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Patientrapporterade SEFAS : Frågeformulär bra utvärderingsmetod vid fot- och fotledsbesvär

There is need for structured evaluation of disability before and after surgery. The patients' subjective aspects of their symptoms should be one part of this evaluation, preferably captured by patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs). There are several PROMs, either generic or region-specific questionnaires, but no » gold standard « for foot or ankle evaluation. We translated the Self-reported Fo

Feasibility of endovascular and surface cooling strategies in acute stroke

Background Therapeutic hypothermia (TH) is a promising treatment of stroke, but limited data are available regarding the safety and effectiveness of cooling methodology. We investigated the safety of TH and compared the cooling capacity of two widely used cooling strategies endovascular and surface cooling. Methods COOLAID Oresund is a bicentre randomized trial in Copenhagen (Denmark) and Malmo (S

Necrotizing myositis and septic shock caused by Haemophilus influenzae type f in a previously healthy man diagnosed with an IgG3 and a mannose-binding lectin deficiency

An increased incidence of infections by Haemophilus influenzae type f (Hif) has recently been suggested, but such infections have mainly been regarded as opportunistic. We present here a dramatic case of Hif necrotizing myositis and septic shock. A subsequently diagnosed IgG3 and mannose-binding lectin deficiency possibly contributed to the severe outcome.

Using microdispensing to manufacture a customized cell dish for microbeam irradiation of single, living cells

In this paper is described the preparation of patterned cell dishes to be used in studies of low dose irradiation effects on living cells. Using a droplet microdispenser, an 8 mu m thick polypropylene cell substrate, to which cells do not naturally adhere, was coated in a matrix pattern with the cell adhesive mussel protein Cell-Tak. Cells were shown to adhere and grow on the protein-coated spots,

Sitter brassen på kyrkbänken?

Idrott kan ses som en av det moderna samhällets viktigaste globala sfärer. Det är ett område som engagerar människor över nations-, klass-, köns- och åldersgränser, likväl som det upprätthåller dessa gränser. Idrott är i sig en enorm ekonomisk sektor och syns dagligen i media. Det är ett område som har ett stort inflytande på litteratur, film och andra konstformer (Karen & Washington 2010:1ff)

Breastfeeding Support in Neonatal Intensive Care: A National Survey

Background: The incidence of breastfeeding of preterm infants is affected by the support provided at the hospital and in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). However, policies and guidelines promoting breastfeeding vary both nationally and internationally. Objectives: The aim of this survey was to describe breastfeeding support in Danish NICUs, where approximately 98% of mothers initiate lacta


Measurements based on a large number of red giant stars suggest a broad metallicity distribution function (MDF) for the Galactic bulge, centered on [Fe/H] approximate to -0.1. However, recently, a new opportunity emerged to utilize temporary flux amplification (by factors of similar to 100 or more) of faint dwarf stars in the Bulge which are gravitationally lensed, making them observable with high

Network modeling of the transcriptional effects of copy number aberrations in glioblastoma

DNA copy number aberrations (CNAs) are a hallmark of cancer genomes. However, little is known about how such changes affect global gene expression. We develop a modeling framework, EPoC (Endogenous Perturbation analysis of Cancer), to (1) detect disease-driving CNAs and their effect on target mRNA expression, and to (2) stratify cancer patients into long-and short-term survivors. Our method constr

Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. The Role of Low Dose Computed Tomography.

