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Uppåkra in the Viking Age

Short review of an Iron Age Central Place in South Sweden. The place is rich in Viking Age material and is probably a predecessor of the Medieval town of Lund.

The Donor Tribe

Describes the activity of international donors in the development aid process, and the hidden values and structures behind aid-giving.

Kulturell identitet

Discussion concerning the concept of cultural identity in connection with education and media pedagogy

Requirements Trade-offs During UML Design

Designs almost always require trade-offs between competing design choices to meet pervasive system dependability requirements (e.g., security, performance and fault tolerance system goals). In some cases, dependability requirements are realized by functionality that cross-cuts designs. Aspect-Oriented Modeling (AOM) methods allow developers to localize such cross-cutting functionality in design mo

The Acquisition of French Subject Pronouns in Child and Adult Learners

In this study, we will analyse the acquisition of subject pronouns in French and the distribution of Null subjects in early stages of language acquisition. We will contrast bilingual first language acquisition (2L1) and adult second language acquisition (L2). In both cases, Swedish is present as one of the two languages of the bilingual children, and as source language for the L2 learners. We wil

Hur mycket välfärd har vi och hur mår vi?

I det här kapitlet behandlas begreppet välfärd kopplat till tjänster och som det uppfattas av mottagarna av tjänsterna, ”kunderna”, men även hur välfärdens värde traditionellt aggregeras på samhällsnivå och de brister som finns i de mått som används. Syftet är att diskutera om de mått och uttryck för välfärd vi använder idag tillräckligt väl speglar det vi menar med ”välfärd”. Kan de mått som anvä

Young activists, political horizons, and the Internet: adapting the net to one's puroses

Based on a series of interviews with young activists working in both parliamentarian and extra-parliamentarian contexts, this chapter underscores that political purposes steer the use of communication technology. This is an explicit position gainst technological determinism. The two different categories of activists generated two different kinds of civic cultures.

Fragments of home in youth care institutions

A youth care institution may seem like a sort of regulated home. It does not resemble a home in the sense of a private household, and the youth living there usually do not define it as a home, but it seems like a home in the sense of being a place where youth in treatment spend most of their days and nights. But is that what a home is? In many cases, people in modern societies are not supposed to

Making Gender, Making War: violence, military and peacekeeping practices

Abstract in UndeterminedMAKING GENDER, MAKING WAR is a unique interdisciplinary collection of papers exploring the social construction of gender, war-making and peacekeeping. Norms of gender and war are embedded in institutions and have implications for practice. The book highlights the institutions and processes involved in the making of gender in terms of both men and women, both masculinity and

Islam in Europe: Public Spaces and Civic Networks

Islam in Europe delves into the daily routines of European Muslim communities in order to provide a better understanding of what it means to be a European Muslim today. Instead of positing particular definitions of being Muslim, this volume invites and encourages a diverse body of 735 informants from Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK to reflect on who they are and on the meaning