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Kinematic and Force Control for a Gantry-Tau Robot

This master thesis present a simulation environment developed in Matlab/Simulink, which can be used for control design and code generation for real-time control experiments for the Gantry-Tau parallel robot. The Gantry-Tau is a new parallel robot concept which offers great rigidity, high speeds and large workspace. The kinematics library presented in this thesis is developed for the 5 degrees of f

An XML Representation of DAE Systems Obtained from Continuous-Time Modelica Models

This contribution outlines an XML format for representation of differential-algebraic equations (DAE) models obtained from continuous time Modelica models and possibly also from other equation-based modeling languages. The purpose is to offer a standardized model exchange format which is based on the DAE formalism and which is neutral with respect to model usage. Many usages of models go beyond wh

The activation of transcription of host fucosyltransferase genes during Herpes Simplex Virus infection is based on a common mechanism in fibroblasts and T-cells

Hur påverkar Herpes Simplex Virus vilka gener som uttrycks i den infekterade cellen? Herpes Simplex Virus har förmågan att ändra vilka gener som uttrycks i en infekterad cell. Detta gör att viruset får verktyg att ändra på proteinerna på den infekterade cellens yta. Vi har undersökt hur den lyckas med detta genom att blockera olika signalvägar och mäta hur mycket RNA av olika gener som produceratHerpes Simplex Virus type 1 (HSV-1) is a virus infecting over 90 % of the population. It causes latent infections in nerve cells and can upon reactivation travel along the neurons and cause lytic infections with painful blisters as a result. HSV-1 infects multiple cell types, fibroblasts and T-cells among others. During infection HSV-1 is known to downregulate the transcription of many of the gene

Samverkan som en löst kopplad idé eller etablerad samverkansmetod? – Tillämpning av riktlinjer i fyra svenska småkommuner.

The aim of this study was to examine how the guidelines of interprofessional cooperation regarding clients with substance drug abuse problems and mental illness are implemented between the organisations of social services and healthcare. The study was performed in four Swedish small municipalities. The survey is based on the perspective of the staff from social service and also examines what strat

Hålla isär: En textanalys av konstruktionen av hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck

The aim of this study was to examine which discourses that appear in the construction of honour related violence in swedish policy documents. This study focus on the construction of honour related violence in terms of it’s forms of expression as well as it’s underlying causes. We also focus on the significance of the categories gender and ethnicity in the construction of honour related violence. T

Machinability analysis of cemented carbide -A theoretical and experimental study

Sandvik Coromant is the market leader of producing tools for advanced metal cutting. The tools are produced in cemented carbide, however Sandvik Coromant does not produce tools for machining cemented carbide. The aim of the thesis was to perform cutting tests in cemented carbide with diamond tools to investigate if the binder content affected the machinability of the process. The wear tests were

Ansvar för ideell skada vid överträdelse av 2 kap. regeringsformen

Efter avgöranden från både Europadomstolen och Högsta domstolen, där staten ålagts skadeståndsansvar för ideell skada för kränkningar av fri- och rättigheter enligt Europakonventionen, har en diskussion uppstått kring huruvida ett ansvar för det allmänna bör gälla även vid kränkningar av fri- och rättigheter enligt 2 kap. regeringsformen. Genom rättsfallet NJA 2014 s. 323 ålade Högsta domstolen utAfter rulings from both the European Court of Human Rights and the Swe-dish Supreme Court, where the Government was imposed liability for non-pecuniary damage for the violations of rights and freedoms guaranteed un-der the European Convention on Human Rights, a discussion has arisen about whether the responsibility for the Government for such damage should also apply to violations of rights and fr

A Comprehension of Spinoza's God: Through the Dichotomy of Labels

Abstract: The 17th century philosopher Spinoza is known for his concept of God as One Substance, God or Nature and therefore considered as a monist and categorized as a naturalist. He has been labeled an atheist and God-intoxicated man, as well as a determinist and pantheist, which I perceive to be dichotomies. The problem, as I see it, is that Spinoza’s philosophy and concept of God has mainly be

Tidsseriemodellering av fyra oreglerade älvars vattenföring - En explorativ studie med GARCH- och Tröskelteknik

Denna uppsats undersöker möjligheten att modellera fyra svenska oreglerade älvars vattenföring mellan 1980-2015 med hjälp av ARMA-, GARCH- och SETAR-modeller. Genom att studera den mängd vatten som transporteras i vattendrag och hur dess beroendestruktur ser ut i allmänhet kan förståelse om bland annat djurliv och klimateffekter fördjupas. Tidsseriens process behandlas som ett additivt system där This paper studies the possibility to model the water flows of four Swedish unregulated rivers between 1980-2015 with ARMA, GARCH and SETAR models. By examining the amount of water that flows through the river and what the dependence in the process looks like in general, a further understanding for effects on for example wildlife and climate changes can be developed. The process of the time series

Improving a plant’s operations by applying lean manufacturing on the material flow and layout design

Toyota Motor Company förändrade världen med sitt produktionssystem. Genom att ta bort aktiviteter som inte adderade värde till produkten, kunde företaget bli agilt med korta ledtider till kunden och till en låg produktionskostnad. För att bli konkurrenskraftiga tvingades företag världen över förändra sina produktionsprocesser och en västlig variant av Toyotas produktionsfilosofi uppstod. Denna varToyota Motor Company changed the world with their production system. By removing activities in the manufacturing process that were not adding any value to the product, the company could become agile and offer products to the customer with short lead time as well as to a low cost. Companies in other countries needed to change their manufacturing processes in order stay competitive and a western var

Maskulinitetens roll inom svensk fotboll: En beskrivande analys

Swedish football is seeing great problems with violence, degrading expressions and civil disobedience. Groups of women are afraid to go to football games because of the culture and its structure. People are being threatened for life working towards gender equality in Swedish football, this is a never-ending problem. This paper has a two-parted purpose. The first part aims to describe the structur

Energy-efficiency in Industrial Buildings by Lighting Solutions; A Case of Smart Lighting

”Architecture is the learned game, correct and magnificent, οf forms assembled in the light.” Le Corbusier. Nowadays, lighting covers a great portion of the total energy use of a building, almost 21%, while in most of the places, the quality of the existing lighting conditions is usually notably poor. In addition, lighting is responsible for 14% of all electricity demand in EU (CELMA, 2011) and 19

Kinematic Robot Calibration Using a Double Ball-Bar

Calibration of robots is an essential part of industry today when there is a high accuracy requirement. Several calibration methods have proven to be highly accurate but also expensive and time consuming to use. In this thesis a new calibration method has been developed. The method does not depend on any external measurement systems but instead rely entirely on the robot’s own sensors. The method