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Rapport om LTH:s SI-verksamhet vid gymnasiet 2011/12-2013/14

”Supplemental Instruction” (SI) introducerades vid Lunds Tekniska Högskola (LTH) 1994. SI-verksamheten utvecklades vid Kansas Universitet i USA som ett kostnadseffektivt sätt att komma till rätta med den dåliga studentgenomströmningen vid vissa utbildningar på universitet/högskolor. SI är som framgår av det engelska namnet ett komplement till den ordinarie undervisningen. Tanken med SI är att inlä

Desulfurisation of Tabas Coal by Thiobacillus Ferrooxidans

The average sulfur content of Tabas coal contained in the Parvadeh coalfield is approximately 1.5%. For the purpose of the conduct of the desulfurization program, a sample of high sulfur coal has been used. The coal was subjected to desulfurization tests using Thiobacillus ferrooxidans (DSM 581) in two different media and then was characterized using infrared spectroscopy. The reduction in total s

Deception among pairs: "Let's say we had lunch and hope they will swallow it!"

Deception research has neglected the fact that legal-workers often have to try to detect deceit on the basis of statements derived from pairs of suspects, each having been interrogated repeatedly. To remedy this shortcoming we conducted a study where each member of 10 truth-telling pairs and 10 lying pairs was interrogated twice about an alibi. One hundred and twenty undergraduate students were en

The influence of pH, salt and temperature on nanofiltration performance

The influence of pH, KCl and temperature on the performance of an Alfa Laval NFT-50 nanofiltration membrane was evaluated by glucose and KCl retention measurements at constant flux. It was found that at constant temperature an increase in pH in the absence of KCl reduced the water permeability, and this was correlated to the electroviscous effect. The selectivity decreased with increasing KCl conc

The effects of temperature on avian physiology, behavior and development

Popular Abstract in Swedish Omgivningens temperatur är kanske en av de faktorer som i allra störst utsträckning påverkar djur och deras livsmiljö. Detta bottnar givetvis till stor del i temperaturens effekt på naturen. Betänk till exempel årstidsväxlingarna; att vintern blir till vår, och att hösten (i samband med de första snöfallen) allt mer skrider mot ännu en kall och vit vinter bestäms och reTemperature is a property of profound matter in all aspects of animal life, affecting both individual energy budgets and the environments in which animals reside. Thus, a proper understanding of the effects of temperature variation is instrumental in understanding not only animal form and function, but also the structure and dynamics of wild populations. Accordingly, the aims of this thesis were t

60 GHz Microstrip Antenna Array on PTFE Substrate

A microstrip antenna array design for 60 GHz central frequency is presented, with simulated and measured results in good agreement. The antenna is fabricated on a flexible substrate and intended for integration with circuit module to form a wireless communication system.