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Your search for "*" yielded 531190 hits

Downsizing proteolytic digestion and analysis using dispenser-aided sample handling and nanovial matrix-assisted laser/desorption ionization-target arrays.

An efficient technique for enzymatic digestion of proteins in nanovial arrays and identification by peptide mass fingerprinting using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI-MS) is presented in this work. Through dispensing of a protein solution with simultaneous evaporation the protein (substrate) is concentrated up to 300 times in-vial. At higher substrate concentrations the catalytic

Hypoxia-inducible factors 1 and 2 are important transcriptional effectors in primary macrophages experiencing hypoxia

Ischemia exists in many diseased tissues, including arthritic joints, atherosclerotic plaques, and malignant tumors. Macrophages accumulate in these sites and up-regulate hypoxia-inducible transcription factors (HIFs) 1 and 2 in response to the hypoxia present. Here we show that the gene expression profile in primary human and murine macrophages changes markedly when they are exposed to hypoxia fo

Deep sea records from the southeast Labrador Sea: Ocean circulation changes and ice-rafting events during the last 160,000 years

[1] Results from two deep sea cores from northeast of Newfoundland at 1251 and 2527 m water depth, respectively, indicate that during the time period from 160,000 to 10,000 years BP, ice rafting events in the Labrador Sea were accompanied by rapid variations in deep and surface water circulation. Twelve ice-rafting events occurred, each coinciding with high concentrations of detrital carbonate and

Shikimic acid production by a modified strain of E-coli (W3110.shik1) under phosphate-limited and carbon-limited conditions

Shikimic acid is one of several industrially interesting chiral starting materials formed in the aromatic amino acid pathway of plants and microorganisms. In this study, the physiology of a shikimic acid producing strain of Escherichia coli (derived from W31 10) deleted in aroL (shikimic acid kinase II gene), was compared to that of a corresponding control strain W31 10) under carbonand phosphate-

Time to pregnancy and pregnancy outcome.

Objective: To investigate whether the outcome of a pregnancy is related to the time required to achieve that pregnancy (TTP). Design: The distribution of the TTP for pregnancies ending in multiple birth, early (before week 12) and late (weeks 12-28) miscarriage, stillbirth, and extrauterine pregnancy was compared to that of pregnancies ending in singleton birth. Furthermore, the distribution of th

Results of three comparative test series for determining the fracture energy GF of concrete

RILEM Technical Committee 50—Fracture Mechanics of Concrete, has put forward a proposal for a recommendation for the determination of the fracture energy GF of mortar and concrete. In connection with the above three comparative test series were arranged in order to collect information and experience regarding the proposed method. 14 laboratories from 9 countries were involved and about 700 beams w

Differentiation induced by physiological and pharmacological stimuli leads to increased antigenicity of human neuroblastoma cells

Sympathetic neuronal differentiation is associated with favorable prognosis of neuroblastoma (NB), the most common extra-cranial solid tumor of early childhood. Differentiation agents have proved useful in clinical protocols of NB treatment, but using them as a sole treatment is not sufficient to induce tumor elimination in patients. Therefore, complementary approaches, such as immunotherapy, are

Block polyelectrolytes and colloidal stability.

We simulate interactions between charged flat surfaces in the presence of block polymers, where the end blocks carry a charge opposite to the surfaces. Using a recently developed simulation technique, we allow full equilibrium, i.e. the chemical potential of the polyelectrolyte is retained as the separation is changed. In general, the block polyions will adsorb strongly enough to overcharge the su

The integral dictionary: A lexical network based on componential semantics

The Integral Dictionary is a comprehensive lexical network for French, English, German, Italian, and Spanish. It is based on componential semantics and lexical functions. The network structure superimposes two graphs. A first graph consists of a hierarchy of concepts divided into classes and themes where the words form the terminal nodes of the graph. A second graph links the words together using

Will sympatric speciation fail due to stochastic competitive exclusion?

