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En svensk papperstiger? En teoriutveckling av cyber arms race

This paper proposes a theory advancement of the cyber arms race theory through the use of Max Smeets theories. By examining the case of Sweden as a small state cyber actor for the years 2009 and 2022 the study suggests an expanded typology. Through the incorporation of the ability to deter conventional attacks, we may better understand a state’s capability in both cyber and analogue domains. The f

Urfolk och Nationalarkivens Webbplatser : Förmedling och representation på National Archives of Australia och Riksarkivet i Sverige

This Master’s thesis is a qualitative analysis of the content of two websites belonging to the National Archives of Australia and the National Archives of Sweden (Riksarkivet). The websites are explored to see if the First Peoples of each country are present on the material that appears on the websites, and if so, how it is mediated. The theoretical framework is a combination of postmodern ideas a

Texture Analysis and Ultra high-frequency ultrasound in use for diagnosing Hirschsprung's disease

An investigation into the use of statistical texture analysis in combination with ultra high-frequency ultrasound for diagnosing Hirschsprung’s disease (HD); An illness that manifests itself through the absence of ganglia cells in lower parts of the intestine. Current diagnostic techniques carry a higher risk of long-term consequences in newborns and children which enables a new avenue of research

Mobile and Mounting Solutions for a Multi-Camera Rig for Live Recordings of Open Heart Surgery

At the Children’s Heart Center of Skåne University Hospital (BUS) there is an ongoing project with live recordings of open heart surgeries. These recordings will be used for educational purposes, for planning of future surgeries, as well as for evaluating the surgical procedures. Currently, the recordings are made using two cameras that are positioned above the operating table on a temporary mount

Neurotactile Integration

The field of neural representation of sensory integration is an advanced topic with complex processes. The mechanisms of the brain are far from fully understood and are in need of further development to be implemented in clinical usages such as neuroprosthetics. The purpose behind this project is to further the knowledge of neurotactile integration as well as processes and mechanisms of the brain

EMC-Optimized Transparency: Reducing Electromagnetic Emissions in Surveillance Camera Domes

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is a crucial aspect to product development. Companies need to make sure their products live up to the standards that exists around the world. One way of reducing electromagnetic emissions is to shield the product, using some conducting material, for instance, copper. An issue arises, though, when transparency is needed, like it is for cameras. At Axis Communicat

Designing a bioreactor to test mechanical properties of decellularized heart valves

Aortic valvular disease is a severe ailment that causes great suffering and many deaths worldwide. The exponentially increasing prevalence of the disease has accelerated the demand of a new functioning valve prosthesis. A new approach is to decellularize homograft heart valves, which has demonstrated promising results in clinical trials. The Lung Bioengineering and Regeneration Lab in Lund has dev

Det andra rummet : Studenters syn på den fysiska boken i det akademiska biblioteksrummet

The aim of the thesis is to explore the relevance and the values related to physical books for students in the library room. The thesis addresses questions of how students use the physical books in the library room and if the physical books are perceived by the students as a source of formal and informal learning and serendipity. It will also try to find out what impact physical books have on stud

Psychotic Vulnerability and its Associations with Clinical Characteristics in Adolescents with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Compared to peers, children and adolescents with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) are at increased risk of developing psychotic disorders. Yet very few studies have examined early indicators of psychosis in pediatric OCD. In the present study, 52 youth with a primary diagnosis of OCD (Mage = 15.66 [SD = 2.33], 59.6% girls) were interviewed using the Schizophrenia Proneness Instrument Child and

”The Sea City” in Trelleborg: A climate-adapted design proposal to combat flooding from cloudbursts and rising sea levels

Scientific studies indicate that the effects of the ongoing climate crisis negatively affect and sometimes also threaten the built environment, humanity and nature in many ways. Cloudbursts and rising sea levels are two examples of such effects, which result in complex dilemmas and interesting challenges that planners and urban designers face within their field of work. These two effects are notic

Use of Pediatric Outcomes Data Collection Instrument to Evaluate Functional Outcomes in Multiple Hereditary Exostoses

BACKGROUND: The Pediatric Outcomes Data Collection Instrument (PODCI) is a validated quality-of-life questionnaire with 6 domains designed to provide a standardized method of measuring outcomes in pediatric musculoskeletal conditions. To our knowledge there are no reports on its use in children with multiple hereditary exostosis (MHE).QUESTIONS/PURPOSES: Most published studies on MHE patients have

Sample preparation effect on measured rheological properties of bitumen using Dynamic Shear Rheometer

Through improved bitumen characterization, which will increase the road'sdurability, stability, and performance, pavement engineering can apply thesustainability notion that should be followed in all disciplines nowadays. The newtechniques distinguish between the rheological properties of bituminous binders as a function of loading time and temperature to depict real-world behavior rather than onl

Restaurering av grässandhedar genom aktiv markstörning - en jämförelse av florans kolonisation av plöjningar och sandblottor på Revingefältet utanför Lund

Härma historien och rör om i sanden! En mångfald av arter och livsmiljöer skapar förutsättningar för mer än vi kanske tänker på i det dagliga livet. Grödor anpassade till olika klimat och jordmån, naturlig bekämpning av skadedjur genom rovlevande skalbaggar och andra insekter samt baljväxter och svampar som hjälper växternas näringsupptag på traven ger förutsättningar för en effektivare och långsThe conservation value of sandy habitats for a flora and fauna adapted to open, light, dry, warm, and often nutrient-poor conditions, is well recognized. Today this environment is threatened by lack of disturbance, fragmentation and exploitation, acidification and increased levels of nitrogen and phosphorus. Traditional management such as mowing and grazing have proven unsuitable for restoring pop

Unpaid caregiving and stress among older working-age men and women in Sweden

Many individuals are experiencing the potentially stressful combination of providing care while still employed. In this study, the association between unpaid caregiving to another adult and self-reported stress among men and women aged 45–74 is investigated, using nationally representative time use diary data for Sweden (2000-01 and 2010–11, N = 6689). Multivariate regression analyses established

Till vapen, till vapen! – Svenska frivilliga i Ukrainakriget efter invasionen februari 2022: motiv, politisk ideologi och rekrytering

Att unga män tar vapen i hand för ett främmande land är inget nytt fenomen. Området fick förnyat intresse och uppmärksamhet efter att terrororganisation ISIS kunde rekrytera personer från västländerna. Vid samma tidsperiod har även frivilliga svenskar anslutit sig till kriget i Ukraina, sedan konflikten blossade upp 2014. Efter den ryska storskaliga invasionen 2022, uppstod vad författaren av denn