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Little Doubt That CBT Works for Pediatric OCD

We write with great concern in response to the recent systematic review and meta-analysis of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) by Uhre et al.1 Although the authors’ results consistently support the clinical efficacy of CBT for pediatric OCD, we expect that, much like ourselves, readers will be confused by the discordant and inappropriate conclusion

Controls of Spring Persistence Barrier Strength in Different ENSO Regimes and Implications for 21st Century Changes

This paper investigates potential factors that control the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Spring Persistence Barrier (SPB) strength in two different ENSO regimes and apply it to explain the ENSO SPB strength modulation after the 21st century. In a damped, noise-driven model, the theoretical solution of SPB strength illustrates that a weaker ENSO growth rate strengthens SPB. In the self-sustai

Evaluation of digital breast tomosynthesis systems

In this study, two digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) systems were evaluated: Siemens Mammomat Inspiration TOMO (Siemens Healthineers, Erlangen, Germany) and GE Senographe Pristina (GE, Buc, France). Along with differences such as angular range and detectors type, the systems use different reconstruction algorithms. One was available for the GE system, based on iterative reconstruction (IR). Two a

Are aggressive pituitary tumors and carcinomas two sides of the same coin? Pathologists reply to clinician’s questions

Pituitary adenohypophyseal tumors are considered as benign and termed “adenomas”. However, many tumors are invasive and a proportion of these exhibit an “aggressive behavior” with premature death due to progressive growth. Only very rare (0.2%) tumors with metastases are considered malignant and termed “carcinomas”. Taking into account this variability in behavior and the oncological definition, p

Favorable Propagation with User Cluster Sharing

We examine the favorable propagation (FP) behavior of a massive multi-user multiple-input-multiple-output (MU-MIMO) system equipped with a uniform linear array (ULA), horizontal uniform rectangular array (HURA) or uniform circular array (UCA) using a ray-based channel model with user cluster sharing. We demonstrate FP for these systems and provide analytical expressions for the mean-squared distan

Woody elements benefit bird diversity to a larger extent than semi-natural grasslands in cereal-dominated landscapes

Increasing landscape complexity can mitigate negative effects of agricultural intensification on biodiversity by offering resources complementary to those provided in arable fields. In particular, grazed semi-natural grasslands and woody elements support farmland birds, but little is known about their relative effects on bird diversity and community composition. In addition, the relative importanc

Effects of Deep Brain Stimulation on Postural Control in Parkinson's Disease

The standard approach to the evaluation of tremor in medical practice is subjective scoring. The objective of this study was to show that signal processing of physiological data, that are known to be altered by tremor in Parkinson's disease (PD), can quantify the postural dynamics and the effects of DBS. We measured postural control and its capacity to adapt to balance perturbations with a force p

Conspiracy Beliefs Are Associated with Lower Knowledge and Higher Anxiety Levels Regarding COVID-19 among Students at the University of Jordan

The world has been afflicted heavily by the burden of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) that overwhelmed health care systems and caused severe economic and educational deficits, in addition to anxiety among the public. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the mutual effects of belief that the pandemic was the result of a conspiracy on knowledge and anxiety levels among students at the Univ

Integration of machine learning with phase field method to model the electromigration induced Cu6Sn5 IMC growth at anode side Cu/Sn interface

Currently, in the era of big data and 5G communication technology, electromigration has become a serious reliability issue for the miniaturized solder joints used in microelectronic devices. Since the effective charge number (Z*) is considered as the driving force for electromigration, the lack of accurate experimental values for Z* poses severe challenges for the simulation-aided design of electr

Association Analysis of Driver Gene-Related Genetic Variants Identified Novel Lung Cancer Susceptibility Loci with 20,871 Lung Cancer Cases and 15,971 Controls