Continuous implementation of new operative methods for correction and stabilization of spinal deformities in young patients with AIS demands a detailed morphological analysis of the vertebral column. CT spine according to protocols available in daily clinical practice means high radiation dose to these young individuals. All examinations included in this thesis were performed on a 16-slice CT scan

Reproductive function in young Swedish men - Time trend, prenatal and adult exposure to smoking and phthalates

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det har diskuterats huruvida mäns spermiekoncentration minskat och missbildningar i pojkars könsorgan ökat under den senare delen av 1900-talet. Med säkerhet har dock testikelcancer ökat flerfaldigt under samma tidsperiod. Målet med denna avhandling var dels att undersöka huruvida skånska mäns spermakvalitet hade förändrats under det förra årtiondet, dels att studera saA decrease in male reproductive function, including sperm counts, during the second half of the 20th century, has been postulated. During this period, testicular cancer has increased several-fold. Environmental and lifestyle-related factors have been proposed as explanations for a possible negative trend in male reproductive function. One important lifestyle factor is smoking. However, smoking dur

Skandinaviska filmer i världen. Om utlandssekvensers betydelse i Niels Arden Oplevs "Män som hatar kvinnor" (2009), Susanne Biers "Hævnen" (2010) och Sara Johnsens "Upperdog" (2009)

This article analyses three recent and very successful Scandinavian films – Niels Arden Oplev’s Män som hatar kvinnor/The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo (Sweden), Susanne Bier’s Hævnen/In a Better World (Denmark) and Sara Johnsen’s Upperdog (Norway) – in order to understand how the relationship between the national and the international is articulated. Focus is on the scenes taking place abroad and on

Oral traditional Chinese medication for adhesive small bowel obstruction

Background Small bowel obstruction (SBO) is one of the most common emergent complications of general surgery. Intra-abdominal adhesions are the leading cause of SBO. Because surgery can induce new adhesions, non-operative management is preferred in the absence of signs of peritonitis or strangulation. Oral traditional Chinese herbal medicine has long been used as a non-operative therapy to treat a

The Finnmarkian Orogeny revisited: An isotopic investigation in eastern Finnmark, Arctic Norway

The Scandinavian Caleclonides have been viewed as resulting from either a single Silurian (i.e. Scandian) event or from polycyclic orogenies involving several collisions on the margin of Baltica. Early studies of the Kalak Nappe Complex (KNC) in Finnmark, Arctic Norway, led to the hypothesis of an Early Cambrian-Early Ordovician (520-480 Ma) Finnmarkian Crogeny, though the nature of this tectonic

Wigner-localized states in spin-orbit-coupled bosonic ultracold atoms with dipolar interaction

We investigate the occurence of Wigner-localization phenomena in bosonic dipolar ultracold few-body systems with Rashba-like spin-orbit coupling. We show that the latter strongly enhances the effects of the dipole-dipole interactions, allowing to reach the Wigner-localized regime for strengths of the dipole moment much smaller than those necessary in the spin-orbit-free case.

Risk factors for criminal recidivism - a prospective follow-up study in prisoners with substance abuse

Background: Substance use in general has been shown to predict criminal recidivism. The present study aimed to examine potential predictors of criminal recidivism, including substance-specific substance use patterns, in prisoners with substance use. Methods: A cohort of prisoners with substance use problems (N = 4,152) were assessed with the Addiction Severity Index (ASI) in the Swedish criminal j

Hospitalization for vascular complications in childhood onset type 1 diabetes - effects of gender and age at onset

Aims: To study the cumulative incidence of hospitalization for severe diabetic vascular complications in childhood onset type 1 diabetes patients with special regards to age at onset and gender. Methods: The Swedish Childhood Diabetes Register (SCDR) was linked to the Swedish Hospital Discharge Register up to 31 December 2004. The following diagnoses were traced: diabetic kidney disease, myocardia

Synthesis by spark plasma sintering of a novel protonic/electronic conductor composite: BaCe0.2Zr0.7Y0.1O3-delta /Sr0.95Ti0.9Nb0.1O3-delta (BCZY27/STN95)

A novel two-phase ceramic composite (cercer) material consisting of a solid solution of barium cerate and -zirconate doped with yttrium (BaCe0.2Zr0.7Y0.1O3-delta : BCZY27), together with niobium-doped strontium titanate (Sr0.95Ti0.9Nb0.1O3-delta : STN95), has been synthesized by solid-state reaction and sintered conventionally (CS) at 1350-1500 A degrees C, as well as by spark plasma sintering (SP