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Biofuels for Transport in Australia

In Australia, policy at the National and State levels induces and blocks the development of biofuels. There is no strong, integrated and consistent policy framework. The market for biofuels lacks momentum and confidence of investors is weak. Current capacity is not utilised. Expansion is not expected before 2015.

Institutional Fragmentation

the body of literature on institutional fragmentation and interlinkages has become quite extensive over the last 10-15 years, especially in global environmental governance research. This common ground and the merits of existing scholarly approaches notwithstanding, there are still major new conceptual, theoretical and empirical grounds to be explored. Conceptually, the literature could further go

Poor Little Rich Kids? The Determinants of the Intergenerational Transmission of Wealth

Wealth is highly correlated between parents and their children; however, little is known about the extent to which these relationships are genetic or determined by environmental factors. We use administrative data on the net wealth of a large sample of Swedish adoptees merged with similar information for their biological and adoptive parents. Comparing the relationship between the wealth of adopte

Evaluation of material models and element types for sheet metal formning of titanium

In the last decades, the growing competitiveness of the market has continuously driven the forming companies to highly optimize their products regarding offered performance at minimum cost. In order to achieve better products, studies where conducted with different material models when simulating the forming process of titanium. The material is often used in heat exchanger applications. Titanium h


Governmentality, a concept which originates from the work of the French philosopher Michel Foucault, primarily relates to an analytics of power which highlights the artificiality of government. The term refers to a way of understanding the functioning of power as that which emanates from diverse societal institutions rather than one centralized, top‐down source, such as the sovereign state. Over t

Model Vertices Beyond the GW Approximation

We study the effects of local vertex corrections to the self energy of the electron gas. We find that a vertex derived from time-dependent density-functional theory can give accurate self energies without including the explicit time dependence of the exchange-correlation potential provided, however, that a proper decay at large momentum transfer (large q) is built into the vertex function. (The lo

Effects of Environmental Factors on maternal Choice and Gene Dispersal in Plants

Gene dispersal through pollen is affected by both abiotic and biotic environmental factors. In this study, I mainly investigated the effect of environmental factors: nutrient availability, simulated herbivory and floral morphology (flower colour), on the siring success of competing pollen donors and fitness of the resulting offspring. In a greenhouse experiments, maternal plants were treated with

On a Feedback Control-based Mechanism of Bidding for Cloud Spot Service

As a cost-effective option for Cloud consumers, spot service has been considered to be a significant supplement for building a full-fledged market economy for the Cloud ecosystem. However, unlike the static and straightforward way of trading on-demand and reserved Cloud services, the market-driven regulations of employing spot service could be too complicated for Cloud consumers to comprehensively

När Göteborgs domkapitel censurerade Luther

Artikeln behandlar en av Göteborgs domkapitels sista stora inomlutherska diskussioner i ett censurärende. 1748-1750 inskred domkapitlet mot en Lutherutgåva, framför allt på grund av befarade herrnhutiska tendenser.