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Your search for "*" yielded 533384 hits

Mini-grid hydropower for rural electrification in mozambique : Meeting local needs with supply in a nexus approach

UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7 states that access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy should be provided for all by 2030. Mozambique is one of the poorest countries on earth but has abundant supply of energy resources. The electrification rate, however, has been slow. Rural electrification is hampered by lack of basic infrastructure, institutional barriers, and low abi

Ammonia measurements with femtosecond laser-induced plasma spectroscopy

Femtosecond laser-induced plasma spectroscopy for in situ ammonia (NH 3 ) measurements was demonstrated in NH 3 ∕N 2 mixtures. When a femtosecond laser at 800 nm was focused at the flow field, the parent NH 3 molecules would be photolyzed to generate electronics excited NH fragments, and then indirect measurements of NH 3 could be realized by detecting the NH fluorescence (A 3 Π − X 3 Σ −

In situ calibration of large-radius jet energy and mass in 13 TeV proton–proton collisions with the ATLAS detector

The response of the ATLAS detector to large-radius jets is measured in situ using 36.2 fb - 1 of s=13 TeV proton–proton collisions provided by the LHC and recorded by the ATLAS experiment during 2015 and 2016. The jet energy scale is measured in events where the jet recoils against a reference object, which can be either a calibrated photon, a reconstructed Z boson, or a system of well-measured sm

Stråldosen till boende i nedfallsdrabbade områden: Preliminära uppskattningar efter svenska förhållanden

Utifrån modeller som tagits fram efter radioekologiska studier av svenska förhållanden utförda efter Tjernobylolyckan 1986 visar preliminära beräkningar att de avstyrda stråldoser som kan åstadkommas med sanering av byggnadshus respektive strikta livsmedelsrestriktioner är relativt lika (ca 25%). En kombination av dessa åtgärder kan teoretiskt sänka den summerade stråldosen med 50% under ett 50-år

Long-term follow-up study of low-weight avoidant restrictive food intake disorder compared with childhood-onset anorexia nervosa : Psychiatric and occupational outcome in 56 patients

Objective: To compare long term outcome between childhood-onset Anorexia Nervosa (AN) and low-weight Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) in regard to psychiatric diagnoses, social and occupational functioning. Method: A consecutive series of 56 children originally treated for low-weight restrictive eating disorder (ED) were followed up after a mean of 15.9 years. ARFID-diagnoses were

Experimental methods for measuring coalescence during emulsification - A critical review

Emulsification is a common process in the production in many non-solid foods. These food-emulsions often have high disperse phase volume fractions and slow emulsifier dynamics, giving rise to substantial coalescence during emulsification. Optimal design and operation of food-emulsification requires experimental methods to study how emulsification in general and coalescence in particular progresses

Extent and mechanism of coalescence in rotor-stator mixer food-emulsion emulsification

Food-emulsions often have high volume fractions of dispersed phase and are thus expected to show coalescence during emulsification, however, food-emulsion coalescence is difficult to measure in homogenizer equipment. This study experimentally estimates the rates of fragmentation and coalescence in a high viscosity and high volume fraction model emulsion subjected to pilot-scale rotor-stator mixing

The use of networks as a strategic approach of micro-enterprises in the agri-food sector

Increasing competition and regulatory changes place microsized enterprises (MSEs) in the agri-food sector under strong competitive pressure. Smallness may be a substantial barrier to success. Previous research suggests that networks can be used strategically to combat these constraints. However, there is a lack of understanding of the extent to which this finding may be applicable to MSEs and the

Aortitis caused by Abiotrophia defectiva: Description of two cases

Abiotrophia defectiva is a well-known endocarditis pathogen, however it has never been described as a cause of primary aortitis. Here we describe the first published case of thoracic aortitis and an unusual case of aortic graft infection due to A. defectiva, which were both managed conservatively.

