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Looking at Noise: Human Ecological Issues when Assessing the Impact of Seismic Surveys Effects on Oceanic Whales

This thesis introduces different issues regarding the impact of anthropogenic sound pollution on oceanic cetaceans (whales). It involves looking at the problems of anthropocentrism and the notion of Umwelt when trying to assess the well-being of a western culturally important species, and the relationship between that species and the industrialization of the ocean. The thesis is specifically focus

Kontroll av skötseln samt skötselplanerna för naturreservaten Linnebjer och Fågelsångsdalen

Skötselplaner – långa och tråkiga, men viktiga! De flesta av oss tycker nog att det är härligt att ge sig ut i ett naturreservat och strosa runt – uppleva de många typer av växter och djur som området erbjuder. Kanske får man se både fåglar, däggdjur, insekter och med stor sannolikhet får man vandra i både skog och äng. Naturreservat har detta gemensamt – de erhåller en stor variation av naturtypThere are a number of reasons to form a nature reserve - to preserve and promote biodiversity and to assure areas for outdoor life are two of them. To be able to maintain these values, it is important that an adequate management plan is established for the area in question. I have examined two nature reserves in the county of Lund, Sweden – Fågelsångsdalen and Linnebjer. Both of these reserves con

Modeling of soot emission for heavy-duty diesel engines in transient operation

The soot emissions from diesel engines are much higher in transient operation than during steady state operation. In this thesis, a method for estimating the soot mass flow emission in transient drive cycles is presented. The proposed method uses stationary emission maps in combination with step responses. Bandpass filters are used to filter the engine torque/power to provide transient detection a

Design of an Energy-Efficient Climate Control Algorithm for Electric Cars

A climatisation controller for a car with multiple objectives is developed, implemented and tested in simulations. The design focuses on electric cars and their specific characteristics. In this context the goal has been to fulfil common comfort and safety standards while having a low energy consumption. The main idea of the control in order to achieve this is to use a simplified model predictive

Distributed Control of Wind Farm

The growing use of wind energy as major energy source, has led to the construction of large wind farms. The control of such wind farms is typically separated into control at wind turbine level and at wind farm level. The wind farm controller assures that the wind farm produces the demanded amount of power, by providing set-points for the turbines in the farm. The local turbine control assures that

Haptic Interface for a Contact Force Controlled Gantry-Tau robot

Robotic science points to integrate the robot in the normal life and operations, with the scope to help humans and improve their performance. Haptic is the field that tries to insert the sense of touch in the computer applications. It is easy to understand the modern interest to mix the robotic with haptic. One possible problem with this configuration could be the delay in the communication betwee

Adaptive Control of Arm Movement based on Cerebellar Model

This study is an attempt to take advantage of a cerebellar model to control a biomimetic arm. Aware that a variety of cerebellar models with different levels of details has been developed, we focused on a high-level model called MOSAIC. This model is thought to be able to describe the cerebellar functionality without getting into the details of the neural circuitry. To understand where this model

Agility Enhancement and Tyre Estimation for Autmotive Vehicles

Every car has its own cornering dynamics, some are oversteered, meaning that they respond more to a steering input, and some are understeered, responding less to a steering input. These dynamics depend on a wide range of parameters, the size and weight of a car and the distribution of the weight to name a few. The main part of this thesis is aimed at controlling the cornering dynamics. More specif

Mätning av temperatur och tryck med pulsfrekvensteknik

In this work we have discussed some alternatives to digitize the signals from different measurement devices. As a result of the work we have got a prototype for a digital interface as well as systems for digital representation of signals in temperature and pressure systems. The report is divided into two parts, temperature and pressure measurements. In this section of temperature measurements we

Numerisk bestämmning av processdynamik

I detta arbete studeras minsta kvadratmetoden för identifiering av en linjär samplad modell med en insignal och en utsignal. Speciellt har frågan om modellens ordningstal studerats. En numerisk algoritm, som iterativt anpassar modeller med växande ordningstal, har således utvecklats. För att bestämma modellens ordningstal användes statistisk hypotesprövning. Den klassiska F-testen, som utvecklats

Sjukhuskuratorers arbete med barn som anhöriga inom den somatiska vården.

The purpose of this qualitative study, with a constructivist approach, was to examine how professionals work with children as next of kin to chronically ill patients in somatic care. Through a content analysis, using local guidelines and policy documents for the work with children as next of kin, as well as semi-structured interviews focusing on how the professionals themselves describe their

Samverkansarbete i socialtjänsten - En studie av de hinder och problem som finns för socialsekreterare i samverkansarbetet med andra aktörer i ärenden rörande barn som far illa eller riskerar att fara illa.

The goal of this study, through the use of mainly an organizational theory perspective, is to examine the problems and obstacles in the cooperative work between social workers and other social actors in cases involving children at risk. The aim is to highlight problems that exist in social secretaries cooperative work and to find ways to understand them. The result showed that poor professional in