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Your search for "*" yielded 532522 hits

On the role of language constructs for framework design

The relationship between framework design and language constructs are discussed for two reasons: firstly, designing frameworks requires the ability to give the framework designer precise control over aspects of the framework extensions; secondly, the framework constraints should be specified such that they are statically checkable. Four existing language constructs are discussed: generalized block

Factors affecting color Doppler energy ultrasound recordings in an in-vitro model

Compared to conventional color Doppler ultrasound imaging, the new color Doppler modality "color Doppler energy" (CDE) has improved the possibility of visualizing blood vessels having low blood-flow velocities, but appears to be influenced by the settings of the ultrasound instrument and motion artefacts. The aim of this methodological study was to evaluate the effects of the different factors on

Reduction of the Schottky barrier height on silicon carbide using Au nano-particles

By the incorporation of size-selected Au nano-particles in Ti Schottky contacts on silicon carbide, we could observe considerably lower the barrier height of the contacts. This result could be obtained for both n- and p-type Schottky contacts using current-voltage and capacitance voltage measurements. For n-type Schottky contacts, we observed reductions of 0.19-0.25 eV on 4H-SiC and 0.15-0.17 eV o

Single gold-nanoparticle-enhanced Raman scattering of individual single-walled carbon nanotubes via atomic force microscope manipulation

Investigating the electric field distribution around individual metallic nanoparticles is of significant importance for the understanding of the electromagnetic (EM) mechanism of surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). We report single gold-nanoparticle-enhanced Raman scattering of individual single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) by atomic force microscope (AFM) manipulation. The distance betwe

Human papillomavirus and Papanicolaou tests to screen for cervical cancer.

Background Screening for cervical cancer based on testing for human papillomavirus (HPV) increases the sensitivity of detection of high-grade (grade 2 or 3) cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, but whether this gain represents overdiagnosis or protection against future high-grade cervical epithelial neoplasia or cervical cancer is unknown. Methods In a population-based screening program in Sweden,

Systematic clinical supervision and its effects for nurses handling demanding care situations. Interviews with Swedish district nurses and hospital nurses in cancer care.

This study reports the findings of how district nurses (n = 23) and hospital nurses (n = 9) in cancer care experienced social support in immediate connection with demanding care situations, as well as the effect of systematic clinical supervision. The study is based on their own accounts. The data were collected by means of semi-structured interviews. The findings indicate that there is a great ne

Targeted disruption of the ribosomal protein S19 gene is lethal prior to implantation

The ribosomal protein S19 (RPS19) is located in the small (40S) subunit and is one of 79 ribosomal proteins. The gene encoding RPS19 is mutated in approximately 25% of patients with Diamond-Blackfan anemia, which is a rare congenital erythroblastopenia. Affected individuals present with decreased numbers or the absence of erythroid precursors in the bone marrow, and associated malformations of var

The effect of platelets on fibrin gel structure formed in the presence of recombinant factor VIIa in hemophilia plasma and in plasma from a patient with Glanzmann thrombasthenia

Fibrin gel structure has been shown to be dependent on the thrombin concentration as well as the rate of thrombin generation. Accordingly, factor VIII (FVIII)and FIX-deficient plasma (hemophilia A and B) form loose fibrin clots with high permeability constants. By adding rFVIIa in vitro to FVIII-deficient plasma containing platelets (frozen and thawed), the fibrin gel permeability constant normali

Confidentiality for adolescents seeking reproductive health care in Lithuania: The perceptions of general practitioners

Confidentiality is a major determinant of the accessibility and acceptability of sexual and reproductive health care for adolescents. Previous research has revealed that Lithuanian adolescents lack confidence in guarantees of confidentiality in primary health care settings. This study aimed to assess the factors that affect general practitioners' decisions whether to respect confidentiality for Li

The role of MRI of the brain and spinal cord, and CSF examination for the diagnosis of primary progressive multiple sclerosis

The clinical applicability of the revised McDonald diagnostic criteria of primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS) was assessed in 17 patients with a longstanding PPMS diagnosis (mean 15 years). All patients were re-evaluated with clinical examinations, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain and the spinal cord, extensive laboratory tests, and 12 patients underwent cerebrospinal fluid

The effects of plant density upon pollination success, reproductive effort and fruit parasitism in Cistus ladanifer L. (Cistaceae)

Human activity often causes a decline in the local density of plant populations. Below some critical lower density, populations may suffer a progressive decline in reproductive success because of the difficulties associated with finding suitable mates. Therefore, to conserve endangered plant species it is necessary to understand in greater detail how changes in population density affect different

Expression of sphingosine kinase gene in the interactions between human gastric carcinoma cell and vascular endothelial cell

AIM: To study the interactions between human gastric carcinoma cell (HGCC) and human vascular endothelial cell (HVEC), and if the expression of sphingosine kinase (SPK) gene was involved in these interactions. METHODS: The specific inhibitor to SPK, dimethyl sphingosine (DMS), was added acting on HGCC and HVEC, then the cell proliferation was measured by MTT. The conditioned mediums (CMs) of HGCC

Mechanism of action of A-769662, a valuable tool for activation of AMP-activated protein kinase

We have studied the mechanism of A- 769662, a new activator of AMP- activated protein kinase ( AMPK). Unlike other pharmacological activators, it directly activates native rat AMPK by mimicking both effects of AMP, i. e. allosteric activation and inhibition of dephosphorylation. We found that it has no effect on the isolated alpha subunit kinase domain, with or without the associated autoinhibitor

Centrosomal abnormalities, multipolar mitoses, and chromosomal instability in head and neck tumours with dysfunctional telomeres.

Carcinomas of the head and neck typically exhibit complex chromosome aberrations but the underlying mutational mechanisms remain obscure. Evaluation of cell division dynamics in low-passage cell lines from three benign and five malignant head and neck tumours revealed a strong positive correlation between multipolarity of the mitotic spindle and the formation of bridges at anaphase in both benign

Speciation chronology of rockhopper penguins inferred from molecular, geological and palaeoceanographic data

The Southern Ocean is split into several biogeographical provinces between convergence zones that separate watermasses of different temperatures. Recent molecular phylogenies have uncovered a strong phylogeographic structure among rockhopper penguin populations, Eudyptes chrysocome sensu lato, from different biogeographical provinces. These studies suggested a reclassification as three species in