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Övervakning av rapporterade växthusgasutsläpp - Ny klimatstrategi för Skånelän

Skåne kan ha dubbelt så höga utsläpp av växthusgaser. Ett nytt examensarbete visar att länet har mycket högre utsläpp än tidigare rapporterat. Beroende på hur man räknar verkar utsläppen dessutom inte minskat som man tidigare har rapporterat. Det kan finnas en risk att rapporterade utsläppen sjunker medan de indirekta utsläppen som inte rapporteras istället ökar. Denna risk bygger på att vi säljeThis report will analyse an emission monitoring strategy for Skåne in Sweden, as anthropogenic global warming will have a significant environmental impact on the society. Sweden has a great potential for lowering greenhouse gas emissions as a nation. The monitoring of greenhouse emissions within Sweden shows that the trend is slowly coming down. However, new methodologies of monitoring show that c

Hardware Implementation of Number Inversion Function

Nowadays, number inversion is of great significance and a complex arithmetical operator, especially the implementation in hardware. It provides a higher speed performance and lower power consumption. Initially, the conversion of the inputs to floating-point numbers contains sign, exponent, and mantissa parts. The scope of the project is to perform an approximation of the number inversion function.

Smart handel - En kvalitativ studie om konsumenters mobilanvändande i fysisk butik

Syftet med studien är att undersöka konsumenters mobilanvändande i fysisk butik samt diskutera och analysera vilken roll digitaliseringen, genom mobiltelefonen, kan anta i butik. Uppsatsen bygger på en kvalitativ studie med ett abduktivt förhållningssätt. Det empiriska underlaget består av observationer i modebutiker. Vi har utefter våra observationer, och sedermera det empiriska materialet, iden

Strict separation between OS and USB driver using a hypervisor

During 2014, an attack called the BadUSB attack surfaced. This attack allows the attacker to reflash the firmware of a USB devices and make it perform malicious tasks. One particularly interesting attack whose source code has been released recently includes modifying a USB flash drive into also acting as a keyboard thus enabling it to send malicious keystrokes. This thesis presents a modified ver

Development of characterization methods for lignocellulosic biogas substrates

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning av examensarbetet Utveckling av karaktäriserings-metoder för lignocellulosarika biogassubstrat. Smältande isar, extrema naturkatastrofer och rekordhöga temperaturer; det rapporteras daglig-en om nya händelser som påstås ha orsakats av den globala uppvärmningen. De flesta svenskar är numer familjära med uttrycket och miljömedvetenhet är något som blir mer och mer As the need of environmentally friendly alternatives to fossil fuels is growing bigger, so is the need for knowledge and research around possible new raw materials that could serve that pur-pose. One discussed product is biogas. Since biogas can be produced from not only food waste and wastewater residue, but from any substrate that contains fats, proteins and/or car-bohydrates, with the help of d

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The aim of this thesis is to examine how a successful rhetorical strategy should take form, when politicians try to convince the voters to support what they’re advocating for. The case of this study is a newly held referendum in Denmark, where the voters should decide whether to reject or vote for a law, that would give more sovereignty to the European Union in judicial matters. By examining three

The Role of the European Commission in Framing the European Union Energy Union

The aim of this thesis is to analyse how the Commission has managed to successfully set its EU energy policy as high priority policy on the EU policy agenda. The empirical material used in this study were analysed through the lens of Multiple Stream Approach theory, the Framing Theory, and the securitization concept. Several events leading up to the EU Energy Union from 2000 and onward are discuss

Xenofobi i en regnbågsnation

Denna studie har till syfte att belysa xenofobi i dagens Sydafrika samt bidra med förståelsen för bakomliggande orsaker till uppkomsten av främlingsfientlighet. Dessutom önskar vi att bidra med en ökad och utvecklad förståelse för teorierna Etablerade och outsiders av Norbert Elias och John Scotson, Moralisk Panik av Erich Goode & Nachman Ben-Yehuda samt teorin om Ny xenofobi, av Tabish Khair.