Towards an optical diagnostic system for otitis media using a combination of otoscopy and spectroscopy

An improved method, where conventional otoscope investigation of human suspicious otitis media is combined with diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and gas in scattering media absorption spectroscopy (GASMAS) is being developed. Otitis media is one of the most common infectious diseases in children, whose Eustachian tube connecting the middle ear with the nasal cavity is more horizontal than for adul

Occupational balance, work and life satisfaction in working cohabiting parents in Sweden

Introduction: Occupational balance is the experience of having the right amount and right variation between work, domestic work, leisure, rest, and sleep. There is limited knowledge about which factors predict parents’ combined occupational balance, and if the combined occupational balance is associated with work and life satisfaction. Aim: The first aim was to explore whether domestic work and ch

Citing Matters : An Analysis of the Use of Judicial Decisions in International Criminal Law Adjudication through the Lens of Law-Making

The present research investigates the formative processes of international criminal law through the iterative citation of judicial decisions in adjudicatory practices. Given the centrality of the judge in the adjudication of international criminal law, this study is underpinned by a legal realist approach to international law informed by the work of Alf Ross (Scandinavian Legal Realism) and GregorThe present research investigates the formative processes of international criminal law through the iterative citation of judicial decisions in adjudicatory practices. Given the centrality of the judge in the adjudication of international criminal law, this study is underpinned by a legal realist approach to international law informed by the work of Alf Ross (Scandinavian Legal Realism) and Gregor

Systemic problems of capacity development for disaster risk reduction in a complex, uncertain, dynamic, and ambiguous world

The international community has been engaged in capacity development for decades, sometimes under different names or with a slightly different focus. So far, these efforts have failed to bring significant and sustainable change. The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 specifies capacity development as the means to reduce disaster losses substantially. The purpose of this paper i

PDGF-B Is Required for Development of the Glymphatic System

The glymphatic system is a highly polarized cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) transport system that facilitates the clearance of neurotoxic molecules through a brain-wide network of perivascular pathways. Herein we have mapped the development of the glymphatic system in mice. Perivascular CSF transport first emerges in hippocampus in newborn mice, and a mature glymphatic system is established in the cort

Effects of ultrasonic irradiation on the synthesis, crystallization, thermal and dissolution behaviour of chloride-intercalated, co-precipitated CaFe-layered double hydroxide

The output power (30–150 W) and the periodicity (20–100%) of ultrasound emission were varied in a wide range to regulate and improve the crystallization process in the commonly used co-precipitation technique of chloride-intercalated CaFe-layered double hydroxides. The influence of ultrasound irradiation on the as-prepared materials was studied by X-ray diffractometry, dynamic light scattering, UV

Pollen-based continental climate reconstructions at 6 and 21 ka : A global synthesis

Subfossil pollen and plant macrofossil data derived from 14 C-dated sediment profiles can provide quantitative information on glacial and interglacial climates. The data allow climate variables related to growing-season warmth, winter cold, and plant-available moisture to be reconstructed. Continental-scale reconstructions have been made for the mid-Holocene (MH, around 6 ka) and Last Glacial Ma

Screening för celiaki kan vara motiverad i högriskgrupper

Celiaki förekommer hos 0,5–1 procent av befolkningen. Majoriteten av dem med celiaki har atypiska symtom och är inte diagnostiserade. Personer med vissa kromosomrubbningar eller annan autoimmun sjukdom och nära släktingar till personer med celiaki tillhör riskgrupper där screening kan rekommenderas. IgA-endomysie- eller IgA-transglutaminasantikroppar har båda hög specificitet och hög sensitivitet Coeliac disease is widespread and occurs in 0.5-1 per cent of the population. Most sufferers show atypical symptoms and might well remain undiagnosed. Endomysial or human transglutaminase autoantibody levels of type IgA can be recommended as screening instruments combined with s-IgA for exclusion of such deficiency. In contrast, there is a high frequency of false-positive IgA gliadin antibody test

Dags att ifrågasätta managementkonsulternas trams

Managementkonsulternas lösningar saknar allt som oftast stabilt stöd i seriös forskning. Det borde egentligen vara högst kontroversiellt att chefer och politiker väljer att följa råden från dessa karriärister med begränsad erfarenhet, skriverJohan Alvehus, lektor vid Lunds universitet.