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Tredje generationens överlevande : En socialantropologisk studie om minne, antisemitism och identitet i spåret av Förintelsen
Förintelsen är en historisk händelse som lever vidare i samtidens medvetande i form av minnesmonument och museala minnesutställningar och processas av forskningsinstitutioner och myndigheter. Bland överlevandefamiljerna lever minnet kvar och nu har några av deras barnbarn, den Tredje generationens överlevande, tagit på sig att förvalta minnet. Samtidigt florerar antisemitismen i det svensk samhällThe Holocaust is an event that lives on in societies’ consciousness in the form of memorial monuments and museums, and is processed by research institutions and authorities. My own journey began when meeting upper secondary students who denied the Holocaust, and I soon came in contact with a group who identify themselves as Third Generation Survivors; grandchildren of those who survived the Holoca
A mimicked bacterial infection prolongs stopover duration in songbirds—but more pronounced in short- than long-distance migrants
Migration usually consists of intermittent travel and stopovers, the latter being crucially important for individuals to recover and refuel to successfully complete migration. Quantifying how sickness behaviours influence stopovers is crucial for our understanding of migration ecology and how diseases spread. However, little is known about infections in songbirds, which constitute the majority of
A high precision logarithmic-curvature compensated all CMOS voltage reference
This paper presents a resistor-less high-precision, sub-1 V all-CMOS voltage reference. A curvature-compensation method is used to cancel the logarithmic temperature dependence regardless of mobility temperature exponent (γ). The circuit is simulated in 65 nm CMOS technology and yields an output voltage of 594 mV, temperature coefficient of 7ppm∘C in the range of −40 to 125 °C, a power supply reje
Anomalous Dynamics of Magnetic Anisotropic Colloids Studied by XPCS
The influence of an applied magnetic field on the collective dynamics of novel anisotropic colloidal particles whose shape resembles peanuts is reported. Being made up of hematite cores and silica shells, these micrometer-sized particles align in a direction perpendicular to the applied external magnetic field, and assemble into chains along the field direction. The anisotropic dynamics of these p
Unravelling the mystery behind sudden death in the young : a wake-up call for nationwide autopsy-based approach-Authors' reply
Skatteflyktslagen och HFD x 2 - 3:12 respektive koncernbidragsreglerna
Efter drygt två år sedan förra gången har Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen nu avgjort två mål om lagen mot skatteflykt. I inget av målen ansågs skatteflyktsklausulen tillämplig. I artikeln refereras och kommenteras målen samt ställs frågan om domskälen tillför något av värde när det gäller möjligheten att utläsa generella riktlinjer för när lagen mot skatteflykt kan bli tillämplig.
Modifying a clinical linear accelerator for delivery of ultra-high dose rate irradiation
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to modify a clinical linear accelerator, making it capable of electron beam ultra-high dose rate (FLASH) irradiation. Modifications had to be quick, reversible, and without interfering with clinical treatments. Methods: Performed modifications: (1) reduced distance with three setup positions, (2) adjusted/optimized gun current, modulator charge rate and be
The Distribution of Superconductivity Near a Magnetic Barrier
We consider the Ginzburg–Landau functional, defined on a two-dimensional simply connected domain with smooth boundary, in the situation when the applied magnetic field is piecewise constant with a jump discontinuity along a smooth curve. In the regime of large Ginzburg–Landau parameter and strong magnetic field, we study the concentration of the minimizing configurations along this discontinuity b
Towards a capability approach to mobility : An analysis of disparities in mobility opportunities among older people
The overall aim of this thesis is to gain a clearer picture of the differences in mobility among the young-old living in Sweden’s large metropolitan regions. This thesis comprises four papers. Paper I explores the inclusion of public transport as an element of mobility among the young-old living in the Stockholm region. Paper II presents an analysis of cycling among older people in the city of Mal
Incidence of referred carpal tunnel syndrome and carpal tunnel release surgery in the general population : Increase over time and regional variations
Purpose: To investigate the change in incidence of referred carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and carpal tunnel release (CTR) surgery over time and regional variations. Methods: From the nationwide patient registry, we identified all adult individuals who had received first-time CTS diagnosis (International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision code G560) at secondary or tertiary level and first-ti
Significance and translational value of high-frequency cortico-basal ganglia oscillations in Parkinson's disease
The mechanisms and significance of basal ganglia oscillations is a fundamental research question engaging both clinical and basic investigators. In Parkinson's disease (PD), neural activity in basal ganglia nuclei is characterized by oscillatory patterns that are believed to disrupt the dynamic processing of movement-related information and thus generate motor symptoms. Beta-band oscillations asso
PRME Report 2018: Lund University School of Economics and Management : UN PRME: Sharing information on progress: Ethics, responsibility and sustainability
Gene transfer by interspecific hybridization in bryophytes
The role of hybridization in evolution has been debated for more than a century regarding bryophytes (mosses, liverworts, and hornworts) as well as most other organisms. Bryophytes have haplodiplontic life cycles with a dominant haploid generation. Hybridization in bryophytes involves fusion of gametes produced by haploid parental gametophytes of different species. The hybrid is thus the short-livThe role of hybridization in evolution has been debated for more than a century regarding bryophytes (mosses, liverworts, and hornworts) as well as most other organisms. Bryophytes have haplodiplontic life cycles with a dominant haploid generation. Hybridization in bryophytes involves fusion of gametes produced by haploid parental gametophytes of different species. The hybrid is thus the short-liv
Is one carbon price enough? Assessing the effects of payment vehicle choice on willingness to pay in Sweden
Existing knowledge suggests that people's willingness to pay (WTP) for climate change mitigation depends not only on personal characteristics but also on the payment vehicle (PV) that is used to elicit WTP. The aim of this research is to investigate policy-relevant differences in WTP between different PVs to support the design of carbon pricing mechanisms. The novelty of this contingent valuation
Phenology of the avian spring migratory passage in Europe and North America : Asymmetric advancement in time and increase in duration
Climate change has been shown to shift the seasonal timing (i.e. phenology) and distribution of species. The phenological effects of climate change on living organisms have often been tested using first occurrence dates, which may be uninformative and biased. More rarely investigated is how different phases of a phenological sequence (e.g. beginning, central tendency and end) or its duration have
Association of recurrent venous thromboembolism and circulating microRNAs
Background: Patients with unprovoked first venous thromboembolism (VTE) are at a high risk of recurrence. Although circulating microRNAs (miRNAs) have been found to be associated with VTE and are markers of hypercoagulability, this study is the first to examine whether circulating miRNAs are associated with the risk of VTE recurrence. Results: A nested case-control study design was used where plas
Felparkering i korsningen mellan effektivitet och rättssäkerhet : Hellre fälla än fria?
Artikeln handlar om felparkeringsrätt - klarlägger rättsläget och undersöker konflikten mellan krav på effektiva rättsregler å ena sidan och krav på rättssäkerhet å andra sidan
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Ultrafast X-Ray Scattering Measurements of Coherent Structural Dynamics on the Ground-State Potential Energy Surface of a Diplatinum Molecule
We report x-ray free electron laser experiments addressing ground-state structural dynamics of the diplatinum anion Pt2POP4 following photoexcitation. The structural dynamics are tracked with