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Skolledare i grundskolan : en fallstudie av biträdande rektorers möte med skolledning

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den svenska grundskolan har under de senaste åren genomgått och genomgår fortfarande en stark utveckling inom ramen för den allmänna decentraliseringen i samhället. Beslut och ansvar läggs allt längre ner i organisationen. De krav som ställdes på en skolledare tillbaka i tiden var i första hand att han skulle vara administratör och den som bevakade att skolans verk-samThe issues of the study are: How do the assistant principals face the work as school leaders? Which demands of competence do the new school leaders face? Which needs of competence development exist for new school leaders? In the school studied the organization of the management was changed from one principal and one director of studies to one principal and six assistant principals. All of these we

Det nya Lukas-evangeliet

This article discusses the heteronormative reception of the Swedish teen movie "Show Me Love" (1998). It is a love story between two teenage girls, but the reviews hardly mentioned the young lesbian love story.

Dynamics of Energy Systems - Methods of analysing technology change

Technology change will have a central role in achieving a sustainable energy system. This calls for methods of analysing the dynamics of energy systems in view of technology change and policy instruments for effecting and accelerating technology change. In this thesis, such methods have been developed, applied, and assessed. Two types of methods have been considered, methods of analysing and proje

Central retinal vein occlusion: Cetrain risk factors, electroretinography and an experimental treatment model.

The presence of activated protein C resistance, plasma hyperhomocysteinemia and the MTHFR C677T mutation in patients with central retinal vein occlusion were investigated and compared to a control group. Activated protein C resistance was overrepresented in the group of patients less than 50 years of age whereas this was not the case in patients more than 50 years of age. Neither hyperhomocysteine

Closed Form Valuation of Three-Asset Spread Options With a view towards Clean Dark Spreads

We perform a slight generalization of the Bjerksund and Stensland (2011) spread option valuation formula to cover three-asset spread options. We investigate the pricing performance of the model against the corresponding version of the Kirk formula and the true price calculated with Monte Carlo methods. The numerical setting of the evaluation is designed to mimic a real market situation in the Germ

Born globals’ foreign market channel strategies

Foreign entry mode choices are decisions of paramount importance for the long-term survival and growth of companies that are in a process of rapid international expansion. In this article we seek to understand the foreign market channel strategies of Born Globals. We examine whether these companies develop a similar strategy regarding foreign entry mode choices and if their market channel strategi

Luminosity determination and searches for supersymmetric sleptons and gauginos at the ATLAS experiment

Popular Abstract in Swedish Partikelfysiken är studien av naturens minsta beståndsdelar --- De så kallade \emph{elementarpartiklarna}. All materia i universum består av elementarpartiklar. Den teori som beskriver vilka partiklar som finns och hur de uppför sig heter \emph{Standardmodellen}. Teorin har historiskt sett varit mycket framgångsrik. Den har gång på gång förutspått existensen av nya partThis thesis documents my work in the luminosity and supersymmetry groups of the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. The theory of supersymmetry and the concept of luminosity are introduced. The ATLAS experiment is described with special focus on a luminosity monitor called LUCID. A data-driven luminosity calibration method is presented and evaluated using the LUCID detector. This method

Representations reclaimed: Accounting for the co-emergence of concepts and experience

Understanding the relationship between concepts and experience seems necessary to specifying the content of experience, yet current theories of concepts do not seem up to the job. With Peter Gärdenfors's conceptual spaces theory as a foundation and with enactivist philosophy as inspiration, we present a proposed extension to conceptual spaces theory and use it to outline a model of the emergence o