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Varför lyckas inte polisen minska skjutvapenvåldet i Sverige?

Skjutvapenvåldet har ökat kraftigt i Sverige under det senaste decenniet och ligger nu i topp bland de länder i Europa som har flest skjutningar. Polisen är väl medveten om det allvarliga läget och har på uppdrag av regeringen börjat föra statistik över skjutvapenvåldet som visar på ett tydligt sätt hur skjutningarna ökar för varje år. I det allvarliga läge som har uppstått så ställs det höga krav

Enhetlig visualisering av geotekniska data och geokonstruktioner

Inom samhällsplanering har den tekniska utvecklingen medfört att digitala modeller kan användas inom planering av städer och samhällen. Mycket arbete och forskning har fokuserat på digitalisering av stadsmodeller, för att skapa så kallade digitala tvillingar. Digitala tvillingar är digitala kopior som kan användas för att planera och simulera åtgärder i till exempel en stad eller stadsdel. Något sThe digitalisation of processes in societal planning has increased the need for a more standardised approach to the visualisation of geographic information. In recent years a lot of progress has been made with regards to digital models of cities and societies. However, this does not apply to underground data and models to the same extent. The overall objective of this report is to identify areas o

Physio Log: An application for easier collection of patient and test data for physiotherapists

When a stroke patient visits a physiotherapist for rehabilitation, various tests are often conducted. The results from these tests need to be stored somewhere, and currently, there is no efficient method for doing so. The best available option is an Excel spreadsheet that calculates the results, followed by the physiotherapist having to save the data in another way. This process is time-consuming,

Sex differences in Health and Disease

Sexual dimorphism in the immune system plays a crucial role in disease susceptibility and pathogenesis, yet it is often overlooked in medical and research fields. This study aims to address this knowledge gap by investigating sex differences in immunity at an unstimulated baseline state and in response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) stimulation using an in-silico approach. By analyzing single

The governmentalisation of risk in liberal democracies : Four processes both making and breaking the governing of risk on the societal level

Numerous risks threaten modern society. Some are new, while others have existed since the beginning of time, but none have been governed on a societal level since their inception. Despite the abundance of literature addressing the governance of various risks, the processes by which they become governable in the first place have gotten little attention. As a result, this paper aims to improve our k

Tanusia. Makt, politik & handlingsutrymme på teatern under det andra triumviratet

This study examines Tanusia, a woman depicted in the historiographical work of Dio Cassius. The study is focusing on the confrontation between Tanusia and Octavianus [Augustus] at the theatre during the second triumvirate (43 b.C – 31 a.D). The meeting between the two was a result of Tanusia’s husband being proscribed in the aftermath of Julius Caesar’s murder. Being proscribed initially meant bei

Traces of Iron Age activities at Kullen - A New Synthesis

Kullen has had a huge gap in knowledge about the Iron Age period. This thesis offers a new synthesis to close this gap in knowledge of the Iron Age period in the region. The aim of this study was to gain more knowledge about the Iron Age and the activities during this period in the areas. Kullen has been inhabited since the last Ice Age to modern times based on archaeological data and historic

Coins, glass shards and other means of payment - A comparative study of Scandinavian Charon object burials using R. Dawkins’ meme theory

The purpose of this thesis’ topic is to investigate the evolutionary dispersal of the Charon’s fee or Obolus rite outside the Roman provinces in Northern Europe, with a specific focus on Roman Iron Age and Migration Period Scandinavia. The aim of this study is therefore to add further understanding to the spread of Roman cultural influences outside the imperial borders and what made Roman material

The accuracy of road distances in the Antonine itinerary

The Antonine itinerary was compiled in the early fourth century CE and is a key source to our know¬¬ledge about ancient geography and the Roman road system. However, the major research work dates more than 100 years back in time and few studies have been focussed on its overall reliability. The aim of the present work is to assess the accuracy of the distance figures in the itinerary by internal v

Fuktmätning i betonggolv - Hur gör man det rätt?

