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Models of Leaving Home: Patterns and Trends in Sweden, 1830–1959

In this study, we examine the development of age at leaving the parental household in Sweden between the years 1830-1959. We utilize individual-level longitudinal data from two geographically and socioeconomically different regions: the county of Scania in the very south of Sweden, and Västerbotten to the north. We use descriptive and multivariate analyses to investigate how determinants, such as

Your post has not been uploaded. Try again?: A Study on the loss of social media during incarceration

This thesis examines the loss of social media during incarceration and how incarcerated individuals reflect on the abrupt absence of social media in their lives. Based upon eight interviews with previously incarcerated individuals, this thesis studies the emotional process incarcerated people go through when doing identity work. Building upon Erving Goffman’s framework of identity and self-present

Effects of house dust mite-induced asthma on the brain

Unlocking the hidden connection: How asthma gets into your head Have you ever wondered if asthma, a common lung condition, could have effects beyond just your breathing? Recent scientific studies are revealing a fascinating connection between asthma and the brain, bringing to light an unexpected link that has puzzled researchers for years. Asthma is an allergic disease characterized by lung inf

Generating Value From an Applicant Tracking System

The purpose of this study is to gain insight in, and build upon existing research regarding, what can be done to generate user satisfaction and value of using Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), from both a user and a supplier perspective. An assessment of previous literature illustrates several system success factors, also those specific for Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS), current system

Toxicity and source identification of pollutants in an urban river in Bangladesh

Urban rivers in Asian developing countries are becoming increasingly polluted due to industrialization and lacking treatment of wastewater. We investigated toxicity and likely sources of pollutants for the urban Shitalakshaya River, Bangladesh. Physiochemical variables and heavy metals were examined in water and sediment of an urban river section in Narayanganj City. The spatial distribution of qu

Route selection and obstacle avoidance with a short-range haptic sensory substitution device

The design of Sensory Substitution Devices (SSDs) often relies on the belief that the information supplied by the devices should allow the construction of spatial mental representations on the basis of which routes are planned. This study, in contrast, illustrates that navigation using an SSD can be conceived as an on-line, dynamic process, without the need for establishing a predefined plan or mo

Association of titania with nonionic block copolymers in ethanol : The early stages of templating and film formation

We have prepared self-supporting, free-standing titania-surfactant mesostructured films via spontaneous growth on the surface of ethanolic solutions, as an alternative synthetic route to evaporation induced self-assembly. The initial stages of surfactant templating and interfacial film formation in alcoholic solutions of titania with a polyethylene-poly(ethylene glycol) surfactant have been observ

Boronic acid dendrimer receptor modified nanofibrillar cellulose membranes

Cellulose nanofibrils from sisal of typically 4-5 nm diameter and ca. 250 ± 100 nm length are reconstituted into thin films of ca. 6 m thickness (or thicker freestanding films). Pure cellulose and cellulose composite films are obtained in a solvent evaporation process. A boronic acid appended dendrimer is embedded as a receptor in the nanofibrillar cellulose membrane. The number of boronic acid bi

Assembly of nonionic-anionic co-surfactants to template mesoporous silica vesicles with hierarchical structures

Mesoporous silica vesicles (MSV) with a hierarchical structure were developed using triblock copolymer Pluronic P103 and anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) as a co-surfactant in the present of an inorganic salt, sodium fluoride (NaF). To some extent, variation in the particle size and vesicle cavity diameter can be achieved by adjusting the anionic-nonionic surfactant molar ratio. An

Hymenoperationer - En undersökning av tillåtligheten av hymenoperationer med beaktande av kravet på vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet

Uppsatsen utreder vilka regelverk som kan bli tillämpliga på hymenoperationer med syfte att konstatera om hymenoperationer utgör hälso- och sjukvård, estetisk kirurgi eller kvinnlig könsstympning. Klassifikationen har betydelse för ansvarsfrågan och tillåtlighetsfrågan. Oavsett om hymenoperationer utgör hälso- och sjukvård eller estetisk kirurgi måste hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal utföra sitt arbetThis thesis examines the regulatory framework that may be applicable to hymen surgeries with the aim of determining whether hymen surgeries constitute health care, aesthetic surgery or female genital mutilation. The classification is of importance for the questions about liability and admissibility. Regardless of whether hymen surgeries constitute health care or aesthetic surgery, healthcare profe

