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Self-adjuvanted cancer vaccine administered as a fusion protein

En vanlig orsak till dödsfall globalt sett är cancer, och det har varit ett intensivt forskningsområde under de senaste årtiondena med inriktning på biomedicinsk forskning. Det finns tre vanliga etablerade cancerbehandlingar som är kirurgi, cellgiftsbehandling och strålbehandling. Även om dessa behandlingar förlänger överlevnadstiden för patienterna, så är de ofta otillräckliga vid behandling av cCancer is a leading cause of mortality worldwide, and despite the effectiveness of established treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy, they may prove inadequate in advanced stages. These treatments can cause severe side effects, such as immune suppression and damage to healthy cells, which can lead to resistance and hinder treatment effectiveness. Immunotherapy is another estab

Separation of lignosulfonate lignin into antibacterial lignin oligomer fractions

Introduction: Antibiotic resistance is rising globally, increasing the demand on new antibacterial substances. Background: Studies suggest that lignin exhibits antibacterial properties, however this property is unexploited commercially. The valorization of lignin is difficult due to its complex and variable structure. Aims: This study aims therefore to fractionate lignosulfonate lignin (LSL) into

Involving Members of the Public to Develop a Data Collection App for a Citizen Science Project on Housing Accessibility Targeting Older Adults

Background: While citizen science approaches are emerging within both social and health sciences, projects aimed at improving the living conditions of older adults remain rare. To enable forward-looking housing provision for the ageing population, valid and detailed information is needed on environmental barriers in the housing stock. Moreover, to promote active ageing and avoid involuntary moves

Time and space resolved operando synchrotron X-ray and Neutron diffraction study of NMC811/Si–Gr 5 Ah pouch cells

Silicon–Graphite blended electrodes in Li-ion batteries have been proposed as a way to harness the high capacity of Si as an anode material, while minimising the negative effects of their large volume expansion. NMC 811 is the current state-of-the-art layered oxide cathode material, where the cobalt content of the cathode has been minimised. These are the two of the most promising materials for ac

The risk of post-polio syndrome among immigrant groups in Sweden

To examine the risk of post-polio syndrome (PPS) in immigrant groups using native Swedish-born individuals as referents. This is a retrospective study. The study population included all individuals aged 18 years and older registered in Sweden. PPS was defined as having at least one registered diagnosis in the Swedish National Patient Register. The incidence of post-polio in different immigrant gro

Inhyrd arbetstagare till tillsvidareanställd hos kundföretag efter 24 månader - En arbetsrättslig undersökning om syftet med 12 a § uthyrningslagen samt dess utmaningar för arbetstagare, bemanningsföretag och kundföretag

En reformerad arbetsrätt trädde i kraft den 30 juni 2022, men började gälla först den 1 oktober. Det innebar främst ändringar i LAS, men det tillkom även en ny bestämmelse i uthyrningslagen. Syftet med dessa förändringar i lagstiftningen är att både öka flexibiliteten och rörligheten på arbetsmarknaden, samtidigt som det ska skapa en större trygghet och förutsägbarhet för både arbetsgivare och arbOn June 30, 2022, a reformed labor law came into effect, but it began to apply on October 1. This mainly involved changes to the Employment Protection Act, but also introduced a new provision in the Temporary Agency Work Act. The purpose of these changes in the legislation is to increase both flexibility and mobility in the labor market, while also creating greater security and predictability for

EU som lagstiftare inom den sociala dimensionen - one size fits all? Samspel och motsättningar mellan den svenska modellen och EU-rätten

Den svenska modellen kännetecknas av arbetsmarknadens parters autonomi som en långvarig tradition. Detta innebär att parterna själva i mångt och mycket är lagstiftare, domare och processförare där staten har en låg grad av inblandning. Denna modell har emellertid flera gånger utmanats sedan Sveriges inträde i Europeiska unionen år 1994 då Sverige fäste stor vikt vid värnandet av den svenska modellThe Swedish model is characterized by the autonomy of social partners as a long withstanding tradition. This means that the social partners act as legislators, judges, and litigators with a low degree of governmental interference. This model has, however, been challenged several times since Sweden’s accession to the European Union in 1994 where Sweden reiterated the importance of defending the Swe

Strategier i lågkonjunktur - En studie om hur bygg- och fastighetssektorn bemöter marknadsförändringar

