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Mellan nationalism och kosmopolitism. Den kulturella skandinavismens roll idag
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Plastfabriken som gick upp i rök.
Pre-PCR processing strategies
A review describes the sample prepn. for biochem. methods, enrichment methods, immunol. methods, and phys. methods. The pretreatment of a complex biol. sample is crucial, and for successful PCR the following requirements have to be fulfilled: complete lack or low concn. of PCR-inhibitory components in the sample and sufficient concn. of target DNA. The aim of the pre-PCR treatment is to convert a
Is the Cultural Revolution Really Necessary?
2nd and 3rd generation electrodes for biosensors and biofuel cells
Popular Abstract in English The catalytic and electrochemical properties of tryptophan repressor-binding protein (WrbA), pyranose dehydrogenase (PDH), cellobiose dehydrogenase (CDH) and glucose dehydrogenase (GDH) on carbon electrodes were investigated using cyclic voltammetry and flow injection amperometry to construct biosensors and biofuel cell (BFC) anodes. WrbA has a catalytic FMN-containing The catalytic and electrochemical properties of tryptophan repressor-binding protein (WrbA), pyranose dehydrogenase (PDH), cellobiose dehydrogenase (CDH) and glucose dehydrogenase (GDH) on carbon electrodes were investigated using cyclic voltammetry and flow injection amperometry to construct biosensors and biofuel cell (BFC) anodes. WrbA has a catalytic FMN-containing domain whereas both PDH and
Birger Sjöbergs bilder och Tegnérs
The metaphors in the works of Birger Sjöberg is compared to those of Esaias Tegnér. The comparison is made in the theoretical frame of Riffaterre´s concept of hypogram (clichés, descriptive system) and the tradition of domesticating metaphors. Sjöberg is clearly developing Tegnér's metaphorical technique, thus shaping new ways of expressing the depths of mans psyche and his fate, understood within
Comparison of vulnerability and reliability analysis of technical infrastructures
The society depends on reliable and robust services provided by technical infrastructures for its function. The impact of large-scale outages due to the inherent vulnerabilities of technical infrastructures has been demonstrated, for example, by the power outage in the U.S. in 2003 and the power outages in Sweden due to the storms Gudrun in January 2005 and Per in January 2007. Two of the main app
Bestämning av tryckfallsfunktioner för T-stycke i T-system med mätdata
Förutsättningsläran - Ett viktigt komplement till avtalslagen
Medical and biological applications of ultrafast lasers
Interdisciplinarity, group responsibility and conflict as resources for learning
In the autumn of 2011, the course “The City: Boundary Transgressions and Visual Expressions” was given for the first time. Formally placed at the Division of Art History and Visual Studies, the course was a collaboration with the Division of Social Anthropology and was directed towards students from a range of disciplines within the fields of the humanities and social sciences. The course include
A Furongian poymerid planktonic trilobite
Etruscan inscriptions from the collections of Olof August Danielsson
Abstract is not available.
Artifacts and Supraphysical Worlds : A Conceptual Analysis of Religion
Popular Abstract in Swedish Hur begreppet religion kan klargöras eller definieras är en mycket omtvistad fråga inom åtskilliga akademiska discipliner. Två huvudsakliga negativa tendenser är märkbara inom gängse och aktuell teoribildning. För det första har det framkastats en mängd divergerande definitionsförslag under årens lopp. Detta har bland annat lett till en teoretisk uppgivenhet inför uppgiIt is a contested question in contemporary theories of religion whether the concept of religion can be defined in a sound way or not. Many theorists maintain that a universal but delimiting definition is impossible. In this study, by contrast, it is argued that a conceptual analysis of religion that holds universally is perfectly possible because the following thesis can be seen as a necessary and
Den internationaliserade demokratin
Abstract is not available
Teknik för förståndshandikappade - exempel och teorier
Kollektivavtalet som avtalsform och avtalstyp
Determination of Fat-Soluble Vitamins in Foods Based on Supercritical Fluid Extraction
Popular Abstract in Swedish De fettlösliga vitaminerna upptäcktes i början av 1900 talet, och indelas i klasserna A, D, E och K. Brist på vitaminer i kroppen kan leda till svåra sjukdomar som nattblindhet, benskörhet och cancer. Även en överdos kan vara mycket allvarlig, och därför finns det bestämmelser om vilka livsmedel som ska vitaminberikas samt med hur mycket av varje vitamin. Dessutom utförSample clean-up methodologies based on supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) have been developed for determination of fat-soluble vitamins in foods. This thesis focuses on method development, stressing important issues concerning sample pre-treatment, extraction conditions and collection parameters. It was demonstrated that by using SFE followed by saponification and determination using RP-HPLC wit