Optimization of the Electric Properties of Thermoelectric Generators

The efficiency in an internal combustion engine ranges from 25% to 45%. About 50% - 85% of the overall energy losses in a combustion engine is heat which is either cooled away by the vehicle's radiator or blown out with the exhaust gases. The heat has to be cooled off by the vehicle's cooler and this energy is never put into use again and is therefore called 'waste heat'. Even if a

Intuitive Lead Through-Programming of Steel Grinding Robots

The SMErobot$^\texttrademark$ is an EU project aiming at giving small and medium enterprises the benefits of robotic automation. This thesis tries to solve the problem of teaching a robot how to grind a surface. The algorithm presented in this thesis reconstructs a surface by triangulating a point cloud. From this surface a path, covering the whole surface, is computed and translated into a RAPID

Visualization of task execution in ABB 800xA

The 1131-tasks that execute within the 800xA controller have been visualized by implementing three components extending the functionality of the 800xA control and automation platform. The components named TaskVisualizerCommServer (TSCS) and TaskVisualizerCommClient (TSCC) have been added to the controller and control builder respectively and are responsible for data collection and networking. The

Estimation of Vehicle Lateral Velocity

For the performance of the Haldex Active Yaw Control, accurate information about vehicle's lateral dynamic is important. It is for practical reasons not possible to measure the vehicle's lateral velocity, wherefore this state has to be estimated. Previous work [1] with an observer based on a single track bicycle model show promising results but with limited accuracy at high lateral acceler

Ultrasound-based Navigation for Mobile Robots

This thesis presents an implementation of a positioning and navigation system for a mobile robot using ultrasonic pulses and passive sensors that are part of a sensor network. The system uses the Telos Tmote Sky sensor-boards running Contiki. In addition to the Tmote Sky the mobile robot consists of a number of processors and is equipped with position encoders for the wheels in order to be able to

Implementation of IS Security Standards on Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

This thesis addresses the issue of Information Systems (IS) security in pharmaceutical manufacturing which is closely related to the ISA 99 standard. The ISA 99 'Security for industrial Automation and Control Systems' standard is focused on the work for securing process automation systems from IS security threats. The main thought behind the ISA 99 standard is that a high level of IS secur

Estimation of Side Wind Disturbances in Automotive Vehicles

This work is focused on a system which aims at estimating and attenuating side wind acting on a vehicle. The side wind disturbance is estimated using a disturbance observer. This thesis investigates the robustness towards sensor offset and parameter error. A few possibilities for reducing the effects of sensor offset are presented. A large part of the thesis is dedicated to on line identification

Actuator Comparison and Coordination for Integrated Vehicle Dynamics Control

The purpose of this Master's Thesis was to compare and coordinate active chassis systems in a search for new ways of controlling two driving situations; side wind exposure and split friction braking. These situations were to be mastered by three active systems; active steering, brakes and suspension. Examples of how to use the systems were presented for each driving situation. The results from

Total Cost of Purchasing at Duni AB: Development of a Cost Model

BAKGRUND På grund av att företag idag har möjlighet att konkurrera globalt genom att flytta produktionen utomlands och att säkra leveranser ifrån alla världens hörn har också inköpsfunktionens roll förändrats. För att nå företagets uppsatta mål är det viktigt att ha en välfungerande inköpsfunktion som jobbar effektivt. Inköpsfunktionen bör inte enbart fokusera på att uppnå det billigaste möjliga iBACKGROUND Through global competition with possibilities for companies to set up production and to secure supply from all over the world the role of purchasing has increased within businesses. In order to achieve business results, a well-working purchasing department plays an important part. To contribute, the purchasing function should not only focus on getting the cheapest price possible, but to

Is it possible to find a method that shows a correspondence between a known mutation and the phenotype in barley wax less mutants?

Ju varmare väder desto mer kläder - Hur man föder jordens befolkning Vår planet ökar stadigt i befolkning samtidigt som klimatet blir varmare och skördarna sämre. När de fattiga bönderna inte kan överleva på sina grödor flyr de in i överbefolkade städer utan möjlighet till nya jobb. Fattigdom och svält är ett av de största hotet mot mänskligheten. Terrorgrupper rekryterar framgångsrikt bland den The wax on the stem and leafs of the barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) plant has a protective function and is produced by the cells on the plant's outer surfaces. There are several available barley mutants where the wax production has been stopped. Four mutants are the single-site mutants cer-c.36, cer-q.42, ceru. 21 and the deletion mutant cer-cqu.724. We phenotyped 636 barley plants and collected

Comparing genotype and phenotype in wax-less Barley mutant

Wax production is essential for the survivability of Barley (Hordeum vulgare) plants. They use it to fend off bacteria, viruses and helps rinse the cuticular surface from dirt. Much research has been done regarding the genetic regulation and the cer-cqu genes are proven to account for the biosynthesis of wax. A point mutation has been induced within the cer-u region which gives rise to waxless pla