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Spectroscopic Studies of the Elements Ba, Fe, Ga, In and Ru

Popular Abstract in Swedish De möjliga energinivåerna en elektron kan befinna sig i är olika för olika atomer och joner, en atom där en eller flera elektroner kastats ut. Detta kommer att medföra att det utsända ljuset, spektret, från en atom/jon kommer att vara unik för varje atom/jon, på samma sätt som vi människor har var sitt unikt fingeravtryck. Om man tittar upp på stjärnhimlen en klar vintNew measurements of the elements Ba, Fe, Ga, In and Ru are reported. The analysis of barium contains new wavelengths, improved energy level values and new values of the ionization limit in both Ba I and Ba II. Oscillator strengths and radiative lifetimes in Fe II, as a part of the FERRUM project, are reported. The gallium analysis includes new wavelengths, ab initio calculated oscillator strengths

Simultaneous Reconstruction of Scene Structure and Camera Locations from Uncalibrated Image Sequences

The paper deals with the structure-motion problem for images of point configurations taken by uncalibrated cameras. Using a parametrisation by affine shape and kinetic depth, a complete and explicit characterisation of the imaging geometry is given, including the shape of the object configuration and the positions of the cameras relative to the scene. No epipolar geometry is used. It is shown that

Making Sense of Suffering : Holocaust and Holodomor in Ukrainian Historical Culture

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna studie behandlar hur Ukraina har inkorporerat och brukat förintelsen och den ukrainska hungersnöden 1932-1933, den så kallade terrorhungersnöden, i den nya nationella historien och historiekulturen. Undersökningen tar sin utgångspunkt i det ökade intresset för förintelsen under senare år. Olika institutioner och aktörer har framfört utrotningen av Europas judar unThis study deals with the problem of how Ukraine has incorporated and made use of the Holocaust and the 1932?1933 famine (Holodomor) in its new national history and historical culture. The investigation departs from the increased interest in and attention devoted to the Holocaust in recent years. Various institutions and actors have brought the mass murder of Europe's Jews forward as an important

SMQT-based Tone Mapping Operators for High Dynamic Range Images

In this paper, tone mapping operations based on the nonlinear successive Mean Quantization Transform (SMQT) are proposed in order to convert high dynamic range images to low dynamic range images. A SMQTbased tone mapping applied on the luminance channel is derived as well as a SMQT-based method working directly on all RGB channels. Both methods are compared to other state-of-the-art methods and pr

On Signal Dependent Basis Functions, Estimation of Event Related Potentials and Multiple Window Spectrum Analysis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen består av tre delar. Gemensamt för de tre delarna är användningen av signalberoende basfunktioner och skattning av händelserelaterade signaler från hjärnan. Händelserelaterade signaler uppkommer i hjärnan som svar på ett yttre stimulus, t.ex., ett ljud eller en ljusblixt. Svaret från hjärnan kan mätas med elektroder på huvudet men är kraftigt stört av den sThe three parts of this thesis are different examples of utilization of signal dependent basis functions in the estimation procedure. The first part surveys a number of parametric methods applied to estimation of single ERP (P300). The basis functions of the sERP are the damped sinusoids where the frequency and damping factor are estimated from the signal. The algorithms for white noise disturban

Gnistornas bok, kap. 1 och 10

A Swedish translation of chapters 1 and 10 from Liber Scintillarum ("The Book of Sparks") by Defensor of Ligugé, with brief notes.

Determinant Factors for Memory Performance in Human Aging: A Study of Environmental, Person-Based, and Non-Cognitive Predictors Contributing to Memory Performance in old Adults

Popular Abstract in Swedish En populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Det faktum att vårt minne förändra's med åldern är ett välkänt och väldokumenterat fenomen. Vilka faktorer som bidrar till denna förändring och hur de samverkar för att påverka vårt minne är däremot till stora delar forfarande ett mysterium. Minnesforskare delar vanligtvi's upp vårt minne i flera olika minnessystem. Dessa dela's upThe aim of this thesis was to examine the importance of environmental, non-cognitive, and person-based variables for memory performance in old adults. Study I was conducted in cooperation with the Gerontology Research Centre and the Department of Psychology in Lund. The investigation included 69 people with an age-range from 55-94 years and examined if certain personality factors could explain th

"Ge mig mitt beskärda bröd"

One of the Three learned societies at Lund University (Kungliga fysiografiska sällskapet)hosted on May 21, 2013 a symposium about food. My article gives theological perspectives on this issue.

Socioeconomic aspects of farmers’ markets in Sweden

Consumer awareness regarding food production and food content is steadily growing. An alternative to the current model of global food chains is local production of food and local sales of food at farmers’ markets. This chapter assesses the social and economic benefits of farmers’ markets both for the farmers taking part in the markets and for the consumers purchasing the products on sale. The deve