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Your search for "*" yielded 531663 hits

Islet cell and other organ-specific autoantibodies in all children developing Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus in Sweden during one year and in matched control children

The majority (about 90%) of children developing Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus do not have a first-degree relative with the disease. Nearly all (389/405, 96%) children (0-14 years) in Sweden, who developed diabetes during one year, were therefore studied to compare islet cell, thyroid peroxidase, thyroglobulin, and gastric H+, K+-ATPase antibodies with 321 age, sex, and geographicall

Equal opportunities for clinical learning: is there any dust under the rug?

Background: The power and influence of the hidden curriculum - culturally situated norms and values - onlearning opportunities is a growing concern in medical education. However, while medical schools producediversity and equal treatment policies, efforts towards surfacing and addressing equal opportunities in theclinical learning environment trail behind.Summary of Work: To better understand how

Longitudinal evaluation of periodontitis and tooth loss among older adults

Aim: To evaluate pattern of change in periodontal variables and tooth loss in a twelve-year follow-up study of older adults living in Sweden. Methods: In a prospective population study of older adults, a clinical examination and radiographic dental examination were performed at baseline (2001–2003) and after 12 years (2013–2015). In 375 individuals, the number and proportion of sites with a distan

Different neural mechanisms for rapid acquisition of words with grammatical tone in learners from tonal and non-tonal backgrounds : ERP evidence

Initial second language acquisition proceeds surprisingly quickly. Foreign words can sometimes be used within minutes after the first exposure. Yet, it is unclear whether such rapid learning also takes place for more complex, multi-layered properties like words with complex morphosyntax and/or tonal features, and whether it is influenced by transfer from the learners’ native language. To address t

Perceived adaptive capacity within a multi-level governance setting : The role of bonding, bridging, and linking social capital

In 2012 Sweden implemented a collaborative governance regime for managing moose (Alces alces). This was guided by the awareness that decentralization and stakeholder participation can help to reduce conflicts, foster systematic learning, and handle complexity. However, previous research has highlighted that there are no blueprint approaches to the governance and management of natural resources. In

Higher Risk of Loosening for a Four-Pegged TKA Tibial Baseplate Than for a Stemmed One : A Register-based Study

BACKGROUND: Modern modular implants allow surgeons to mix different combinations of components within the same brand. From 1999 to 2012, the NexGen®-CR Option femoral component, together with a NexGen® Option Stemmed tibial plate (stemmed baseplate), which uses a short central stem, was the most-frequently used NexGen® combination in the Swedish Knee Arthroplasty Register. However, from 1999 to 20

Prevalence and incidence of non-gout crystal arthropathy in southern Sweden

Objective: To estimate the prevalence and incidence of non-gout crystal arthropathy in relation to socioeconomic factors in southern Sweden. Methods: All patients (age ≥ 18 years) with at least one visit to a physician with the diagnosis of interest in the Skåne region (population of 1.3 million) in 1998-2014 were identified. Non-gout crystal arthropathy (ICD-10 codes M11.0-M11.9) was subclassifie

Transcriptomic analysis reveals prognostic molecular signatures of stage I melanoma

Purpose: Previously identified transcriptomic signatures have been based on primary and metastatic melanomas with relatively few American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) stage I tumors, given difficulties in sampling small tumors. The advent of adjuvant therapies has highlighted the need for better prognostic and predictive biomarkers, especially for AJCC stage I and stage II disease. Experimenta

Evidence of New Particle Formation Within Etna and Stromboli Volcanic Plumes and Its Parameterization From Airborne In Situ Measurements

Volcanic emissions can significantly affect the Earth's radiation budget by emitting aerosol particles and gas-phase species that can result in the new particle formation (NPF). These particles can scatter solar radiation or modify cloud properties, with consequences on health, weather, and climate. To our knowledge, this is the first dedicated study detailing how gas-phase precursors emitted from

Local Grand Canonical Monte Carlo Simulation Method for Confined Fluids

We describe a new local grand canonical Monte Carlo method to treat fluids in pores in chemical equilibrium with a reference bulk. The method is applied to Lennard-Jones particles in pores of different geometry and is shown to be much more accurate and efficient than other techniques such as traditional grand canonical simulations or Widom's particle insertion method. It utilizes a penalty potenti

How do data-mining models consider arsenic contamination in sediments and variables importance?

Arsenic (As) is one of the most important dangerous elements as more than 100 million of people are exposed to risk, globally. The permissible threshold of As for drinking water is 10 μg/L according to both the WHO’s drinking water guidelines and the Iranian national standard. However, several studies have indicated that As concentrations exceed this threshold value in several regions of Iran. Thi

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To deeply understand the non-premixed swirl flame, the effects of two burner exit geometries on the non-premixed swirl flames modes were studied by performing OH-PLIF, PIV measurements and coupling LES with PDF combustion model numerically. The results showed that the stochastic PDF method can predict the swirl flow fields and detailed flame structures including local extinction. Two different qua