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Territorial raven pairs are sensitive to structural changes in simulated acoustic displays of conspecifics
Human language involves combining items into meaningful, syntactically structured wholes. The evolutionary origin of syntactic abilities has been investigated by testing pattern perception capacities in nonhuman animals. New World primates can respond spontaneously to structural changes in acoustic sequences and songbirds can learn to discriminate between various patterns in operant tasks. However
Humans recognize emotional arousal in vocalizations across all classes of terrestrial vertebrates: evidence for acoustic universals
Writing over a century ago, Darwin hypothesized that vocal expression of emotion dates back to our earliest terrestrial ancestors. If this hypothesis is true, we should expect to find cross-species acoustic universals in emotional vocalizations. Studies suggest that acoustic attributes of aroused vocalizations are shared across many mammalian species, and that humans can use these attributes to in
Moralising Global Markets : The Creativity of International Business Discourse
Investigating how international market actors create market morality on a global level, this book reflects on the unresolved questions and debates regarding the relationship between business and society. The author explores how market actors in international business communication are unified in their attempts to make markets moralised. Providing detailed case studies and empirical evidence based
Omläsningen: om Annica Wennströms Lappskatteland
“Partner in Prime”? Effects of repeated mobile security priming on attachment security and perceived stress in daily life
Lacking secure attachment representations is associated with vulnerability to mental and physical health problems, perhaps mediated by increased susceptibility to stress and impaired emotion regulation. Even though cognitive representations of self and others tend to favor confirmation over information, research has shown that adult attachment security can be positively influenced. In a randomized
Review of Theologian of Sin and Grace. The Process of Radicalization in the Theology of Matthias Flacius Illyricus
Increased B-cell activating factor, interleukin-6, and interleukin-8 in induced sputum from primary Sjögren's syndrome patients
OBJECTIVE: Small airway disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are common in primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS). However, the underlying inflammatory mechanisms behind pSS-associated airway disease have not been studied in detail. We therefore wanted to study cytokine and leucocyte levels in induced sputum in never-smoking patients with pSS.METHOD: Induced sputum cytokines and leucocytes
Simultaneous 36 kHz PLIF/chemiluminescence imaging of fuel, CH2O and combustion in a PPC engine
The requirements on high efficiency and low emissions of internal combustion engines (ICEs) raise the research focus on advanced combustion concepts, e.g., premixed-charge compression ignition (PCCI), partially premixed compression ignition (PPCI), reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI), partially premixed combustion (PPC), gasoline compression ignition (GCI) etc. In the present study,
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Dermatan sulfate epimerase 1 and dermatan 4-O-sulfotransferase 1 form complexes that generate long epimerized 4-O-sulfated blocks
During the biosynthesis of chondroitin/dermatan sulfate (CS/ DS), a variable fraction of glucuronic acid is converted to iduronic acid through the activities of two epimerases, dermatan sulfate epimerases 1 (DS-epi1) and 2 (DS-epi2). Previous in vitro studies indicated that without association with other enzymes, DS-epi1 activity produces structures that have only a few adjacent iduronic acid unit
Osteopontin protects against lung injury caused by extracellular histones
Extracellular histones are present in the airways because of cell death occurring during inflammation. They promote inflammation and cause tissue damage due to their cationic nature. The anionic phosphoglycoprotein osteopontin (OPN) is expressed at high levels during airway inflammation and has been ascribed both pro- and anti-inflammatory roles. In this study, it was hypothesized that OPN may neu
Nation and nationalism in contemporary Europe : A theoretical perpective
Historia i futurum : Progression i historia i styrdokument och läroböcker 1919-2012
Historia i futurum handlar på ett övergripande plan om synen på historieämnet i svensk skola från 1919 till 2011 såsom det kommer till uttryck i styrdokument och lärobokstexter. Den är också en av de första studierna av hur kunskapsutveckling i historia kan uttryckas teoretiskt och hur sådana tankegångar har tillämpats – eller inte tillämpats – på grundskolans och gymnasiets historieämne. I princiFacing an unknown future, the meaning of history is not primarily a fixed set of knowledge about the past, but a well-developed historical consciousness. This is a generic skill, emanating from an understanding of history as something that we are, and at the same time as something that we create. From a historical-cultural perspective, the learning process can be described with a point of departur
Reglering av banker
The subject of this dissertation is the regulation of banks. The enquiry is built around three overreaching research questions:1. What is a bank?2. Why do banks have to be regulated?3. How should banks be regulated? Each of these three questions is dedicated a separate and comprehensive section, each consisting of several chapters. Even though the subject is jurisprudence, the perspective of the
"Uppvisning i historieberättande"
Personal networks and crime victimization among Swedish youth
We combine routine activity theory, lifestyle-victimization theory, and a social network perspective to examine crime victimization. In particular, we study to what extent crime victimization is associated with having close contacts who have been victimized and/or who engage in risky lifestyles. We use the data (collected in 2014) of 1,051 native Swedes and 1,108 Iranian and Yugoslavian first- or
Forms of belief-less religion : Why non-doxasticism makes fictionalism redundant for the pro-religious agnostic
Balanced Drive Currents in 10–20 nm Diameter Nanowire All-III-V CMOS on Si
We use a self-aligned, gate-last process providing n-type (InAs) and p-type (GaSb) MOSFET co-integration with a common gate-stack and demonstrate balanced drive current capability at about 100 μA/μm . By utilizing HSQ-spacers, control of gate-alignment allows to fabricate both n- and p-type devices based on the same type of vertical heterostructure InAs/GaSb nanowire with short gate-lengths down t
‘Having to learn this so late in our lives…’ Swedish elderly patients’ beliefs, experiences, attitudes and expectations of e-health in primary health care
Objective: The elderly are an increasing group and large consumers of care in Sweden. Development of mobile information technology shows promising results of interventions for prevention and treatment of chronic diseases. Exploring the elderly patients’ beliefs, attitudes, experiences and expectations of e-health services helps us understand the factors that influence adherence to such tools in pr