Strategier i en lågkonjunktur - Hur bygg- och fastighetssektorn bemöter marknadsförändringar Av: Camilla Lindbäck och Victoria Heisterkamp Pausade byggprojekt, varsel och svagare köpkraft är exempel på faktorer som signalerar en lågkonjunktur i bygg- och fastighetssektorn idag. Vilket strategiarbete krävs för att dämpa verksamhetsförluster? Och vilka konsekvenser får detta på samhällsutvecklingenThe construction and real estate sector have been operating in a prosperous environment for a long time, enabling high production and turnover. However, the economic situation has been strongly impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic and Russia's invasion of Ukraine in Q4 2022, resulting in a recession that is expected to last for several years. Historically, economic crises have led to decreased ho

Investigation of Antenna Radomes in Low Earth Orbits

Introduction: This master’s thesis focuses on exploring improved alternative material solutions for antenna radomes used to protect Beyond Gravity Sweden’s satellite antennas in low Earth orbits. Background: As the environment in low Earth orbit is harsh, surface materials on satellites experience high levels of atomic oxygen, ultra violet radiation, thermal-fluctuation, charged particles and mic

The role of protein hydrophobicity in thionin-phospholipid interactions : A comparison of α1 and α2-purothionin adsorbed anionic phospholipid monolayers

The plant defence proteins α1- and α2-purothionin (Pth) are type 1 thionins from common wheat (Triticum aestivum). These highly homologous proteins possess characteristics common amongst antimicrobial peptides and proteins, that is, cationic charge, amphiphilicity and hydrophobicity. Both α1- and α2-Pth possess the same net charge, but differ in relative hydrophobicity as determined by C18 reverse

Potential Silvoarable Agroforestry Regions for Corylus avellana and Juglans regia in Scania, Sweden

Conventional agriculture in Sweden is facing challenges with low resilience to a changing climate and decreased biodiversity. Silvoarable agroforestry is an alternative land use practice that contain a woody perennial and crop in the same field. Trees on cultivated land break up large monocultures, increase biodiversity, creates functional diversity, and produces more commodities. This land use pr

Effects of task constraint on action dynamics

The actualization of action possibilities (i.e., affordances) can often be accomplished in numerous ways. For instance, an individual could walk over to a rubbish bin to drop an item in or throw the piece of rubbish into the bin from some distance away. The aim of the current study was to investigate the action dynamics that emerge from such under-constrained task or action spaces using an object

Streamlining Building Energy Modelling Using Open Access Databases—A Methodology towards Decarbonisation of Residential Buildings in Sweden

The building sector is a major contributor to greenhouse gases, consuming significant energy and available resources. Energy renovation of buildings is an effective strategy for decarbonisation, as it lowers operational energy and avoids the embodied impact of new constructions. To be successful, the energy renovation process requires meaningful building models. However, the time and costs associa

Venetoclax-Resistant T-ALL Cells Display Distinct Cancer Stem Cell Signatures and Enrichment of Cytokine Signaling

Therapy resistance remains one of the major challenges for cancer treatment that largely limits treatment benefits and patient survival. The underlying mechanisms that lead to therapy resistance are highly complicated because of the specificity to the cancer subtype and therapy. The expression of the anti-apoptotic protein BCL2 has been shown to be deregulated in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemi

Abrahamavtalens implikationer för fred i Mellanöstern

The Abraham Accords’ implications for peace in the Middle EastThe Abraham Accords, signed by Israel and four Arab states in 2020, were one of President Donald Trump’s most renowned foreign policy successes. They were also one of few of his administration’s policies that enjoyed bipartisan support in the US. But what type of peace has emerged following the Abraham Accords? In what ways do the Abrah

Paleoclimate evolution of the North Pacific Ocean during the late Quaternary : Progress and challenges

High- and low-latitude climatic processes in the North Pacific Ocean are important components of the global climate system. For example, the interplay among North Pacific atmospheric circulation, ocean circulation, and biological productivity affects atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and marine oxygen concentrations. Here we review recent research on the North Pacific paleoclimatic and paleoceanog

Charting fossil fuel investment protection in the EU beyond the Energy Charter Treaty

Det folkrättsliga skyddet för utländska direktinvesteringar utgörs av ett lapptäcke av multi- och bilaterala investeringsavtal. Internationella investeringsavtal kritiseras regelbundet för det skydd de ger bland annat investerare i fossila bränslen och för att de begränsar staters frihet att reglera verksamheter för allmänna intressen. Detta uppges sätta hinder för den gröna omställningen. Energy Under international law, foreign direct investments are protected by a patchwork of bilateral or multilateral investment treaties. International investment agreements have been criticised for protecting foreign direct fossil fuel investments and limiting the regulatory space of host states, thus creating obstacles for a green transition. At the time of writing, the European Union and its member st