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Numerisk bestämmning av processdynamik

I detta arbete studeras minsta kvadratmetoden för identifiering av en linjär samplad modell med en insignal och en utsignal. Speciellt har frågan om modellens ordningstal studerats. En numerisk algoritm, som iterativt anpassar modeller med växande ordningstal, har således utvecklats. För att bestämma modellens ordningstal användes statistisk hypotesprövning. Den klassiska F-testen, som utvecklats

Sjukhuskuratorers arbete med barn som anhöriga inom den somatiska vården.

The purpose of this qualitative study, with a constructivist approach, was to examine how professionals work with children as next of kin to chronically ill patients in somatic care. Through a content analysis, using local guidelines and policy documents for the work with children as next of kin, as well as semi-structured interviews focusing on how the professionals themselves describe their

Samverkansarbete i socialtjänsten - En studie av de hinder och problem som finns för socialsekreterare i samverkansarbetet med andra aktörer i ärenden rörande barn som far illa eller riskerar att fara illa.

The goal of this study, through the use of mainly an organizational theory perspective, is to examine the problems and obstacles in the cooperative work between social workers and other social actors in cases involving children at risk. The aim is to highlight problems that exist in social secretaries cooperative work and to find ways to understand them. The result showed that poor professional in

Allmänna Bestämmelser - ett avtalsrättsligt fuskbygge? Om Högsta domstolens tolkning av entreprenadavtalet

Framställningen syftar till att undersöka hur HD:s tolkning av kommersiella entreprenadavtal utvecklats. För att uppnå syftet utreds hur entreprenadavtal ska tolkas, hur praxis har utvecklats på området sedan år 2000 samt vilka konsekvenser utvecklingen kan medföra. Entreprenadavtal är inte lagreglerade i svensk rätt och sparsamt behandlade i doktrin. Termen kan förstås som ett avtal där entrepreThe purpose of the thesis is to examine how the interpretation of construction contracts has evolved by the Supreme Court. The thesis examines how the contracts should be interpreted, how the precedents have developed in the field since year 2000 and what consequences the development could bring. Construction contracts are not regulated by Swedish law and are rarely treated in the doctrine. A con

Plant, where are thou from? - an analysis of the disclosure requirement of origin of genetic resources in patent applications

In the last decades one of the main topics in the international intellectual property forum has been the biopiracy issue. Genetic resources and traditional knowledge from developing nations are being misappropriated (i.e. biopiracy), by commercial actors in order to receive patent protection. Developments in genetics and biotechnology have intensified the controversy and attempts were initially so

Numerical simulations of quantum transport in semiconductor nanowires

Samhället i stort drar nytta av teknologisk utveckling; kanske underlättar den vår vardag, gör att samhället kan spara resurser eller gör viktig utrustning snabbare och noggrannare. En av de moderna grenarna av teknologi kallas nanoteknologi och innefattar konstruktion och tillämpning av strukturer på nanometernivå, det vill säga mycket små saker. Till exempel är så kallade nanotrådar, som detta pThe study of electronic transport in chemically synthesized semiconductor nanowires is an active field of research, with potential applications in areas such as quantum computing and nanoelectronics. Motivated by recent experimental progress, we use a simple non-atomistic tight-binding model implemented in open-source software to simulate quantum electronic transport in such nanowires. Including v

Hur barn som far illa uppmärksammas i skolan: Om utmaningar, risker och möjligheter med anmälningspliten utifrån ett skolkuratorsperspektiv

The purpose of this study was to examine how the school welfare officers practice and think of the obligation to report child maltreatment and neglect to the social services according to the Swedish Social Service Law. The aim of the study was also to examine how the school welfare officere view upon the cooperate with other school staff and with the social workers at the social services due to th

Väderskyddsdukar – Antändlighet och brandspridning

The aim of this thesis is to study the flammability and fire spread for textile membranes for weather protection. This thesis includes literature studies to determine current standards and recommendations available. Main focus however have been on the European classification system EN 13501-1 and construction site safety. Two types of experimental tests have been done, cone calorimeter test and te