Sympatric speciation requires coexistence of the newly formed species. If divergence proceeds by small mutational steps, the new species utilize almost the same resources initially, and full speciation may be impeded by competitive exclusion in stochastic environments. We investigate this primarily ecological problem of sympatric speciation by studying the population dynamics of a diverging asexua

HIV/hepatitis coinfection in eastern Europe and new pan-European approaches to hepatitis prevention and management

Issues: HIV/hepatitis coinfection in Europe; WHO European clinical protocols on the management of people coinfected with HIV/AIDS and hepatitis B or C (HBV or HCV); stakeholder recommendations for better HCV services. Introduction: The increasing availability of highly active antiretroviral therapy throughout Europe and central Asia has changed comorbidity and mortality patterns among people livin

Deterministic rendezvous in graphs

Two mobile agents having distinct identifiers and located in nodes of an unknown anonymous connected graph, have to meet at some node of the graph. We present fast deterministic algorithms for this rendezvous problem.

An experimental study of toxin production in Arthrospira fusiformis (Cyanophyceae) isolated from African waters

Arthrospira is one genus of cyanoprokaryota for which information on toxin production exists for only a few strains. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether strains of Arthrospira fusiformis produce intracellular toxic compounds such as microcystins and anatoxin-a. The study was based on three strains of Arthrospira, two strains isolated from wastewater ponds in Mozambique and one fro

Stand characteristics in colour-infrared aerial photographs as indicators of epiphytic lichens

Information about forest biodiversity has so far been collected mostly by using field inventories, but it is desirable to find other methods that can cover large areas at a lower cost. In a forest landscape covering 2000 ha in southern Sweden we tested if colour-infrared (CIR) aerial photographs on the scale of 1:30000 can be used to interpret forest stand characteristics correlated to the occurre

Cryptanalysis of Achterbahn

We present several attacks against the Achterbahn stream cipher, which was proposed to the eSTREAM competition. We can break the reduced and the full version with complexity of 2 55 and 2 61 steps. Extensions of our attacks are also described to break modified versions of the Achterbahn stream cipher, which were proposed following the publication of preliminary cryptanalysis results. These attacks

Intrinsic subtypes and prognostic implications in epithelial ovarian cancer

Popular Abstract in Swedish Varje år drabbas cirka 700 kvinnor i Sverige av äggstockscancer. Det motsvarar två fulla X2000-tåg. Bara ett av dessa tåg med äggstockspatienter kommer att nå sitt mål - bot. Äggstockscancer är en ovanlig sjukdom och risken att drabbas är liten (jämfört med t.ex. bröstcancer, som fyller hela 22 tåg i Sverige), men prognosen är dyster. Färre än hälften av dem som får diaOvarian cancer is the seventh most common cancer in women globally, with approximately 240,000 new cases annually. Although a rare disease, it is the most lethal gynecologic malignancy. Unspecific symptoms result in late diagnosis and a generally poor prognosis. However, ovarian cancer is a heterogeneous disease comprising different disease entities, which is of importance in clinical decision-mak

Towards a general RC4-like keystream generator

RC4 was designed in 1987 when 8-bit and 16-bit processors were commercially available. Today, most processors use 32-bit or 64-bit words but using original RC4 with 32/64 bits is infeasible due to the large memory constraints and the number of operations in the key scheduling algorithm. In this paper we propose a new 32/64-bit RC4-like keystream generator. The proposed generator produces 32 or 64

Differences in treatment and metabolic abnormalities between normo- and hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes: the Skaraborg Hypertension and Diabetes Project

AIM: To examine treatment and glucose control in type 2 diabetes patients with and without hypertension, and to explore differences in markers for insulin resistance and beta cell function. METHODS: A community-based, cross-sectional observational study was carried out at the hypertension and diabetes outpatient clinic in primary health care, Skara, Sweden. The subjects were all the 400 patients w

Early Pregnancy Azathioprine Use and Pregnancy Outcomes

BACKGROUND: Azathioprine (AZA) is used during pregnancy by h omen with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), other autoimmune disorders, malignancy, and organ transplantation. Previous studies have demonstrated potential risks. METHODS: The Swedish Medical Birth Register was used to identify 476 women who reported the use of AZA in early pregnancy. The effect of AZA exposure on pregnancy outcomes was