BACKGROUND: A substantial proportion of cancer driver genes (CDG) are also cancer predisposition genes. However, the associations between genetic variants in lung CDGs and the susceptibility to lung cancer have rarely been investigated. METHODS: We selected expression-related single-nucleotide polymorphisms (eSNP) and nonsynonymous variants of lung CDGs, and tested their associations with lung can

Risk concentration under second order regular variation

Measures of risk concentration and their asymptotic behavior for portfolios with heavy-tailed risk factors is of interest in risk management. Second order regular variation is a structural assumption often imposed on such risk factors to study their convergence rates. In this paper, we provide the asymptotic rate of convergence of the measure of risk concentration for a portfolio of heavy-tailed r

Coulomb Excitation of Proton-rich N = 80 Isotones at HIE-ISOLDE

A projectile Coulomb-excitation experiment was performed at the radioactive ion beam facility HIE-ISOLDE at CERN. The radioactive 140Nd and 142Sm ions were post accelerated to the energy of 4.62 MeV/A and impinged on a 1.45 mg/cm2-thin 208Pb target. The γ rays depopulating the Coulomb-excited states were recorded by the HPGe-array MINIBALL. The scattered charged particles were detected by a double

Fluorene exposure among PAH-exposed workers is associated with epigenetic markers related to lung cancer

OBJECTIVES: Exposure to high-molecular-weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) may cause cancer in chimney sweeps and creosote-exposed workers, however, knowledge about exposure to low-molecular-weight PAHs in relation to cancer risk is limited. In this study, we aimed to investigate occupational exposure to the low-molecular-weight PAHs phenanthrene and fluorene in relation to different ca

Entrepreneurial ecosystems : towards a systemic approach to entrepreneurship?

Despite its relative newness, entrepreneurial ecosystems (EEs) have attracted much attention from research and policy but they are recognized to be largely untheorized. It is claimed that one aspect which distinguishes the EE perspective from other perspectives related to business environments is its systemic approach; however, much of the systemic approach still needs to be investigated. The aim

Enzyme synergy for the production of arabinoxylo-oligosaccharides from highly substituted arabinoxylan and evaluation of their prebiotic potential

Wheat bran arabinoxylan can be converted by enzymatic hydrolysis into short arabinoxylo-oligosaccharides (AXOS) with prebiotic potential. Alkali extraction of arabinoxylan from wheat-bran offers advantages in terms of yield and results in arabinoxylan with highly-substituted regions which has been a challenge to hydrolyse using endoxylanases. We show that this hurdle can be overcome by selecting a

Trade in the Carbon-Constrained Future: Exploiting the Comparative Carbon Advantage of Swedish Trade

This paper introduces a new concept of comparative carbon advantage as a potential climate mitigation tool. According to the concept, welfare gains in terms of reduced global CO2 emissions can be achieved by exploiting cross-country sectoral differences in carbon intensity and decarbonized electricity system. The paper empirically tests the concept by utilizing annual data of Sweden between 1995 a

Precision medicine in diabetes : a Consensus Report from the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)

The convergence of advances in medical science, human biology, data science and technology has enabled the generation of new insights into the phenotype known as ‘diabetes’. Increased knowledge of this condition has emerged from populations around the world, illuminating the differences in how diabetes presents, its variable prevalence and how best practice in treatment varies between populations.

Carving the body at its joints : Does the way we speak about the body shape the way we think about it?

Looking at the way different linguistic communities speak about a universally shared domain of experience raises questions that are central to the language sciences. How can we compare meaning across languages? What is the interaction between language, thought, and perception? Does linguistic diversity entail linguistic relativism? The literature on the naming systems of the body across languages

The issues with tissues : the wide range of cell fate separation enables the evolution of multicellularity and cancer

Our understanding of the rises of animal and cancer multicellularity face the same conceptual hurdles: what makes the clade originate and what makes it diversify. Between the events of origination and diversification lies complex tissue organization that gave rise to novel functionality for organisms and, unfortunately, for malignant transformation in cells. Tissue specialization with distinctly s