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Den ömsesidiga hjälpens potential
En studie av SI-övningars inverkan på studieresultaten vid LTH
Rapporten redovisar data om hur SI-verksamheten vid fem civilingenjörsprogram vid LTH inverkar på studieresultaten under det första läsåret samt på resultaten i en inledande matematikkurs till vilken SI-verksamheten är knuten. SI står för SamverkansInlärning och är en metod där en äldre student ”coachar” en grupp med nya studenter till att diskutera och lösa problem i ett ämne. Metoden syftar vid
Narkotikamissbruk : debatt, behandling och begrepp
I såväl narkotikadebatt som i möten med personer som använder narkotika återkommer vissa företeelser och begrepp. Innebörd och mening tas många gånger för givna, vilket ofta leder till en brist-fällig och onyanserad förståelse av fenomenet. Denna bok diskuterar, problematiserar och analyserar en rad centrala frågor inom narkotikamissbruk ur samhällsvetenskapliga perspektiv. Bland annat diskuteras
Gå på Guds väg: Förmedling av religiös tradition till muslimska ungdomar i minoritetssituation
Body and Ritual
Abstract is not available.
Elite women as strangers - a phenomenology for interdisciplinary studies
Terpenoid Plant Metabolites - Structural Characterization and Biological Importance
Popular Abstract in English The secondary metabolites found in plants represent an extremely rich and limitless source of novel chemical diversity for drug discovery. In fact, some of the most important drugs currently in use today are derived from plants and they were discovered as a result of the study of medicinal plants used in traditional medicine. In this context, Bolivia is one of the most In response to the challenges of their local environments, organisms produce of a large number of chemical diverse compounds with complex stereochemistry and reactive functional groups. These characteristics enable them to interact and bind specifically to biological target molecules and exert various biological activities, and have assured that Natural products continues to be an important source
Connecting East and West: Electricity Systems in the Baltic Region
Oriental-Scandinavian contacts on Volga, as manifested by silver rings and weight systems
On equal treatment, positive action and the significance of a person's sex
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Credentialing Issues, Current and Future: Scandinavian Countries
This paper describes the credentialling system for pofessional psychologists in the Nordic Countries as it has evolved after the Second World War and current developments.
Succinate:quinone oxidoreductase - the tuning of a bioenergetic device for different functions. In Mitochondria, cells and reactive oxygen species
Spatial population dynamics of a specialist aphid parasitoid, Lysiphlebus hirticornis Mackauer (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae): evidence for philopatry and restricted dispersal
Within insect communities, the population ecology of organisms representing higher trophic levels, for example, hymenopterous parasitoids, may be influenced by the structure of their insect hosts. Using microsatellite markers and ecological data, we investigated the population structure of the specialist braconid wasp parasitoid, Lysiphlebus hirticornis Mackauer attacking Metopeurum fuscoviride, a
Majority Cultures and the Everyday Politics of Difference: Whose House is This?
The article discusses the possible effects of the bridge between Sjælland and Skåne on the language on both sides of Öresund. The conclusion is that not much will happen with the languages as long as Skåne belongs to the nation of Sweden (administration, school system, taxes, legislation etc.). On the other hand people on both sides of the border will be more bilingual than they are today.
Screening for Genomic Rearrangements and Methylation Abnormalities of the 15q11-q13 Region in Autism Spectrum Disorders
BACKGROUND: Maternally derived duplications of the 15q11-q13 region are the most frequently reported chromosomal aberrations in autism spectrum disorders (ASD).Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes, caused by 15q11-q13 deletions or abnormal methylation of imprinted genes, are also associated with ASD. However, the prevalence of these disorders in ASD is unknown. The aim of this study was to assess t