För att säkerställa att golvbeläggningar inte skadas efter att de monterats på ett betonggolv är det viktigt att veta betonggolvets fukttillstånd. För att mäta fukttillståndet i betong har Rådet för byggkompetens tillsammans med Byggföretagen givit ut en fuktmätningsmanual. I manualen beskrivs en metod som kallas för borrhålsmätning. Metoden går ut på att ett hål borras i betongen. I borrhålet mTo ensure the preservation of floor coverings, it is crucial to possess knowledge regarding the moisture content in the concrete floor prior to installation. In order to measure moisture content in concrete, "Rådet för byggkompetens (RBK)" in conjunction with "Byggföretagen" have published a manual for moisture measurement. This manual outlines a method for moisture measurement

Klimatdeklarationens omställning, nu och i framtiden

Syfte & mål: Studiens syfte är att undersöka vilka utmaningar byggsektorn står inför nu när klimatdeklaration blivit lag. Hur stor omställning har klimatdeklarationen orsakat byggsektorn och vad krävs av de arbetsroller som är involverade i framställningen av en klimatdeklaration. Vilka incitament har byggherren vid dagsläget att bygga klimatsmart utan gränsvärden från lagkravet. ProblemstäAim & goal: The purpose of the study is to investigate what challenges the construction sector is facing now that the climate declaration has become law. How much change has the climate declaration caused the construction sector and what is required of the work roles involved in the production of a climate declaration. What incentives does the developer currently have to build climate-smart wi

Job Satisfaction of Full-Time Employees versus Part-Time Student Employees: A Case Study of a Swedish Staffing and Recruitment Company

Job satisfaction is a complex concept that has mainly been investigated in a quantitative nature from several perspectives. Most past studies have focused solely on investigating full-time employees quantitatively, without taking into account other employment types such as part-time student employees, or other methods of data collection. Additionally, a lack of studies exist focusing on comparing

Socionomstudenten - individen och utbildningsvalet

Our study aims to get a greater understanding of why students choose a social work education and why the education is so popular despite the social service’s negative reputation. We also aim to get an understanding of the student's intended career paths. We used Hans-Georg Gadamer's hermeneutic approach to the study so that we could use our own interpretations of why students made their ch

“Man får lön för att hålla käften” En socialantropologisk studie om bemanningsbranschens påverkan på svenska sjuksköterskor

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vad sjuksköterskor värdesätter mest, trygghet eller flexibilitet. Studien vill även undersöka hur sjuksköterskor förhandlar trygghet och flexibilitet mot riskerna som kan tillkomma med sin anställningsform. Varför väljer vissa sjuksköterskor att jobba inom bemanningsbranschen och vad är det som får andra att stannar kvar inom regionen? Studien baseras på el

Sustainable housing for everyone: A qualitative study of sustainable urban development and housing provision in Malmö

This thesis explores how the city of Malmö plans for the housing provision from a sustainability perspective by studying social and environmental sustainability in the urban development process with a focus on housing. The study is a qualitative case study and interviews with employees working in the municipality and a document study have been conducted. The results have been analysed through the

On The Evaluation of District Heating Load Predictions

Fjärrvärme är en teknologi som har stor potential att bidra till att möjliggöra ett fossilfritt samhälle. För att uppnå denna potential, finns det dock en del förbättringar som måste göras för att förbättra fjärrvärmeverksamheten i stort, minska förlusterna från systemen och därmed öka konkurrenskraften hos fjärrvärme som teknologi. Ett flertal studier har visat att ett sätt att göra detta, och däDistrict Heating is a technology with the potential to enable a fossil-free society. However, to realize this potential, some improvements need to be made in order to improve District Heating operation at large, decrease losses in the systems, and thus increase the competitiveness of District Heating as a technology. Several have shown that a possible solution, to increase the efficiency of Distri

Ett löfte om jämställdhet? En diskursanalytisk läsning av jämställdhet i propositionen till Sveriges samtyckeslag.

Based on a feminist poststructural framework and discursive analytical readings of sexual violence and intersectionality, gender equality in Sweden's self-image and the concept of consent, this thesis examines how gender equality is presented in the legal document that is the basis for the Swedish Consent Act: A new sexual crime legislation based on voluntariness (Prop. 2017/18:177). Through t