versusthe local narrative of Women’s Empowerment

Empowerment, and particularly women’s empowerment, has become a catchphrase in the development industry over the past decades. The concept of women’s empowerment was developed by critical feminists largely originated in the West, which has raised several questions about how women’s empowerment translates across different cultures and contexts. This study intends to contribute cumulatively to the u

Staten och kapitalet - en komparativ analys av aktörskap och kapacitet i Sveriges och Frankrikes nationella handlingsplaner om företagande och mänskliga rättigheter

Länge har man kunnat läsa rapporter om tvångsarbete, barnarbete och andra missförhållanden i produktionskedjor. Den här uppsatsen tar sig därför an ämnet multinationella företags ansvar för mänskliga rättigheter. Materialet som analyseras är Sveriges respektive Frankrikes nationella handlingsplan om företagande och mänskliga rättigheter, genom en komparativ analysmetod. Det görs mot bakgrund av DaReports on forced labor, child labor and other misconduct in global production chains have been around for a long time. Therefore the main objective of this essay is the issue of human rights responsibility for multinational corporations. The Swedish and the French National Action Plans on Business and Human Rights, respectively, will be analysed through a comparative method. The essay will take o

Kan kriminalisering av aborträtten försvaras? En argumentationsanalys om Irlands fortsatta kriminalisering i den nya abortlagen

Denna uppsats behandlar debatten om fortsatt kriminalisering av aborträtten i Irland. Under förhandlingarna av den nya abortlagen 2018 argumenterar hälsominister Simon Harris för att abort fortfarande måste vara straffbart utanför lagarna. Syftet är att med metoden political discourse analysis (PDA) besvara frågeställningen om kriminalisering kan försvaras och i så fall varför/varför inte? PDA met

Hong Kong Under the One Country, Two Systems Policy ——Through the Case study of Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement to exploring the identity and ontological security issues of Hong Kongese

Traditional security studies focuses primarily on physical threats to the state. By contrast, the ontological security framework argues that individuals feel secure when they are able to maintain a communal narrative. Such a framework lends itself to an analysis of the impact of identity continuity on security. This thesis uses the ontological framework to understand the security issues that arise

Business Case, Design and Simulation of Solar Powered Hydrogen Refuelling Stations

Abstract The thesis investigates some possible pathways for how solar powered Hydrogen Refuelling Stations (Solar-HRS) can be implemented in a economically viable way. This is done by the use of a custom simulation model in MATLAB/Simulunk to simulate and evaluate the inner workings of the Solar-HRS. Two cases for Solar-HRS is looked at, one "on-grid" and one "off-grid". The po

Wind of Change - En fallstudie av Telenors resa med agil arbetsmetodik

Title: Wind of change - A case study of Telenor's journey with agile working methods Seminar Date: 2021-01-14 Course: FEKH19, Business Administration: Degree Project in Strategic Management, 15 credits Authors: Alexander Lindqvist, Andreas Marttila Gaard, Linus Landegren & Peter Barrelid Supervisor: Devrim Göktepe-Hultén Keywords: Strategy, Structure, Agile, Culture, Adhocracy, Divisionali