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Thermoelectric phenomena in low-dimensional semiconductor systems

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling behandlar termoelektriska effekter, framförallt i lågdimensionella halvledarsystem. Åtskilliga nya fenomen diskuteras, undersöks och förklaras. Introduktionsdelen innehåller en sammanfattning för allmänheten på svenska samt en introduktion till termoelektriska effekter på engelska. Detta görs dels med hjälp av en semi-klassisk teoretisk modell, men äveThis thesis investigates thermoelectric effects, predominantly in low-dimensional semiconductors. Various novel phenomena are predicted, investigated and discussed. The introductory part of the thesis contains a summary in Swedish for the general public as well as a general introduction to thermoelectric effects using both a semi-classical theory valid for diffusive electron transport, as well as

Knowledge as a source of power in real estate organisations

Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to explore how knowledge contributes to value adding activities within real estate organisations. More specifically, the study aims to investigate; (1) how knowledge sharing activities are perceived in real estate organisations, (2) what motivates individuals to share knowledge and what incentives are used to support them, and (3) if employees in these organisa

A hydrogeological study of the Nhandugue River, Mozambique - A major groundwater recharge zone

The Nhandugue River flows over the western margin of the Urema Rift, the southernmost extension of the East African Rift System, and marks the north-western border of Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique. It constitutes one of the major indispensable water resources for the ecosystem that the park protects. Our study focused on the hydrogeological conditions at the western rift margin by resistivit

Treatment Evaluation and Screening of Autism

Popular Abstract in Swedish Autism och autismspektrumstörningar är ett kliniskt och beteendemässigt definierat samt biologiskt orsakat syndrom innebärande nedsatt förmåga till social ömsesidighet, verbal och ickeverbal kommunikation samt med kännetecknen både begränsade och repetitiva beteenden, intressen och rutiner. Bakom de synliga beteendena ligger nedsättningar i förmågan till mentalisering, The aims of this thesis were: to review studies of treatment evaluation from the years 1992-2002; to evaluate the Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication Handicapped Children, TEACCH, treatment model for adults and children with autism; to develop and evaluate a screening instrument for early detection of autism and other developmental deficits, SEEK. The instruments used we

Validity of an Index of Self-reported Walking for Balance and Falls in Elderly Women

We have examined concurrent and prospective validity of an index of self-reported walking (RW) of 307 home-dwelling women aged 75 years and above, of whom 155 in 1 year had in all 308 falls of which 13% resulting in fractures. It consists of five items concerning various aspects of self-reported walking identified by factor analysis. The sum score on this ''RW-index'' correlated moderately ( r = 0

Growth factor regulation of the urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) system in human endometrium, and the significance of uPA receptor activation in endometrial angiogenesis.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen studerar tillväxtfaktorernas reglering av uPA-systemet i endometriet, och betydelsen av uPA-receptorns (uPAR) aktivering i den endometriella angiogenesen. Tillväxtfaktorer är polypeptider, vilka fungerar som signalmolekyler i cellernas kommunikation. Tillväxtfaktorerna frisätts från sina ursprungsceller och binder sig till specifika receptorer på ytan av ceThe purpose of this thesis was to examine the role of growth factors and the urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) system in human endometrial angiogenesis. Growth factors as well as progesterone increased expression of the main inhibitor of uPA (PAI-1) in primary cultures of endometrial stromal cells. EGF, TGF-beta1 and bFGF increased gene transcription whereas progesterone increased mRNA stabili

Mellan vanor och faror : ett kulturanalytiskt perspektiv på äldre människors bruk av läkemedel

Denna studie avser att undersöka den mening som mediciner skapar, och hur de påverkar människors vardagliga erfarenheter och identitetsskapande. Medicineringens relation till kroppsliga tecken och symptom påvisar den spänning som finns i synen på läkemedlet; mediciner som något farligt och riskfyllt men samtidigt med förmåga att förebygga och bota. Mediciners farlighet tycks delvis kunna motverkasThis study aims to explore the meaning that is created when using medicines, and how medicines affect older people’s experiences of everyday life and their identity. The connection between medicines and the body demonstrates the tension that the medications contain; something dangerous and unsafe but with the power to cure and prevent illness. The risks of medications seem to be counteracted throu

Stress urinary incontinence among women. Aspects of risk factors, evaluation and surgical treatment.

Popular Abstract in Swedish (Summary in Swedish) Urininkontinens är ett stort folkhälsoproblem. Ungefär 10 % av kvinnor i 40-årsåldern är drabbade och andelen inkontinenta ökar med ökande ålder. Den vanligaste formen av urininkontinens är så kallad ansträngningsinkontinens med de typiska symptomen urinläckage vid hosta, tunga lyft och gymnastik. I uttalade fall kan dock läckage uppstå redan vid daThe etiology of female stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is unclear. By linking three nationwide medical registries we evaluated maternal and obstetric factors associated with later SUI surgery. Surgery for SUI was strongly associated with vaginal delivery, but not with pregnancy as such. Maternal conditions and interventions during delivery modified the association. Proper evaluation of treatment

"Det strategiska överfallet". Krigskonsten i islams tjänst under Muhammad och i det tidiga Kalifatet

Popular Abstract in Swedish Analysen av källornas uppgifter om uppbyggnadsfasen av de väpnade styrkorna under Muhammad och hans efterföljare kaliferna fram till 680 ger vid handen, att vi här har att göra med en organisation som stod på en likvärdig nivå med sina fiender i ledningsmässigt, strategiskt och taktiskt hänseende. Angreppet på de östromerska provinserna Palestina I-III och Arabia visar In the present work I have studied how the armed forces under Muhammad and the first caliphs were built up and how they operated in the period 622-80. The perspective is that of the history of religion and strategic theory, and comparisons are made with both contemporary and more recent material. The concept of "Strategic surprise attack" formed an important part of the campains that the generals

Wave-modes of a double-plate system with joists and cavity

Lightweight walls and floors are often designed as frameworks of studs with plates on each side - a double-plate structure. The free wave-modes and periodic wave motion of a double-plate system reinforced by joists are analysed in the present paper (as the insertion loss and impact sound insulation have been studied in previous papers). The free wave-modes can in a future step be used in connectio