Issues of geographic context variable calculation methods applied at different geographic levels in spatial historical demographic research : a case study over four parishes in Southern Sweden

Spatial analysis is dependent on the geo-referencing quality of the spatial data, as well as on the definition of the geographic context variables used. However, these facts are rarely taken into consideration in historical demographic research where the geographic factor is considered. An important obstacle in this kind of research is the availability of historical data (spatial and non-spatial),

Vikingarnas försvarsstrategier

Abstract Titel: ​​Vikingarnas försvarsstrategier Seminariedatum: ​2016.01.14 Kurs: ​​FEKH89, Examensarbete kandidatnivå i Finansiering, 15 ECTS Författare: ​​Atle Alkelin, Helena Grane, Annette Schönbeck, Cecilia Wikholm Handledare: ​Göran Anderson Nyckelord: ​​Fientligt, uppköp, försvarsstrategi, komparativ, Danmark, Sverige Syfte: ​​Studien syftar till att undersöka skillnader mellan fientliga Abstract Title: ​​Vikingarnas försvarsstrategier Seminar date: ​01.14.2016 Course: ​​FEKH89, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, Undergraduate level, 15 ECTS Authors: ​​Atle Alkelin, Helena Grane, Annette Schönbeck, Cecilia Wikholm Advisor: ​​Göran Anderson Key words: ​​Hostile, takeovers, comparative, Denmark, Sweden Purpose: ​​The purpose of the study is to investigate

SUPPLY CHAIN FINANCE A Buyer-Centric Supplier Payables Financing Initiative

With an increased importance of working capital management and supply chain risks, supply chain finance has gained an increasing interest from organizations across the world. A buyer-centric supply chain finance solution can create a ‘win-win’ situation for buyers and suppliers, by allowing buyers to extend payment terms and suppliers to get payments in advance. This allows both buyers and supplie

Modeling and control of a Delta-3 robot

This Master Thesis describes the mathematical modeling of a Delta-3 robot actuated by motors and drive units developed by ELAU GmbH. A given model of the ELAU GmbH drive unit and motor is used when building the Delta-3 robot model including three drive units, one for each motor to be able to actuate the three upper arms. The Delta-3 robot model is divided into kinematics and dynamics parts. The ki

Simulation and Analysis of a Power Supply Circuit for Frequency Inverter Controlled AC-Induction Motors

For variable-frequency drives, the most common way to apply the desired power to an electrical motor is using PWM modulated signals. Due to high-frequency components, those signals give rise to reflections in the motor cables, radiated noise around the cables and acoustic noise in the motor. In order to avoid those problems, NFO Drives AB develops and produces an alternative to PWM modulation call

Reglering av avgasningen i en dialysmaskin.

The current control strategy in the degassing system in a Gambro AK200S dialysis machine leads to a rather noisy flow upstream in the machine. This is where different concentrates are added to the dialysis fluid and as the control of this adding is rather slow the unsteady flow leads to an unsteady conductivity of the dialysis fluid, which makes it difficult to evaluate the effect of the dialysis

Force Controlled Grinding-The Cutting Edge

Sharpening knives by hand is both time-consuming and exhausting, and may still not always yield perfect results. This thesis investigates the possibility of sharpening knives with the use of a force-controlled industrial robot, regardless of the knifes shape. The procedure is performed by first identifying the shape of the knife, using Matlab Simulink to simulate the identifiation; two different t

Trajectory Tracking Control of an Autonomous Ground Vehicle

This thesis proposes a solution to the problem of making an autonomous nonholonomic ground vehicle track a special trajectory while following a reference velocity profile. The proposed strategies have been analyzed, simulated and eventually implemented and verified in Alice, Team Caltech's contribution to the 2007 DARPA Urban Challenge competition for autonomous vehicles. The system architectu