Kunskapsutvecklingen hos en frontend-utvecklare

Denna uppsats syftar till att studera utvecklingskurvan hos frontend-utvecklare. Studien undersöker hur en frontend-utvecklare anskaffar nya färdigheter och förmågor samt vilka utmaningar de ibland står inför. Studien genomförs med en kvalitativ metod bestående av sex intervjuer med frontend-utvecklare på olika yrkesnivåer. Datan från intervjuerna, tillsammans med litteraturinsamling, delas upp i

Personlighet i teamarbete: Gruppers öppenhet är kopplad till deras kreativitet och interpersonellt negativa drag till deras upplevelse av psykologisk otrygghet

I tider av instabilitet och snabba förändringar krävs det av organisationer att snabbt kunna ställa om till nya förutsättningar för att kunna säkra sin överlevnad. Kreativitet har föreslagits vara en viktig komponent för att kunna göra detta möjligt. För att kreativitet ska kunna blomstra på arbetsplatser krävs det att vissa förutsättningar är uppfyllda. I denna studie var syftet att ta reda på omIn times of uncertainty and rapid changes it is crucial for organizations to be able to adjust to new circumstances in order to secure their survival. Creativity has been suggested as an important component in making this possible. In order for creativity to flourish in the workplace certain conditions need to be met. In this study the aim was to find out whether group personality, aggregated indi

Deep learning-based Lorentzian fitting of water saturation shift referencing spectra in MRI

PURPOSE: Water saturation shift referencing (WASSR) Z-spectra are used commonly for field referencing in chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) MRI. However, their analysis using least-squares (LS) Lorentzian fitting is time-consuming and prone to errors because of the unavoidable noise in vivo. A deep learning-based single Lorentzian Fitting Network (sLoFNet) is proposed to overcome these s

Differential responses to con- and allospecific visual cues in juvenile ravens (Corvus corax) : the ontogeny of gaze following and social predictions

Gaze following refers to the ability to co-orient with others’ gaze directions. Ontogenetic studies on gaze following in animals have predominantly used human experimenters as demonstrators. It is, however, likely that developing animals are initially more attuned to individuals from their own species, which might result in differences in the ontogenetic onset of gaze following with human and cons

Gaze following in Archosauria—Alligators and palaeognath birds suggest dinosaur origin of visual perspective taking

Taking someone else’s visual perspective marks an evolutionary shift in the formation of advanced social cognition. It enables using others’ attention to discover otherwise hidden aspects of the surroundings and is foundational for human communication and understanding of others. Visual perspective taking has also been found in some other primates, a few songbirds, and some canids. However, despit

Aktivitetsmönster och upplevelsen av aktivitetsbalans hos arbetande män med småbarn i Sverige

Bakgrund: Aktivitetsbalans och aktivitetsmönster är nära sammankopplade begrepp inom arbetsterapi. Trots att det finns mycket kunskap inom området saknas det kunskap om arbetande mäns aktivitetsmönster och deras upplevelse av aktivitetsbalans i vardagen. Syfte: Att beskriva aktivitetsmönster och upplevelsen av aktivitetsbalans hos arbetande män med barn under åtta år i Sverige. Metod: En tvärsnittBackground: Occupational balance and patterns of daily occupations are closely interconnected concepts within occupational therapy. Despite the existing knowledge, there is a lack of understanding regarding the activity patterns and experience of occupational balance in daily life among working men. Objective: To describe activity patterns and the experience of occupational balance among working m

ESTRO-EANO guideline on target delineation and radiotherapy details for glioblastoma

Background and Purpose: Target delineation in glioblastoma is still a matter of extensive research and debate. This guideline aims to update the existing joint European consensus on delineation of the clinical target volume (CTV) in adult glioblastoma patients. Material and Methods: The ESTRO Guidelines Committee identified 14 European experts in close interaction with the ESTRO clinical committee

Overexpression and purification of TRPA1 from Anopheles gambiae with GFP-tag

Introduction: The topic of this project was the expression and purification of Transient Receptor Potential Ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) from Anopheles gambiae, both the full length protein and a truncated version. Background: The structure of AgTRPA1 has not previously been determined, a step towards the determination is to express and purify the protein. Particular challenges working with AgTRPA1 are that