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Nurse managers' professional networks, psychosocial resources and self-rated health.

Background. Nurse managers act under constant pressure to develop strategies in response to professional challenges within a changing and restructured health care system. When such environmental stress is present, they need access to sufficient psychosocial recourses. Aim. The study aimed to investigate whether nurse managers' professional networks, psychosocial work conditions, job support, soci

On the Dirac and Pauli operators with several Aharonov-Bohm solenoids

We study the self-adjoint Pauli operators that can be realized as the square of a self-adjoint Dirac operator and correspond to a magnetic field consisting of a finite number of Aharonov–Bohm solenoids and a regular part, and prove an Aharonov–Casher type formula for the number of zero-modes for these operators. We also see that essentially only one of the Pauli operators are spin-flip invariant,

In diabetic retinopathy, foveal thickness of 300 mum seems to correlate with functionally significant loss of vision.

To study the relationship between foveal thickness assessed by optical coherence tomography (OCT) and foveal function measured with multi focal electroretinography (mfERG) in patients with non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy, and with no previous laser treatment. Twenty-six eyes from 18 diabetic patients (13 men), aged 59 years, (range 28-79 years), diabetes duration 15 years, (range 2-27 years

Place, discourse and vulnerability-a qualitative study of young adults living in a Swedish urban poverty zone.

This paper presents findings from a qualitative study of young adults living in a relatively deprived metropolitan area in Sweden. The analysis of interview data yielded four separate types of neighbourhood discourses, each related to a major hegemonic ‘discourse of the problematic area’. The discursive model was used to disclose different patterns of vulnerability, at both the individual and the

Toxins of the helicobacter genus and their roles in pathogenesis

In the 20 years since the discovery of Helicobacter pylori the number of formally described Helicobacter spp. has increased dramatically. The majority of species in the genus have been associated with some form of pathology. Similar to other Gram-negative bacteria, all helicobacters have lipopolysaccharides or endotoxins in the outer leaflet of their outer membrane which is an important modulator

Bronchoalveolar lavage studies in children without parenchymal lung disease: cellular constituents and protein levels

We evaluated bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BAL) for cellular constituents, concentration of total protein (TP), albumin (AL), fibronectin (FN), and hyaluronic acid (HA) in 16 children aged 2-32 months without pulmonary inflammatory or parenchymal disease to establish reference values. We compared our data to those reported in older children and in normal adult volunteers. BAL results were obtained

Heritability of dispersal in the great reed warbler

Dispersal is commonly considered to be a condition-dependent behaviour with no or low heritability. Here, we show that dispersal in the great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus ) has a high heritability. Analyses of capture-recapture data of male great reed warblers gathered from the species' whole Swedish breeding range revealed a remarkable offspring-parent resemblance in dispersal behaviou

Structure and Dynamics for LiBH4-LiCl Solid Solutions

A Surprisingly high degree of structural and compositional dynamics is observed in the system LiBH4-LiCl as a function of temperature and time. Rietveld refinement of synchrotron radiation powder X-ray diffraction (SR-PXD) data reveals that Cl- readily substitutes for BH4- in the Structure of LiBH4. Prolonged heating a sample of LiBH4-LiCl (1:1 molar ratio) above the phase transition temperature a

Complete high-density lipoproteins in nanoparticle corona.

In a biological environment, nanoparticles immediately become covered by an evolving corona of biomolecules, which gives a biological identity to the nanoparticle and determines its biological impact and fate. Previous efforts at describing the corona have concerned only its protein content. Here, for the first time, we show, using size exclusion chromatography, NMR, and pull-down experiments, tha

The effect of pancreatic and biliary depletion on in vivo pharmacokinetics of digoxin in pigs

Several transporter systems in the liver and intestine are known to change their expression and function during cholestatic disease states. The objective of the-present in vivo study-was to investigate the effect of biliary depletion, as a method to mimic cholestasis, on the bioavailability and disposition of digoxin in biliary and pancreatic duct cannulated pigs. The study was divided in two part

Anaerobic digestion of lipid-rich waste - Effects of lipid concentration

The influence of lipid concentration on hydrolysis and biomethanation of a lipid-rich (triolein) model waste was evaluated in batch. The effect of increasing the concentration of lipid from 5% to 47% (w/w), based on chemical oxygen demand (COD), was investigated. The methane recovery observed was above 93% for all tests. An initial lag phase of approximately 6-10 days was observed for all tests. T

Xylanases from Cryptococcus flavus isolate I-11: Enzymatic profile, isolation and heterologous expression of CfXYN1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

The aim of this study was to characterize the xylanolytic activity of Cryptococcus flavus isolate I-11. This microorganism was isolated from the Brazilian Cerrado, and enzyme plate assays showed that it also produces amylase and CMCase activity. The xylanolytic production of C. flavus isolate I-11 was improved by using a suitable combination of the carbon and nitrogen sources, reaching 130 U/mL A

Testing hypotheses of trophic level interactions: a boreal forest ecosystem

Models of community organization involve variations of the top-down (predator control) or bottom-up (nutrient limitation) hypotheses. Verbal models, however, can be interpreted in different ways leading to confusion. Therefore, we predict from first principles the range of possible trophic level interactions, and define mathematically the instantaneous effects of experimental perturbations. Some o

The self-reported health condition of women after their participation in a stress management programme: a pilot study

From a public health perspective, it is important to develop effective measures to deal with stress which are based on the individual's participation, such as stress management provided in group sessions. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to compare and evaluate the self-reported health condition of women in terms of their general symptoms, stress and sense of coherence (SOC) after parti